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London Robsons Street Directory in 1832 - Borough road

Robsons 1832 directory index

This is the earliest street directory I have found so far which also includes pub history detail.

Borough road
1 Dowley J H
3 Green J & C
7 Bennett Thomas
5 Kent Thomas
8 Preston D

Grosvenor place
Judge Jasper
Globe, Bailey John
7 Williams John
Abraham James
8 Cooper Albion
British and Foreign School Society

Chester terrace
15 Keen James
Parr J

Portland place
Closs Thomas
Atkins Robert
2 Avery Thomas
1 Giddins William
Hobbs William
Banks James

Frederick place
1 Hartley R H
Ludgater William
4 Dyer John
6 Wadham John
9 Inman K
6 Hathaway James
11 Viney E W
13 White Samuel
14 Gregory Thomas
16 Rathbone & Cowdroy
17 Solis David

York terrace
Duke of York, Goldsmith John
19 Jacob Henry
21 Cuthbertson John
20 Whitebrook William

Cobourg place
Morriss William
Bates Charles
Kelly Peter
13 Caslake William

Bridge House
Southwark Arms, Street Thomas
8 Stark John
7 Lake Joseph
6 Cockrill Joseph
58 Riechenback William
4 Granger John
2 Cockrill William
1 Barlow William
Smith Richard
12 & 13 Hulseberg G
11 Lawrence Joseph

St Georges terrace
8 Bainford Thomas
Hinton John Thomas
2 Gale Joseph
Nathan Samuel

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 12:17:03 BST
And in comparison from 1842, although with no links as it is an image. It does include much more detail about trade details rather than in 1832.

2 - 11 Borough road 1842 Robsons street directory
2 - 11 Borough road 1842 Robsons street directory
Borough road 1842 Robsons street directory

Borough road 1842 Robsons street directory

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