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Robsons 1832 directory index
This is the earliest street directory I have found so far which also includes pub history detail.
Borough Market
Messenger J
2 Lings Edwin
3 Smith Richard
Bell, Garland Eliz
5 Hackney E
6 James Thomas
7 Antil Jacob
8 Baines George
10 Brooks George
15 Smart George
16 Craike Thomas
17 Humpleby William Henry
Wheatsheaf, Potter Richard
19 Starke James
22 Clements T Oxley
23 Kerr John
Ingledew Thomas
Harrow, Lloyd John
Holland J & W
Shacklady J
Stafford John
Guire William
Goulding William
Scoons Mary
Hughes John
Dean Thomas
Proctor Elizabeth
Matthews Mary
Palmer William
Bath M
Edmonds G
Jackson Thomas
Ramsdale & Butler
Payne James
Clarke Samuel
Atkin Samuel