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Johnstones London commercial guide in 1818  - Tottenham Court road, St Giles

Johnstones 1818 directory index

This is the 1818 Johnstones London commercial guide which also includes a little pub history detail.

Tottenham Court road, St Giles
Length 1177 yards. No. of Houses 268.
3 Williams, W. Tallow chandler & melter
6   - Blue Posts
7 Godwin, T. Umbrella & parasol manufacturer
9 Little, Thomas, Carpet & rug manufactory
10 Bergstrom, Lors, Stick & umbrella maker
12 Casement, E. Tobacco and snuff manufacturer
13 Griffith & Son, Chemists & apothecaries
14 Ruddhall, Ben. Hat manufacturer
15 Posselwhite, W. Iron & tin plate worker
18 Morgan and Pickard, Tallow melters
19  - Black Horse
20 Eason, John, Currier & leather cutter
21 Jackson, J. Wax and tallow chandler
24 Dixon & Law, Cheesemongers & factors
25 Fitch, William, Couper & turner
27 Bower, Charles, Grocer and lea dealer
31 Austin, John, Linen draper & mercer
32 Tucker & Co. Lead & glass merchants
35 Hill, John, Coach & cart wheelwrights
36 Lay, Thomas, Linen draper & mercer
37 Capper, Peter & Thomas, Cheesemongers
* Welk, E. Saddler and harness maker
39 Beals, Edward, Bookseller and stationer
40 Gomm, Law. Cheesemonger & factor
42 Stephenson, J. Mercer & linen draper
43 Shaw, John, Breeches & gaiter maker
45 Addington, J. Wax & tallow chandler
46  - Rising Sun
47 Henson, S. Tailor and woollen draper
51 Frickley, John, Haberdasher & hosier
52 Warner, John, Brush manufacturer
53 Lovell & Franklin, Tailors & drapers
57 Parker, Thomas, Grocer & tea dealer
59  - Red Lion
60 Hunter, William, Boot & shoe maker
62  - Rose & Crown
63 Jones, John, Cheesemonger & factor
64 Harris, W. & Co. Tea dealers 8 grocers
69 Mackley, William, Wholesale stationer
71 Waugh, W. H. Furnishing ironmonger
72 Akhurst, Robert, Boot & shoe warehouse
76 Tandy, Ric. Checsemonger & factor
77 Crouther, Eliz. Tea dealer and grocer
78 Waller, J. Oil man & Italian warehouse
82  - Kings Arms
85 Dodd, H. Corn chandler & flour factor
87 Jackson, James, Oil and colour man
88 Johnston & Co. Hosiers and glovers
89 Blanchard, J. Currier & leather cutter
90 Bryant, Isaac, Boot and shoe maker
91 Barrett, William, Fishmonger & salesman
92 Wheeler, Jos. Cock & brass founder
93 Jones, David, Tea dealer and grocer
94 Procter, John, Cheesemonger & factor
95 Newman, J. Tobacco and snuff warehouse
96 Scoltock, J. Smith & register store man
98 Batt, Samuel, Oil & colour man
99 Jones, John, Haberdasher & hosier
101  - Bulls Head
103 Bardsley, David, Grocer & ten dealer
104 Jemmett, S. & Son, Coach & harness maker
106 Lake, Jenkin, Mercer and linen draper
108 Gowers, Sam. Mercer and linen draper
109  - Roebuck
110 Bowley, W. Wax and tallow chandler
111 Wiseman & Yolland, Upholders & undertakers
114 Leckie, James, Perfumer and toyman
115 Sillcock, Isaac, Surgeon & accoucheur
116 Morgan, James, Tailor & woollen draper
118 Dash, William, Hat & glove warehouse
119  - Northumberland Arms
122 Thackray, Mary, Boot & shoe maker
123 Brown, Alexander, Silk dyer & dresser
125 Willson, John, Broker & appraiser
126 Warne, William, Carpenter and undertaker
128 Hulse, A. Haberdasher and hosier
131 Oulds, Joseph, Wax tallow chandler
132 McClellan, J. M. Tea dealer & grocer
135 Osborn, George, Upholder & undertaker
136 Benson, Anth. Cheesemonger & factor
137 Robins, Joseph, Surgeon & apothecary
138 Terry, George, Mercer and linen draper
139 Archer, John, Tailor & woollen draper
140 Baker, George, Furnishing ironmonger
141  - Southampton Arms
142 Guilliet, Edw. Oil & Italian warehouse
143 Leatt, Rich. Boot and shoe maker
145 Langford, George, Surgeon & apothecary
146 Smith, Sam. Grocer and tea dealer
147 Binns, J. & Co. Western lead works
148 Huxley, Rich. Glass cutter & polisher
151 Newland, William, Paper hanging manufacturer
152 Williams, Edw. Broker and undertaker
153 Summers, William, Bedstead manufactory
154 Garckas, George Henry, Brush manufacturer
155 Shoolbred & Co. Hosiers & linen draper
157  - Plasterers Arms
158 Wilson, William, Coach and harness maker
163 Styles, John, Mercer & linen draper
164 Bennett, Joseph, Cab. & chair maker
165 Aste, John, Corn dealer and flour factor
166 Ogilvy, David, Painter & glazier
169 Bradfield, E. Cab. & bedstead manufacturer
170 Rawlings, Thomas, Cabinet & chair maker
171 Jarvis, Henry, Bedstead & cornice manufacturer
172 Strachan, Charles, Brush manufactory
174  - Mortimer Arms
178 Hinchcliff, John, Statuary and mason
179 Jones & Co. Iron & tin plate workers
187 Dunbar, William,  Iron founder and caster
188 Cragg, James, Cabinet & chair maker
191  - Apollo
192 Webb, John, Optical & mathematical instrument maker
193 Kimber, Thomas, Furnishing undertaker
194 Burbidge, James, Wine & cyder merchant
195 Clementi & Co. Musical instrument makers
197 Brown, Nathan, Modeller & figure cas.
198 Lawson, Joseph, Music. instrument maker
199  - White Hart
201 Haldane, James, Bookseller & stationer
203 Arle, William, Saddler & harness maker
204 Smith, Martha, Straw hat warehouse
205 Allum, Francis, Fancy toy warehouse
206 Hyatt, William, Grocer and lea dealer
207 Durrant, David, Haberdasher & hosier
208 Godbold, Jonathan, Hat manufacturer
209 Hall, Joseph, Pastry cook & confectioner
210 Stray & Co. Boot and shoe makers
211 Ruddhall, Benj. Hat manufacturer
212 Moore, Nath. Pen & table knife cutler
212 Shade, Henry, Engraver and printer
213 Weavor, James, Ostrich feather warehouse
214 Phillips, Thomas, Musical instrument maker
215 Dove, Thomas, Stay & corset warehouse
216 Harris, John, Broker and appraiser
217 Gregory, Thomas, Staffordshire warehouse
218 Hearne, John, Bookseller and binder
219 Heyworth, Joho, Jeweller & silversmith
* Wood, G. E. & R. Furnishing ironmonger
220 Crutchley, Henry, Mercer & linen draper
221 Hughes, George, Bookseller & stationer
222 Stevens, William, Tallow chandler & melter
223 Brown, Joho, Appraiser & undertaker
224 North, Thomas, Hat manufacturer
225 Hannan, Thomas, Grocer and lea dealer
226 Dennison, Thomas, Surgeon & apothecary
227 Coles, John, Teaman and grocer
228 Cuxon, Mary, Gold beater and refiner
229 Davies, James, Patten & clog manufacturer
231 Ayton, William, Lead and glass warehouse
232 Williams, John, Oil & colour man
236 Dibble, James, Wine & brandy merchant - Bedfords Head
238 Mullins, William, Furnishing ironmonger
241 Soward, John, Statuary and mason
243 Yates, George, Plumber & glazier
245 Webb, Edw. Watch & clock maker
246 Jackson, Thomas, Composition ornamental manufacturer
251 Penny, William, Varnish & Japan manufacturers
252 North, John, Ivory and wood turner
253 Coward and Son, Carvers and gilders
255 Neve, John, Glove manufactory
256 Asb, James, Painter and glazier
257 Borwick, Henry, Mercer & linen draper
258 Lawrence, Charles, Upholder and undertaker
261 Rouch, Edmund, Cheesemonger & factor
262 Freake, James, Chemist & druggist
263 Smith, William, Saddle and harness maker
264  - Fox & Hounds
266 Holdsworth, Joseph, Corn dealer, &c.
Barnes, James, Shoe & patten maker

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 12:51:21 GMT

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