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Johnstones London commercial guide in 1818 - Skinner street, Snowhill

Johnstones 1818 directory index

This is the 1818 Johnstones London commercial guide which also includes a little pub history detail.

Skinner street, Snowhill
Length 100 yards. No. of Houses 59.
2 Deacon, Will. Coffee and sugar mart
3 Oliver, George, Linen draper & lace man
4 Houghton & Lutwyche, Leather sellers
5 Warren and Rosser, Perfumers
6 Turford & Company, Dealers in coffee
7 Ducroz, John, Glass & china warehouse
8 Bentley and Brothers, Oil warehouse
10 Abbotts, T. & R, Wine & brandy merchant
11 Theobald, John, Hosier and glover
13 Miller, Samuel, Boot and shoe maker
14 Banting and Muncaster, Silversmiths
15 Pickering, Joseph, Refined oil warehouse
16 Creswick, T. Paper & pasteboard ware
17 Hoby, J. Lace and fringe manufacturer
18 Major, John, Bookseller and stationer
19 Tucker, E. & S. Child-bed linen warehouse
20 Murrell and Wilson, Appraisers & auctioneers
22 Lewis, Lloyd and Company, Furriers
23 Widuell,John, Carpet & rug warehouse
24. Middleton & Hodgkinsons, Stationer's
25 Griffin & Sons, Ribbon manufacturers
26 Welch, W. & J. Straw hat manufacturers
41 Godwin & Co. Booksellers & stationers
42 Walkes, Thos. Boot and shoe maker
* Wallis, John, sen. Juvenile repository
43 Broom, J. & Son, Wholes, carpet warehouse
44 Clark, Boyd & French, Linen drapers
* Poole, s. Coal merchant & flour factor
* Poole&Sampson, Milliners & dress maker
45 Hearder & Co. Devonshire shoe warehouse
46 Ehn, George & Co. Wholesale furriers
47 Dyson, Thomas, Blacking manufacturer
48 Griffin, Charles, Perfumer
49 Bowtell, Thomas, Boot & shoe maker
50 Thompson, R. Floor cloth manufacturer
51 Crook & Armstrong, Appraiser & auctioneer
52 Crump, Frost & Hill, Carpet manufacturer
54 Mollett, R. Confectioner & pastry cook
55 Lucas & Co. Dunbarton glass warehouse
56 Chappell, J. Pork salesman
57 Barnard and Farley, Printers
58 Beckwith, W. Gun and pistol maker
59 Perkins, J. Child-bed linen warehouse

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 13:05:15 BST

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