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Johnstones London commercial guide in 1818 - Shoe lane, Fleet street

Johnstones 1818 directory index

This is the 1818 Johnstones London commercial guide which also includes a little pub history detail.

Shoe lane, Fleet street
Length 440 yards. No. of Houses 113,
2 Goodwin, Edw, Bookseller & stationer
4 Ball, J. Manuf. of gold & silver braids
* Iverson, John, Painter and glazier
5 Walkden & Darby, Stationers
7 Manthrop, Wm. Engraver & printer
8 Devey & Sons, Brass founders
12 Corby, John, Smith and bell hanger
13 Leasinby, E. & M. Wire merchants
24 Rackstraw, Joseph, Oil & colour man
31 Harris & Whitlow, Copper plate makers
35 Vandenbergh, J. Gold & silver beater
38 Taylor, Richard & Arthur, Printers
42 Rowley, James, Oil and colourman
48 Pontifex & Co. Engine & pump makers
* Pontifex, W. Son & Co. Coppersmiths
51 Winch, Rich. Press & mangle maker
55 Pontifex, John, Coppersmith
59 Cooper & Son, Painters & glaziers
61 Dadley, Edward, Pewterer
62 Botten & Gillman, Founders
65 Worster, Wm. Gold and silver beater
69 Boyer, William, Plumber & glazier
70 King, Wm, Cabinet & chair warehouse
71 Gaze, Robert, Working silversmith
72 Acton, Geo. Emery & putty maker
73 Tate, Benjamin, Grocer and tea dealer
81 Sabine, Thomas, Printer
90 Drury, Mark, Beam & scale maker
98 Lesser, Edward, Grocer & tea dealer
99 Cotterell, Thos. Silversmith & jeweller
100 Miller, T. Pen, ink & quill warehouse
101 Shelley & Hopgood, Leather sellers
102 Wood, John, Currier & leather cutter
103 Gold, Joyce, Printer
104 Kinman, Francis, Founder
105 Eley, C. Gol beater and refiner
106 Jones, Thomas, Jeweller & silversmith
107 Tomlinson, R. Surveyor and builder
108 Barrett, B. Silk dyer and dresser
110 Pemeller, J. Box & packing case maker
Stanton, Jonathan, Brass turner

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 13:05:13 BST

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