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Johnstones London commercial guide in 1818 - Shadwell High street, Shadwell

Johnstones 1818 directory index

This is the 1818 Johnstones London commercial guide which also includes a little pub history detail.

Shadwell High street, Shadwell
Length 770 yards. No. of Houses 245.
3 Dale, Hugh, Grocer and tea dealer
4 Bowcott, Thomas, Ship chandler
8 Parnham, Benjamin, Sail maker
9 Elliott, Stephen, Stationer & rag merchant
10 Goldstein & Co. Slop sellers
12 Robins, Joseph, Appraiser & auctioneer
18 Nott, William, Hat manufacturer
24 Butler, James, Cheesemonger & factor
* Simmons, James, Hat manufacturer
25 Hooper and Son, Tailors & slopsellers
28 Hume, Mary, Hat manufacturer
29 Henekey, G. Wine and brandy merchant
36 Fleming, David, Watch & clock maker
37 Cochran, Edward, Grocer & tea dealer
42 Smith, Rob. Hat manufacturer
43 Trenholm, Charles, Boot & shoe maker
44 Bacon, Wm. Pen & table knife cutler
46 Hasler, E. Cheesemonger & butler factor
51 Nickolls, Will. Milliner & haberdasher
58 Norris, Sam. Currier & leather cutter
65 Johnson, C. Tallow chandler & melter
66 Steward, John, Boot and shoe maker
69 Blake, Robert, Surgeon
71 Andrews, Tho. Haberdasher & hosier
73 Hopwood, Jas. Turner & wire worker
77 James, Thomas, Furnishing ironmonger
78 Thompson, Amb. Stationer & rag merchant
79 Hawley, Geo. Cheesemonger &butter factor
85 Launn, J. A. Grocer and tea dealer
92 Hartley, John, Haberdasher & hosier
96 Harris, Wm. Bookseller and binder
104 Jackson, John, Hat manufacturer
115 Rogers & Son, Grocers and cheesemonger
117 Gray, John, Painter and glazier
119 Biddulph, Wm. Slop seller & tailor
122 Mayne, E. G. Grocer and tea dealer
128 Brand, Wm. Boot & shoe maker
130 Moss, Andrew, Hat manufacturer
132 Clark, Thomas, Hosier and glover
133 Clark, Wm. sen. Boot and shoe maker
136 Purvis, T. Boot and shoe maker
137 Cape, John, Hat manufacturer
139 Chipchase, John, Boot and shoe maker
142 Leplestrier, Lewis, Clock & watch maker
143 Shade, Thomas, Tobacco manufacturer
145 Purvis, Peter, Boot and shoe maker
146 Wooddill, E. J. Oil and colour man
149 Morrell, Jobn, Tin plate worker, &c.
151 Crooks & Jackson, Furnishing undertaker
154 Bupney, W. Currier and leather seller
156 Hudson, M. Cheesemonger & butter factor
159 Birkley, Edward, Boot and shoe maker
161 Hammock & Son, Carpenters & builder
162 King, Thomas, Oil and colour man
163 Smith, E. Tea man and grocer
164 Hardy, J. & J. Booksellers & stationers
166 Mills, William, Grocer and tea dealer
168 Cohen, Lucas, Currier & leather cutter
* Nock, Tobias, Nail warehouse
* Saunders, Thomas, Haberdasher
170 Luff, John, Surgeon
172 Henfree, John, Appraiser & auctioneer
174 Bateman, Phillip, Surgeon
177 Fincham, Owen, Wholesale slop seller
178 Cook, William, Quadrant maker
179 Appleton, T. Peuterer & beer machine maker
182 Holland, Benjamin, Corn dealer
185 Young, William, Wholesale slop seller
194 Thompson, Joseph, Linen draper
195 Squire, T. Needle & sail tool manufacturer
196 Lloyd, Robert, Slopseller and draper
197 Havell, T. & Son, Plumbers & glaziers
202 Moore, John, Oil and colour man
203 Appleton, William, Tallow chandler
207 Curling, William, Wholesale slopseller
208 Spooner, W. Iron and tin plate worker
213 Jolly, Thomas, Furnishing ironmonger
215 Dorvill, George, Linen draper
216 Cleghorn, Alexander, Surgeon
220 Bowick, E. Milliner and haberdasher
221 Barker, John, Oil and colour man
222 Hoskins, Samuel, Linen draper
223 Fowler, F. Tobacco & snuff manufacturer
224 Williams, J. Tin plate worker
226 Thomas, John, Boot and shoe maker
227 Witted, John, Hat manufacturer
229 Howard & Jarvis, Grocers & tea dealers
230 Mather, Thomas, Hosier & haberdasher
232 Orkney, John, Grocer and tea dealer
233 Gadsden, James, Cheesemonger
235 Edwards, W. Corn dealer & seedsman
236 Clark, William, Boot and shoe maker
237 Williamson, R. British wine merchant
240 Moir, Alexander, Hosier
241 Mechin, Edward, Silversmith
242 Stevens, Thomas, Boot & shoe maker
245 Davies, John, Plumber and glazier

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 13:05:12 BST

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