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Johnstones London commercial guide in 1818 - Shad Thames, Horselydown

Johnstones 1818 directory index

This is the 1818 Johnstones London commercial guide which also includes a little pub history detail.

Shad Thames, Horselydown
Length 418 yards. No. of Houses 128.
1 Heath, Sarah & Son, Mast makers
7 Baker & Son, Sail makers
* Locke, John & Co. Lead merchants
10 Pomroy & Co. Wharfingers
16 Connoiton, Thomas, Mast & oar maker
18 Downing, Thomas, Ship chandler & sail maker
19 Broadwater, Robert, Sail maker
20 Blackstone, Joseph, Lighterman
* Constable, Michael, Corn & flour factor
21 Rattenbury, T. & J. Ship builders
25 Dunkin, Henry, Corn dealer & wharfinger
26 Dermer, Joseph & Son, Rope makers
29 Spencer, Samuel, Sail maker
30 Mesnard, Benjamin, Ship builder
33 Gunner, John, Lighterman
37 Allan, Charles, Corn lighterman
40 Williams & Jackson, Corn factors
41 Jackson & Co. Sail makers
* Jackson, T. & John, Coal merchants
42 Brandrams & Co. Colour manufacturer
43 Duggan, Thomas, Pipe clay merchant
45 Duding, Henry, Corn lighterman
54 Morris, George, Slater & slate merchant
90 Dunkin, Summers, Mealman
* Hayes & Wedd, Flour factors
96 Moffit, Robert, Dealer in marine stores
* Yarwarth, David, Anchorsmith
110 Sherman, Wm. Lighter man
111 Joyce, Joseph, Sail maker
127 Newman, Jas. &Co. Cooper & stave merchant
Burgess, Josepb, Wm. Corn lighterman
Courage & Donaldson, Ale & porter brewer
Davis, John, Wharfinger
Flowers, Matthew, Cooper & stave merchant
Goulding, Richard, Corn lighterman
Hartley, Wm. Wharfinger
Shuter, Tho. Ambrose, Cooper & stave merchant
Thickbroom, Wm. Coal & timber merchant
Cole's WHARF.
Dunkin, Charles, Corn dealer

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 13:05:12 BST

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