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Johnstones London commercial guide in 1818  - Salisbury square, Fleet street

Johnstones 1818 directory index

This is the 1818 Johnstones London commercial guide which also includes a little pub history detail.

Salisbury square, Fleet street
Length 75 yards. No. of Houses 48.
1 Burn, Henry, Wire warehouse
* Chippendale, R. Silver & plated warehouse
3 Hobson, John, Tallow chandler
4 Statesman Newspaper office
London Vaccine institution
6 Vining, Joseph, Seal engraver
7 Howgh, Richard, Carpenter & joiner
8 Matthew, William, Oil man
10 Pearkes, Samuel, Merchant
15 Caddell, David, jun. Solicitor
* Jones, Gilbert, Solicitor
16 Bardin and Sons, Globe makers,
* Lance, James, Corn merchant
17 Pearce, Thomas, Solicitor
18 Peacock, S. Currier and leather seller
* Peacock & Bampton, Pocket-book maker
41 Gale, Baker & Co. Chem. & druggists
45 Green, Pemberton & Leigh, Solicitors
46 Collins, Daniel, Solicitor
47 Smith & Co. Venders of patent medicines
* Swinton's Orig. Daffey's elixir warehouse
48 Hentsch, J. G. Fur manufactory
Blagden and Co. Sheffield warehouse
Bonsor, Joseph, Stationer
Carvil, John, Cheesemonger & Factor
Jeffereys & Ham, Walch manufacturer
Prayer book and homily Society
Warrand, Alexander, Solicitor
Welch, George, Stationer & bookbinder

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 13:05:09 BST

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