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Johnstones London commercial guide in 1818  - Saint Swithins lane, Lombard street

Johnstones 1818 directory index

This is the 1818 Johnstones London commercial guide which also includes a little pub history detail.

Saint Swithins lane, Lombard street
Length 198 yards. No. of Houses 38.
2 Eccles, Richard, Broker
2 Fea, W. & Co. Russia brokers
4 Crussel, M. Carpenter & undertaker
* Smith, Robert, Newspaper vender
5 Ricketts, John & Co. Cheesemongers
6 Lowe, Thomas, Draper & mercer
8 Bell, Sir Thomas, Merchant
* Buschmann, J. H. Timber merchant
* Cunningham, W. A. Wine merchant
* Magnus, George, Merchant
* Mason, W. Merchant
9 Alley, James, Merchant
10 Pearce & Son, Solicitors
12 Bell, Thomas, Commercial broker
13 Beeralstone Mines Company
* Dunlop, James & John, Merchants
* Pitches & Sampson, Solicitors
14 Howard, A. Merchant
15 Hammond & Norihwood, Coal merchants.
* Stapleton, James, Surveyor
16 Allan, George, Merchant
* Keiland, James, Merchant
19 Travers, J. & Sen, Wholesale grocers
20 Sandeman, Gooden & Co. Merchants
21 Wall, Thomas, Coal merchant
22 Lucas, C. Wine & spirit merchant
23 Hart, L. Asher, Merchant
* Philpot, John, Navy agent
* Waller, T. T. Merchant and broker
25 Gould, W. Appraiser & auctioneer
28 Abbot, Samuel, Merchant
* Green & Hartley, Merchants
* Hunt, John & Co. Merchants
29 Hayward, John, General agent
* Winter & Sons, Solicitors
30 Wryghte, W. Wine und bitter merchant
31 Rogers, John, Merchant
32 Jones, E. Slale merchant & insurance broker
34 Goodall, R. H. Broker for E.I. & British p. gds.
35 Bridges, R. H.&T. Gunpowder merchants.

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 13:05:09 BST

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