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Johnstones London commercial guide in 1818  - Saint Martins le grand, Newgate street

Johnstones 1818 directory index

This is the 1818 Johnstones London commercial guide which also includes a little pub history detail.

Saint Martins le grand, Newgate street
Length 18 yards. No. of Houses 62
2 Reynolds, Thomas, Ironmonger
4 Todd, William, Cheesemonger
5 King, Henry, Grocer and tea dealer
7 Keunerley, Joseph, Men's mercer
8 Bedford, Robert, Plumber & glazier
9 Jarman, R. Carpenter and undertaker
13 Flitton, Jane, Haberdasher
15 Meadows, N. Boot and shoe maker
16 Vipond and Rice, Cheesemongers
17 Davis & Dickson, Books. & publishers
21 Davis, John, Cheesemonger
22 Parry, R. Corn and coal merchant
26 Grant, J. Woollen draper & men's mercer
29 Billinghurst, W. Button & trimming warehouse
32 Levick, George, Umbrella warehouse
34 Smith, S. Furrier and importer of skins
35 Birchanall, Samuel, Men's mercer
36 Thompson, R. Bombazeen warehouse
37 Davies, William, Warehouseman
44 Goodwin, J. & N. Carpet & bed warehouse
53 Bligh, D. Oilman and tallow chandler
* Shephard & Sons, manufactory window blinds
54 Budd, H, Hosier and glover
56 Bailey, John, Boot & shoe maker
57 Matthew, Wm. Brace manufacturer
58 Wilson, Peter, Fancy milliner
59 De Graye and Son, Scale makers
60 Wilson, John, Wholesale fancy warehouse
61 Sharwood & Arbuthnot, Currier & leather cutter
62 Anderson, W. & Co. Straw hat warehouse

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 13:05:08 BST

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