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Johnstones London commercial guide in 1818  - Saint James's street, Pall mall

Johnstones 1818 directory index

This is the 1818 Johnstones London commercial guide which also includes a little pub history detail.

Saint James's street, Pall mall
Length 385 yards. No. of Houses 90.
2 Palmer, George, Cutler to his Majesty
* Swallow, James, Hatter and hosier
3 Hilliar, Henry, Tent & umbrella maker
* Perry, George, Grocer and tea dealer
4 Goldney, Tho. Goldsmith and jeweller
5 Robert, Samuel, Imperial fire office
6 Lock and Lincoln, Hatters and furriers
7 Liptham, T. Confectioner and fruiterer
8 Dollman, Thomas, Francis, Hatter
10 Lewis, George, Embroiderer & lace man
11 Richards, H. Chemist and druggist
12 Stinton, W. Tea dealer and oil man
13 Lawriere, John, Jeweller and goldsmith
15 Brumby, T. Glass and lustre
17 Walker, R. Surgeon and apothecary
19 Hutchins, N. B. Glass and china man
20 Nilgee, T.J. Tailor and draper
21 Mortimer and Son, Gun makers
22 O'Shaughnessy, P. D. Boot maker
23 Seare and Griffiths, Seal engravers
26 Thompson, J. P. Printseller to his Majesty
29 Stubbs, H. Transpar. window blind manufacturer
30 Stevens, James, Hat manufacturer
31 Cuddington & Fuller, Wine merchants
33 Wood, L. W. Chemist and druggist
34 Holmes, J. Peruke maker & perfumer
* Winter and Shee, Tailors and drapers
35 Dodd, W. Tailor to the Royal Family
36 Harding, John, Bookseller
37 Ridley, Frederick, Ladies' shoe maker
38 Tripbook, R. Bookseller
39 Ward, John, Hat manufacturer
40 Elphick and Son, Breeches makers
41 Worster, T. Slick and umbrella manufacturer
43 Raggett, G. Wine merchant
44 Duncan, James, Watch and clock maker
46 Lanman, John, Tailor and mercer
47 Evaus, J. and F. Hatters and hosiers
48 Hohy, George, Boot maker to the Royal F.
55 Hancock & Co. Patent whalebone car maker
59 Wing, Edward, Dealer in lace
61 Middleton, W. Men's mercer
64 Ash and Sons, Silversmiths & jewellers
66 Hamilton and Wall, Artificial florists
67 Savigny, Everill & Co. Surgical instrument cut.
68 Jobnston, R. Sword culler to his Majesty
* Wirgman, T. Jeweller and goldsmith
70 Narrien John, Optical & mathematical instrument maker
71 Phillips, P. Cut glass manufacturer
74 Rowley, T. Haberdasher and hosier
75 Clarke, John, Tailor and draper
76 Glover and Company, Hatters
78 Davies and Strong, Hatters
* Strong, Oliver, Hat manufacturer
79 Roland, Felix, Perfumer
81 Cooper, John, Spur maker
83 West, C. Optical & mathematical instrument maker
89 Percival & Kohler, Musical instrument maker
Holland, Richard, Wine merchant

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 13:05:07 BST

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