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Johnstones London commercial guide in 1818  - Saint Helens place, Bishopsgate within

Johnstones 1818 directory index

This is the 1818 Johnstones London commercial guide which also includes a little pub history detail.

Saint Helens place, Bishopsgate within
Length 110 yards. No. of Houses 20.
1 Schutze, Rhors & Co. Merchants
2 Winter, Samuel, Merchant.
3 Schroder, J. F. and Co. Merchants
4 Andrews, John, Goldwyer, Surgeon
5 Goldschmidt, B. A. and Co. Merchants
8 Findlay, Hodgson and Co. Merchants
9 Harvey and Bennell, Solicitors
10 Pearson, Charles, Solicitor
11 East India Dock house
12 Edwards, Edward & Co. Merchants
* Farquhar, Morrice & Co. Merchants
13 Power, R. and Co. Merchants
* Sampoys, A. T. Merchant
14 Borradaile, R, B. & Co. Merchants
* Borradaile, W. R. & Co. Merchants
15 Soltau, G. W. and Co. Merchants
16 Pickering, T.N. E. London water works
* Tomlinson, W. Carpet warehouse
17 Goldsmid and Salomons, Merchants
18 Powell, J. C. and D. Merchants
19 Burmester, Henry & Sons, Merchants
20 Albers, Henry, Merchant
Casamajor, Justinian, Merchant
Lee and Brants, Merchants
Newman & Spence, Wine merchant &insurance broker
Whiting, M. and F. Merchants
Williams, John, Wine merchant

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 13:05:06 BST

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