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Johnstones London commercial guide in 1818  - Saint Helens (Great), Bishopsgate within

Johnstones 1818 directory index

This is the 1818 Johnstones London commercial guide which also includes a little pub history detail.

Saint Helens (Great), Bishopsgate within.
Length 165 yards, No. of Houses 37
1 Atkins, John, jun. Broker
* Grant and Co. Merchants
1 Wollaston, Elliott & Co. Merchants
2 Allen, Grant, West India merchant
* Coningham, William, Merchant
* Cowie, George and Co. Merchants
* Hutton, John, Merchant
* Nucella and Warin, Merchants
* Warin, Nathaniel, Merchant
3 Bonhote, John, Beer and spirit merchant
* Huntley & Fiddes, Wholes. tea dealers
* Knox, George, Merchant
5 Daubana, Ambrose, Merchant
* Duncan, John, Scotch provision agent
* Hancock, Charles, Merchant
* Lafargue, Hippolite, Merchant
6 Owen, Jno. & Hen. Merchants & insurance broker
7 Pulsford, R. & W. Wine merchants
8 Robertson, W. Ship and insurance broker
9 Elyard, Sam. and J. Indigo brokers
* Mayer, George and Co. Merchants
10 Arnold, Will. Carpenter and builder
* Gibson, James, Merchant
11 Deane, Robert, Merchant
* Cohen, J. & E. Merchants
* Haire, Michael, Ship & insurance broker
* Southerland, James, Merchant
12 Birnie, Alexander & Co. Merchants
13 Cooper, Charles, Packer & presser
15 Allcock and Childs, Wine merchants
* Hamerton, Jesse, Solicitor
* Tottie and Compton, Merchants
* Vertue & Stoddart, Ship & insurance brokers
19 Haines and Co. Ship brokers
* Thomson, Lawrence, Printer
29 Smith, T. W. and Co. Merchants
30 Leader, Henry, Merchant
31 Houstan, Samuel, Packer and presser
32 Maugbam, Robert, Solicitor
* Wright, Thomas, Wine and brandy merchant
33 Becher, C. C. Merchant
* Echalaz, Joseph, Merchant
* Green, E. F. and Co. Merchants
* Lack, T. A. and Co. Brokers
* Reimers, Henry, Drug merchant
* Roberts, M. Ship insurance broker
* Toura, M. P. and Son, Ship brokers
34 Blizard, Thomas, Surgeon
* Hobson, Alfred & Hobson, Merchants
* Schroder, J. F. & Co. Merchants
35 Claridge, William, Conveyancer
* Jackson, Henry, West India merchant
36 Dun, Will. Ship and insurance broker
* Henderson, Will. & James, Merchants

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 13:05:06 BST

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