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Johnstones London commercial guide in 1818  - Saint Catherines, Tower Hill

Johnstones 1818 directory index

This is the 1818 Johnstones London commercial guide which also includes a little pub history detail.

Saint Catherines, Tower Hill
Length 242 yards. No. of Houses 76,
1 Coupland, John, Sail maker
6 Fitzgerald, J. Importer of Irish provisions
* Nettlefold, William, Pewterer
7 Dixey, Jas. Mast & blockmaker
* Richardson, G, Mathematical instrument maker
8 Davis, Edward, Lighter. & wharfinger
11 Carman, Ledio, Potter & glass warehouse
* Wohlenberg, J. Bread & biscuit baker
12 Popkin, Hen. Irish provision merchant
13 Allen, Samuel, Sail maker
14 Ramsay, William, Wharfinger
17 Lawson, J. Mast & block maker
* Mitchell, Alex. Ship & house joiner
18 Wheeler, George, Wharfinger
20 Loveland, William, Boat builder
31 Levy, S. Solomon, Tailor and draper
38 Taprell, John, Grocet & tea dealer
40 Hill, John, Gun & pistol maker,
42 De la Salle, Thomas, Watch maker
* Pearson, J. Tobacconist and snuff dealer
Saint Catherines Dock
Phillips, Benjamin, Merchant
Saint Catherines Stairs
Neale, Robert, Lighterman

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 13:05:06 BST

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