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Johnstones London commercial guide in 1818  - Oxford street - St. Giles

Johnstones 1818 directory index

This is the 1818 Johnstones London commercial guide which also includes a little pub history detail.

Also see Oxford street (street directory) in 1832

Oxford street - St. Giles's.
Length 2304 yards. No. of Houses 440.
1 Edridge, T. Wax and tallow chandler
* Hinton, Henry, Linen draper
2 - Flying Horse
3 Ekins, Joseph, Cheesemonger & factor
4 Clarke, William, Saddler & harness maker
5 Sanderson, J. Wine & brandy merchant  - Bear & Castle
* Taylor, William Oliver, Grocer
7 Styles, T. L. Jeweller and goldsmith
8 Dodd and Co. Engineers
9 Watkins, T. F. Engraver and printer
10 Sandell & Co. Ale & porter brewers
13 Thornton, E. & G. Furnishing ironmonger
15 Abbott & Co. Coal & Timber merchants
18 North, Nathaniel, Dyer and scourer
19 Case, G. W. Fancy trimming manufacturer
20 Martin, Jas. Paper hanging manufacturer
21 Shaw, W. Italian & British wine warehouse
22 Alvey, William Charles, Working goldsmith
23 Bland & Weller, Pianoforte makers
24 Wright, John, Tea dealer and grocer
25 Foster, Thomas & Co. Linen drapers
26 Carrol and Co. Stock brokers & contractor
27 Frankland, Francis, Linen draper
28 Bennett, F. Straw hat warehouse
* Kempton, Typer & Co. Lace warehouse
29 - Old George
29 Bushnell and Co. Coach makers
* Maltwood, Thomas, Trunk maker
30 Livermore, Ezra, Furnishing ironmonger
31 Allan, John, Boot and shoe maker
32 Dunhill, Thomas, Linen draper
33 Miles, William, Furniture printer
34 Braithwaite, T. Stay & corset maker
35 Kirby, William, Haberdasher and hosier
36 Betts & Co. Straw hat & fur manufacturer
37 Richards & Co. Linen drapers
38 Gomm, John, Straw hat manufacturer
39 Gilby & Co. Linen drapers
40 Smith, John, Stationer
41 Partington, J. Past, cook & confectioner
42 Gass, David, Goldsmith & jeweller
43 Knight, John, Ladies' shoe maker
44 Riley & Company, Linen drapers
45 Thorn & Co. Perfumer & ornamental hair manufacturer
47 Pield, John, Fringe & trimming manufacturers
43 Baddeley, John, Boot and shoe maker
49 Dale, Richard, Hosier und glover
50 Davies, James, Linen draper
51 Augarde & Sparn, Hullers
52 Gould, William, Straw hat warehouse
53 Lodge, Thomas, Hosier and glover
54 Dickens & Smith, Linen drapers
55 Cooper, Tyars & Co. Linen drapers
56  - White Lion
57 Owen, William, Chemist and druggist
58 Binter, John, Fur manufacturer
59 Marley, Mark, Linen diaper
60 Perry, Cook & Co. Past. cooks & confectioner
61 Barlow, Thomas, Linen warehouse
62 Stevens, James, Linen draper
63 Stevens & Croft, Haberdashers
64 Robson, James, Linen draper
65 Rickarby, William, Linen draper
66 May & Morrit, Furnishing ironmongers
68 Dobree, George, Silversmith
69 Kooystra, J. D. Working cutler
70 Bryan, Jonathan, Haberdasher & hosier
71 Steel, Francis, jeweller
72 Claret, Gev. Fringe & trimming manufacturer
73 Hayward, J. & W. Lace warehouse
74 Lacy, John, Straw hat manufactory
75 Ince, John, Silk mercer
76 Allen & Co. Medicine warehouse
77 Milsom, Thomas, Ribbon warehouse
78 Craig, Thomas, Linen draper
79 Parkinson & Son, Spermac. oil warehouse
80 Martin, E. Haberdasher and hosier
81 Irwin, John, Hat manufacturer
82 Nicholay, Aug. Fur & feather manufacturer
83 Mayston, James, Linen draper
84 Russel, George, Hosier & glover
85 Burman, W. Straw hat manufactory
86 Gibson & Son, Boot and shoe makers
87 Lewis J. & Co. India muslin warehouse
88 Hagger, John, Oil & Italian warehouse
90 Poland, John, George, Furrier
91 Churton. William, Nottingham warehouse
92 Robinson, G. Furnishing ironmonger
93 Mera, Louis, Pastry-cook & confectioner
94 Hayden, W. Haberdasher and lace manufacturer
95 Rowe, W. Patent thread manufacturer
97 White, John, Ladies' shoe warehouse
98 Smith, James, Watch maker
* Taylor, Joseph, Boot and shoe maker
99 Morris, Thomas, Hosier and glover
101 Smith, William, Soap & candle manufac.
102 Bushby, Benjamin, Hosier and glover
* Rutland, John, Jeweller and goldsmith
103 Hepburn, T. Toy and Tunbridge warehouse
105 Jones, John, Umbrella manufacturer
106 Hopton, E. & S. Bonnet warehouse
107 Shepheard, R. Beaver & straw hat maker
108 Castle, Samuel, Hosier and glover
109 Folsch, Frederick, Turnery warehouse
110 Shepheard, W. Jun. Beaver & straw hat warehouse
116 Matthew, R. & P. Haberdashers & hosiers
117 Rutland & Son, Goldsmiths
118 Richardson, Joho, Silk weaver
119 Hobbs George, boot & shoemaker to HM
* Thomas & Co, linen drapers
120 Botibol W H, Ostrich feather warehouse
120 Freeman, David, Umbrella maker
* Martin & Co. Stock brokers & contractor
121 Crane & Co. Tea dealers and grocers
122 Wildbore, Thomas, Wine & spirit merchant - Green Man & Still
123 Percival, M. & J. Colourmen
124 Murray & Co. Stationers
125 Barker, Matthew, Chemist & druggist
126 Grange, Stephen, Perfumer & toy manufacturer
127 Farmer, John, Silversmith and jeweller
128 Smallridge, William, Saddler & harness maker
129 Griffith, Robert, Seal engraver
* Lloyd, Thomas, Linen draper
130 Mart, Samuel, Orange merchant
131 Harding, Samuel, Goldsmith & jeweller
132 Beauchamp, R. Lace manufacturer
* Hudson, Jos. Tobacconist to the P.R.
* Lloyd, Thomas, Muslin & shawl warehouse
133 Adolpho, Francis, Seal engraver
* Dane, Thomas, Jewell. & watch maker
* Sarage & Evans, Linen drapers
134 Coats, Thomas, Linen draper
135 Deacon, Samuel, Cabinet manufactory
136 Austin & Co. Goldsmiths and jewellers
137 Reynolds, W. Bookseller and stationer
138 Skillern & Challoner, Music sellers
139 Sibley, H. Silk mercer and haberdasher
140 Churton, Edward, Hosier and glover
141 Sivewright & Co. Stock brokers & conlr,
142 Robertson, Rich. Bread & biscuit baker
143 Dawes & Co. Confection. and fruiterers
144 Morris, John & Son, Wine merchants - Fladongs Hotel
145 Sympson & Co. Haberdashers & hosiers
146 Metcalfe, Joseph, Goldsmith & jeweller
147 Johnson, Joseph, Chemist & druggist
148 Bellerby, Thomas, Hatter and hosier
149 Bell, Joseph, Bookseller
150 Johnson, W. E. Linen draper
* Sanger, John, Medicine warehouse
151 Woodhouse & Son, Linen drapers
152 Harris, Henry, Grocer and tea dealer
153 Foster, John, Breeches maker & glover
154 Leake & Sucker, Saddlers & harness makers
155 Smith, Thomas, Furrier and skinner
156 Lyon & Co. Fruiterers & confectioners
157 Alexander, George, Hosier and glover
158 Thomas, S. Pastry-cook & confectioner
159 Ludlam, James, Hosier and glover
160 Bennet, John, Wine and brandy merchant - Stratford Coffee House
161 Henry & Co. Hosiers and glovers
162 Bayfield, Ben. Wine & brandy merchant - Fox
163 Noble, John, Linen draper
164 Naylor, Thomas, Boot and shoe maker
* Walker, Thomas, Haberdasher & hosier
165 Scrooby, George, Boot and shoe maker
* Walrond, William, Cheesemonger & factor
166 Jones, John, Tea dealer and grocer
* Macpherson, James, Seedsman
167 Wright, Henry, Wine & brandy merchant - Victory
168 Blakeman, Richard, Haberdasher & hosier
169 Watson, John, Hosier and glover
170 Green, William, Pocket book maker
171 Wilson, R. Ornamental hair manufacturer
119 Hobbs, George, Boot & shoe maker to H.M.
172 Owen, Jane, Linen draper
* Thomas & Co. Linen drapers
173 Stanway, Philip, Furnishing ironmonger
174 Coventry, John, Umbrella manufacturer
174 Hodson, Charles, Ladies' shoe warehouse
175 Mayd, Alexander, Hat manufacturer
176 Gillows & Co. Upholders & cab. makers
178 Corney, R. & T. Haberdashers & hosiers
179 Young, William, Furnishing ironmonger
180 Powell, Richard, Linen draper
181 - Princess Amelia
183 Mason, Henry, Haberdasher and hosier
* Cooper, John, Coe, Coach & harness maker
184 Towns & Son, Hosiers and glovers
185 Landsdale, Thomas, Silk mercer
186 Rogers, W. Boot and shoe warehouse
187 Pincott, James, Linen draper
188 Poole & Co. Linen drapers
189 Winckworth, James, Grocer & wax chandler
190 Bowdery & Kerby, Stationers
191 - Union
192 Wyatt, G. Wire worker and turner
* Wildy, John, Hat manufacturer
193 Harris, Thomas, Tobacco & snuff manufacturers
194 Holmes & Perry, Upholders
195 Lawrence, Charles, Ladies' shoe warehouse
196 Chappell, A. Perfumer and toy man
197 Howden, Gordon, Saddler & harness maker
198 Davies, William, Tallow chandler
* Martin, Patrick, Bookseller
199 Palmer, W. Coach & saddler's ironmonger
200 Thomas, Jane, Pastry-cook & confectioner
201 Soper, James, Ladies' shoe maker
202 Cumming, John, Watch maker
203 Burton, William, Upholder
204 Baldwin, Thomas, Haberda. & glover
293 Fuller, William, Hosiery warehouse
207 Freeman, William, Umbrella maker
208 Mower, William, Upholder & cabinet maker
209 Cave, Matthew, China and glass manufacturer
210 Thick, J. Oilman and salter
211 Woodhouse & Voller, Linen drapers
212 Broad, Thomas, Ladies' shoe warehouse
214 Daneli, Joseph, Silversmith & culler
215 Lock, Samuel, Calenderer and dyer
216 Lightfoot, James, Chemist & druggist
218 Blakie, James, Haberdasher & glover
219 Owen, Thomas, Lace & fringe manufacturer
220 Draper, Thomas, Wine & brandy merchant  - Delaware Arms
221 Thomas, Thomas, Tea dealer & grocer
222 Silverwood, Thomas, Linen draper
225 Richardson, J. Saddler & harness maker
226 Peirce, William, Haberdasher & glover
227 Harvey, Robert, Grocer and tea dealer
229 Massen, John, Perfumer
230 Griffiths, Thomas, Paper hanger
231 - General Townsend
234 Abraham, Absolom, Coal merchant
235 Triphook, G, Stationer & engraver
237  - City of Quebec
237 Abbot, Edward, Oil & Italian warehouse
238 Crake, Thomas, Painter & glazier
241 Bowers, John, Carver & gilder
242 - Hyde Park Hotel
248 - Gloucester Coffee House
250 Green, Thomas, Fishmonger salesman
* Mortlock, John, China warehouse
252 Chripps, J. Stationer & newsman
* Sanders, George, Surveyor
253 Bartley, Alexander, Boot maker
254 Gulley, Joseph, Gun maker
* Williams & Legg, Coach makers
255 Bull, Richard, Cheesemonger & factor
* Smith, J. R. Upholder & undertaker
256 Large, James, Paper hanging manufacturer
* Royall, Isaac, Wax & tallow chandler
* Wynne, John, Fishing tackle manufacturer
257  - Horse Grenadier
257 Stevens, Wedd & Co. Ironmongers
* Wilson, Wilkinson & Co. Saddlers
258 Bligh, David, Wax & tallow chandler
259 Blackwell, Sam. Saddler & harness maker
* Chatting, J. Hat manufacturer
* Sizer, Thomas, Stationer
260 Jearrard, Robert & Charles, Builders
261 Knight, John, Corn & flour chandler
262 Brandon & Hull, Grocers and tea dealer
264 Mash, James, Potatoe warehouse
264  - Kings Arms
265 Ball, John, Italian warehouse
* Chapman, James, Hosier & glover
266 Gunning, Richard, Hatter
267 Pearson, Thomas, Oil and colour manufacturer
268 Vale, John, Wine & brandy merchant - Swan
269 Ride, Thomas, Hosier and glover
270 Bennet, W. Carriage lamp manufacturer
271 Armet & Minton, Tobacconists
272 Davies, John, Grocer & tea dealer
273 West, Thomas, Cheesemonger & factor
274 Thompson, John, Stay warehouse
275 Thompson, James, Ladies' shoe warehouse
276 - White Hart
277 Miles, Thomas, Hat maker
278 Scott, James, Chemist and druggist
280 Baker, John, Cheesemonger & factor
282 Powell, John, Grocer & tea dealer
284 Scrivener, John, Cheesemonger factor
286 Robinson, John, Bread & biscuit baker
* Morgan, Moses, Boot & shoe warehouse
294 Ireson, David, Tea dealer & grocer
295 Stevens, James, Boot and shoe maker
296 Howard, John, Turnery & toy warehouse
* Laurie, Peter, Saddler & harness maker
297 Feetham, W. & M. Furnishing ironmongers
299 Aitean, Elizabeth, Bonnet warehouse
300 Grant, William, Draper and tailor
302 Atkinson & Robertson, Oilmen
303 - Spread Eagle
304 Shankster, Charles, Poulterer
306 - Plough
307 Allen, John, Trunk and case maker
308 Dewsnap, Francis, Cutler & razor maker
309 Baker &Sod, Patent mangler & pressmaker
310 Collins, D.T. Trunk & case manufactory
311 Timberlake & Son, Wax & tallow chandler
312 Humphry, Henry, Boot & shoe maker
313 Bullock, Geo. Mona marble works
313  - Noahs Ark
314 Duppa, Slodden & Co. Paper manufacturer
315 Riviere, Isaac, Gun & pistol maker
* Wilkinson, G. Musical instrument maker
316 Jennens, Chas. & Co. Button manufacturer
318 - Dolphin
320 Snowden, W. Pat. vertical mangle maker
321 Hope, Thomas, Oil & colourman
322 Harding, Jos. Furnishing ironmonger
323 Zealey, Jo. Tobacco & snuff manufacturer
332 Bradberry, Rob. Patent spectacle maker
333 Trail, Ambrose, Boot & shoe maker
334 Shepperd, Joseph, Feather warehouse
335 Dixey, Edward, Optical instrument maker
336 Perry, George, Pastry cook & confectioner
337 Millbouse, W. Musical instrument maker
338 Bell, John, Chemist and druggist
* Palmer, John, Tailor & woollen draper
339 Ryan, Richard, Bookseller
340 Abbotts, Thomas, Wine & brandy merchant
341 Powell, James, Trunk & case maker
343 - Nags Head
343 Smith, William, Furnishing ironmonger
344 Clementson, M. Silk and men's mercer
345 Locke, James, Chemist and druggist
346 Meacock, Gibbons & Co. Ironmongers
347 Brown, Thomas, Chemist & druggist
348 Metcalfe, G. Woollen draper & mercer
349 Moore, James, Cutler & hardwareman
350 Boylett, William, Fishmonger
* Metcalfe, George, Tooth-brush maker
351 Dring, Benj. Wax and tallow chandler
* Macdaniel, C. Razor manufacturer
352 Morton, John, Linen draper
353 Oxenbam, S. Appraiser and auctioneer
354 Eddy, Thomas, Mangle and press maker
355 Arnett, C. Tobacco & snuff manufacturer
355 Keene, Samuel, Upholstery warehouse
356 - Crown
357 Lazarus, Andrew, Woollen draper
358 Phillips, J. & J. Staffordshire warehouse
360 Wyatt, Edmond, Carver and gilder
361 Knott, Thomas, Bookseller
362 Blackman, George, Fine colour maker
363 Bowskill, John, Grocer and tea dealer
364 Kennedy, Thomas, Music warehouse
365 - Wheatsheaf
367 Wyatt, A. Clock and watch maker
368 Mills and Sin, Stationers
370 Cantwell, Joseph, Surveyor & architect
371 Levy and Salmon, Orange merchants
* Pressy and Priddy, Oil & Italian warehouse
372 Garden, Ambrose, Operative chemist
* Wyer, James, Trunk maker
374 Everingham, Sam. Stocking warehouse
* Pedley and Co. Spruce beer brewers
375 Booth, John, Grocer and tea dealer
376 Strange, James, Plumber and glarier
377 Hastell, William, Cheesemonger
379 Banfield, J. Satin stitch cap warehouse
381 - Queens Arms
382 Broughton, J. Woollen draper & mercer
383 Parker, James, Optical instrument maker
384 Pulsford, John, Bonnet warehouse
385 Fryer, James, Water closet maker
386 Cooper, Joseph, Grocer and tea dealer
387 Ives, R. Wine and brandy merchant - North Pole
388 Clifton & Co. Ready-made linen warehouse
390 Dobson, T. Leuth. pipe & bucket maker
* Thompson, G. B. & Co. Furnishing ironmonger
391 Fenton, W. Appraiser & auctioneer
392 Taylor, James, Coach & harness maker
394 Wyer, J. Imperial Trunk & case maker
395 Barnes & Giles, Coach & harness makers
396 - Bird in Hand
398 Green, W. Patent medicine warehouse
* Jackson, J. Glass and china warehouse
399 Danby, Joseph, Engraver and printer
* Gray & Hall, Japanned chair warehouse
400 - Black Horse
401 Thomas, T. and J. Woollen drapers
402 Spiers, B. Boot and shoe maker
403 Oxenham, J.T. Mangle and press maker
404 Cornwell, W. Army breeches maker & glover
406 Bullmer, S. Woollen draper & mercer
* Harris, T. Mattress & feather bed maker
407 Bramble, J. Clock and watch maker
408 Ball, James, Music seller
* Wood, W. Register stove manufacturer
409 Norman, T. Boot and shoe maker
410 Wright, W. Upholder & undertaker
411 Hancox, Thomas, Woollen draper
412 - Queens Head
413 Mitchell, Thomas, Basket maker
414 - Man loaded with Mischief
415 Ade, Charles, Liner draper
416 Watson, M. Tobacco & snuff manufacturer
417 Lea, James, Upholder and undertaker
418 Wilson, William, Grocer & tea dealer
419 Clioch, John, Hat manufacturer
420 Wilson, R, Brass founder
421 Brooks, John, Stationer
422 Hill, J. Agricultural implement maker
* Walker, John, Hat manufacturer
426 Probert, R. Corn and flour dealer
427 Gowland, J. Silversmith and jeweller
* Kidwell, John, Upholder and undertaker
428 Jefferys, W. Venetian blind manufactory
429 - Three Tuns
430 Gibbins, J. and J. Hosiers and drapers
432 Adams, W. H. Haberdasher and hosier
434 Bailes, W. and J. Bedstead makers
435 Dean, William, Surgeon & accoucheur
436 Powles, Henry, Hat manufacturer
437 Kennedy, Thomas, Boot & shoe maker
438 Bowser, Charles, Grocer & tea dealer
439 Epps, John, Ham & tongue warehouse
440 West, R. J. Oil man and dry salter

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 12:51:23 GMT

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