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Johnstones London commercial guide in 1818  - Holborn bridge, Fleet market

Johnstones 1818 directory index

This is the 1818 Johnstones London commercial guide which also includes a little pub history detail.

In 1810, John Lockie describes this as :

"Holborn Bridge, Fleet Market, at the North end, the space between Snow hill and Holborn hill."

Holborn bridge, Fleet market
Length 100 yards. No. of Houses 118.
1 Swaines, Minett & Co. Distillers
2 Rogers, John, & Co. Cheesemongers
3 Fisher, J.S. Mercer and linen draper
4 Craney, James, Grocer and tea dealer
5 Smith, John, Halter and furrier
6 Grieves, Will. & Co. Cheesemongers
7 Crosley, Joseph, Haberdasher & hosier
8 Hughes, Ben. Mercer & linen draper
9 Luck, John, Woollen draper & mercer
72 Curtis, Wyatt & Co. Wholesale oilmen
73 James, John, Haberdasher & hosier
74 Hammond, Thomas, Haberdasher & hosier
75 Fisher, Thomas, Silversmith and jeweller
76 Palin, Jno. Straw and chip warehouse
78 Ireland, Robert, Stocking manufacturer
79 Buttenshaw & Co. Grocers 8 tea deal.
80 Woodyer & Reeves, Colourman to artists
81 Willett & Co. Chemists and druggists
82 Gowing, George, Stationer
83 Dixon & Burn, Grocers & tea dealers
85 Stapp, John, Cheesemonger and factor
86 Wilson & Co. Chemists & drug merchant
91 Sheen, James, Coppersmith & brazier
102 Blackmore, Benj. Boot & shoe maker

Benton & Co. Carriers

Broughton, R. Wine & brandy merchant
Grobety, Benjamin, Carrier

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 12:51:23 GMT

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