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Johnstones London commercial guide in 1818  - High Holborn, Holborn bars

Johnstones 1818 directory index

This is the 1818 Johnstones London commercial guide which also includes a little pub history detail.

In 1810, John Lockie describes this as :

"Holborn (High), the Western continuation of the last described (Holborn Hill), extending from Middle row, where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 320, to Drury lane and Broad street, St. Giles's, about 1/4 of a mile in length."

Holborn High, Holborn bars
Length 1045 yards. No. of Houses 325.
2 Lambs, John, Oil and colour man
3 Ella & Co. Grocers & tea dealers
4 Schneider, J. N. Skinner and furrier
7 Doyle, Martin, Bookseller & stationer
9 Cooper, J. Fire escape & rope maker
10 Gordon, J. Tobacco & snuff manufacturer
11 King, Thos. Pastry cook & confectioner
13 Jaques, Jno. Composition manufacturer
14 Shew, Jonathan, Appraiser & undertaker
16 Hill, Jacob, Mattrass manufacturer
17 Pinch, 2. Worsted & trimming maker
18 Shout, Robert, Statuary and mason
20 Grey, C. J. Jeweller and silversmith
* Hilton & Page, Wine merchants - Grays inn Coffee House, 20 High Holborn
23  - Queens Head Tavern
24 Dawson, R. Perfumer & comb maker
25 -  Castle
26 Paas & Co. Engravers and printers
27 Hooper & Norton, Confectioners
29  - Coach & Horses
31 Clough, J. & T. Oil and colour men
32 Slaughter, Thos. Taylor and salesman
34 Hoby, Richard, Silversmith & jeweller
34 Woodham, Thomas, Stationer & bookseller
35 Sexton, Samuel, Haberdasher & hosier
36 Brown, Peter, Haberdasher & hosier
38 Mathew, William, Stationer & bookseller
40 Bailey, James, Hatter and furrier
41 Sexton, John, Haberdasher and hosier
* Thompson, Robert, Tea dealer & grocer
42 West, Edward, Tunbridge warehouse
43 Stevens, James, Gun & pistol maker
44 Stanley, Edw. Cheesemonger & factor
45 Hodsoll, William, Music warehouse
46 Long, Rich. Surgeon's instrument maker
* Young, Matthew, Goldsmith & medallist
47 Thompson, Edw. Hosier & glover
48 Finer & Nowland, Watch & clock maker
49 Dixon, Rich. Trunk & case maker
50 Harris, Win. & Co. Optical instrument maker
51 Stobbs, Henry, John, Haber. & hosier
52 Evans & Bitton, Child-bed linen warehouse
* Nutting, Joseph, Umbrella manufacturer
63 Huntley, Robert, Optical instrument maker
54 Phillips, William & Son, Ironmongers
55 Norris, John, Upholstery warehouse
56 Phelps, J. & Co. Stationers
57  - Hand in Hand
59 Taylor, Josiah, Bookseller & stationer
60 Wills, Geo. Breeches & gaiter maker
61 Skinner, Thomas, Mercer & linen draper
62 Davies & Co. Oil & colour men
63 Wigham, Matthew, Chemist and druggist
64 Lewis, Charles, Toy manufacturer
65 Cheek, John, Umbrella and toy manufacturer
66 Coombes, B. M. Stove grate manufacturer
67 Bright and Son, Cork manufacturers
68 Barkley, Mich. Lace & worsted warehouse
69 Galloway, Alex. Machinist & engineer
70 Masoa, Tho. Woollen draper & mercer
71 Williams, Evan, Tea dealer and grocer
72  - Red Lion
73 Burt, Thomas, Straw, chip & Leghorn hat warehouse
74 Wray, William, Furnishing ironmonger
77 Hopkinson, E. &W. Coach & harness maker
78 Jago, R. H. Engineer & land surveyor
80 Day & Martin, Japen blacking makers
81  - Coach & Horses
83 Baker, Jesse, Hosier & glover
84 Reddish, W. D. Haberdasher & hosier
85 Baldock, Robert, Bookseller & stationer
86 Stidolph, W. Cheesemonger and factor
87  - York Arms
88 Wright and Co. Confectioners
89 Boignis, T. Colour man and artist
90 Walker, Robert, Bookseller and stationer
92  - Bull & Anchor
93 Morritt and Lee, Gold & silversmiths
95 Deykin & Son, Army accoutre. makers
96 Houghton, Mich. Upholder & undertaker
97 Day & Martin, Blacking manufactory
98 Williams & Co.,Oculists
99 Holland, Waisteli & Co. Hosiers
100  - White Horse
101 Cole, John, Chemist and druggist
102 Crundwell, Jubn, Tallow chandler
103 Mullins & Son, Lea, pipe & bucket maker
104 Jones, Thomas, Carver and gilder
104   - Kings Arms
106 Wiggins, James, Mercer & woollen draper
107 Draper, William, Leather seller
108 Buzzard, John, Carver, gilder, &c.
110 Clarke, James, Boot & shoe maker
* Crouch, James, Hat manufacturer
111 Scrivener, William, Hat manufacturer
112 Salmon, Jewson & Co. Linen drapers
113 Cribb, John, Surgeon & apothecary
114 Parry, James, Boot & shoe warehouse
115 Free, Richard, Trunk & case maker
116 Kent, Wm. Stationer & bookseller
117 Cope, A. Silk merchant & dealer in British lace
* Hall, J. R. Hat manufacturer & furrier
* Tucker, George, Baize & Rannel warehouse
118  -  Old Coach & Horses / Globe
119 Farnshaw, T. Watch & clock maker
120 Hardcastle, William, Bookseller & stationer
* Sass, H. Pattern drawer & embroiderer
121 Berry and Reed, Linen drapers
122 Richards, Jacob, Upholder & cabinet maker
123 Skidmore, M. & G. Stove grate makers
124 Terry, Rich. Haberdasher & hosier
125 Griggs, Isaac, Carver and gilder
126 Mallam and Adnam, Oil & colour men
127 Sutton & Co. Perfumers and toymen
* Woolcott & Co. Crown glass manufacturer
128 Bateson, David, Cabinet maker & upholder
129  - Grapes
131 Neighbour, George, Fish sauce warehouse
* Phipps, E. China, glass, &c. warehouse
132  - Kings Arms
133 Coilingwood, Thomas, Wax & tallow chandler
135 Barker, Rob. Silversmith & jeweller
136  - Coach & Horses
137 Milbourn, Eliz. Tea dealer & grocer
138 May, Thomas, Boot and shoe warehouse
139 Brooke, Thomas, Fancy mould maker
140 Ridley, Thomas,  Currier & leather cutter
141 Towler, Sam. Boot and shoe maker
142 - Kings Head
143 Priestley, Rich. Bookseller & stationer
144 Crockford, William, Chemist and druggist
145 Vincent, Thomas, Silversmith and jeweller
147 Beauchamp, Robert, Silversmith & jeweller
149 Hancock, Thomas, Pastry cook & confectioner
150 Jones, R. Coppersmith and brazier
160 Fell, Margaret, Currier & leather cutter
163 Brown, Thomas, Colour man to artists
164  - Two Brewers
167 Chalmers, John, Boot & shoe maker
168 Pick, Sarah, Haberdasher and hosier
172 Parkinson, Robert, Grocer & tea dealer
174 Cleaver, Edw. Soap manufacturer
175 Johnson & Smiths, Linen drapers
181 Marshall, John, Tallow chandler & melter
183 Thompson, John, Mangle & press maker
184 Watkinson, John, Corn & flour dealer
185 Lane, George, Silversmith and jeweller
186 Park & Co. Haberdashers and hosier's
187 Eaton, David, Bookseller and stationer
188 Wenborn, Robert, Weight & scale maker
189 Newman, Jos, Oil and colour warehouse
190 Edwards, Thomas, Plumber and glazier
191 Darley, George, Carpenter and builder
* Kleyser, J. Wooden clock & toy warehouse
192 Cornelius, Charles, Tobacconist
195 Chandler, Sam. Carpenter, broom, & brush maker
196 Lincoln, John & Henry, Organ builders
197 Christie, James, Bookseller, 8c.
198 Bye, John, Ironmonger & tyresmith
199 Brown, Simeon, Mercer & linen draper
200 Biddalls & Hengle, Carpenters and joiners
201 Berguer, Fred. Clock and watch maker
202 Davis, Evan, Paper hanging manufacturer
203 Cotterell, Mary, Paper hanging manufacturer
207 Adams, Thomas, Umbrella manufacturer
208 Bishop, Benj. Brush manufacturer
209 Whale, And. R. Grocer and tea dealer
210 Scholes & Davey, Coach & harness makers
211 Bullock, Edward, Appraiser & auctioneer
* Carlisle, John, Bookseller and stationer
* Harrison & Co. London sea coal company
212 Abrahams, H. &Co. Ready made linen warehouse
* Tolson, Mary, Ready made linen warehouse
213 Harrison, Henry, Coal merchant
* Steel & Son, Japanners and painters
215 Walkington, R. Upholster & chair maker
218 Vizer, Thomas, timber & deal merchant
219  - Sun & Punch Bowl
222 Hutchins, Thomas, Saddler & harness maker
223 Shout, Benjamin, Oilman & perfumer
224 Shew, George, Appraiser and auctioneer
226 Healey, John, Liquid blacking manufacturer
227 Underwood & Doyle, Metal fanlighi maker
228 Bossom, James, Coach harness manufacturer
230 Stone & Son, Grocers and tea dealers
231 Pearsall, Benjamin, Toy & hardwareman
232 Page, Samuel, Auction. & undertaker
233 Parker, William, Gunsmith & sword cutler
234 Wildman, John, Wax & honey merchant
237 White, William, Trunk and case maker
239 Green, Howe, Stationer & bookseller
240 Knight, Step. & Co. Drapers & tailors
241 Brown, Thomas, Mercer & linen draper
242 Darcy, John, Bookseller and stationer
243 Baker & Lyall, Timber & mahogany merchant
244 Bepson, George, Silversmith & jeweller
246 Todd, John, Hosier and glover
247 Hughes, William, Truss & bandage maker
248 Boak & White, Hosiers and glovers
249 Hooper, William & Son, Glass & Staffordshire warehouse
250 Coxbead, John, Bookseller & stationer
250  - Toms Coffee House
* Knowley, William, Haberdasher and hosier
251 Edwards, John, Coach broker & builder
* Wells, Thomas, Desk & dressing case maker
252 Howjtt, Matthew, Frunish. ironmonger
253 Kleft, William, Refined oil warehouse
254 Farr, George, Fancy trimming manufacturer
255 - Roebuck
256 Marchant, J. L Oilman & tallow chandler
259 Randell, Thomas, Grocer & tea dealer
260 Evans & Beton, British lace warehouse
262  - Gordon Arms
263 Pugsley, Charles, Floor cloth manufacturer
264 Treacher & Co. Wax chandlers to H.M.
265 Clarke, William, Bookseller and stationer
266 Stockdale, John, Mill maker &engineer
268 Curtis, Robert, Mercer & linen draper
269 Gore, Edward, Tailor and draper
270  - George & Blue Boar
272 Bailey, William, Furnishing ironmonger
273 Twell, Edward, Carpet & rug warehouse
274 Taylor & Eates, Toy manufacturers
275 Swaine & Co. Ale and porter brewers
277 Cook, Margaret, Fancy dress warehouse
278 Arpthorpe, Sarah, Stay warehouse
279 Hanks & Co. Hat manufacturers
280 Lee, Thomas, Hosier and glover
281  - Robin Hood
282 Smith, Thomas & Co. Furniture printers
283 Philpot, William, Linen draper
284 Barber, Job, Lace manufacturer
285 Francis, Abraham, Linen draper
286 Forrest & Perkins, Linen drapers
287 Wheeler, Thomas, Goldsmith & jeweller
288 Cribb & Sons, Carvers and gilders
289 Jullion & Dewdney, Jewellers
290 Godwin, Geo. Jewel. & pocket book maker
291 Bowser, William, Ladies' shoe maker
292 Parry, Charles & Co. Linen drapers
293 Medcott & Co. Haberdashers
294 Haulbronk, Thomas, Linen draper
295 Ogles, Duncan & Co. Booksellers,
296 Pidding, James. &Co. Stock broker & contract.
297 Bartrup & Oliver, Linen drapers.
300 Corbyn, Messer & Co. Chemists & druggist
301 Maltby, Charles, Linen draper
302 Jordan, John, Grocer and tea dealer
303 Grosvenor, George, Perfumer & hardware.
304 Godwin, George & Son, Jeweller & pocket book maker
305 Jeremy, John, Linen draper & mercer
307 Payne & Son, Wholesale toy warehouse
* Saundby, Thomas, Linen draper & mercer
309 Harrison, John, Linen draper & mercer
* Kinnard, William, Chemist and druggist
311 Nott, J. William, Linen draper
312 Wasp, Thomas, Ladies' shoe warehouse
313 Fyffe & Co. Grocers and tea dealers
314 Carpenter, John, Bookseller & stationer
315 Smith, W. & J. Men's mercers &drapers
316 Craig & Co. Linen drapers
317 Stanley, William, Hat manufacturer
318 Lidbetter & Co, Linen drapers
319 Sander, James, Haberdasher & hosier
320 Webb, Benjamin, Linen draper
321 Tyndale, Henry, Linen draper
322 Griffith, Thomas & Charles,  Whip makers
323 Hanson, Jno. & Co. Wholesale tea dealers
324 Ward, Joseph, Medicinal warehouse
325 Townsend, W. Haberdasher and hosier
Bealby, Joseph, Haberdasher & hosier
Hancock, James, Corn dealer & seedsman
Wyatt, Jame.,Upholder & cabinet maker

* Christian, Edward, Barrister
* Dynely & Gatiy, Solicitors
* Moore, Jonathan, Solicitor.
* Taylor, R. & S. Solicitors

* Gude, George, Solicitor
* Mott, George, Solicitor
* Robinson, Rowland & Co. Solicitors
* Jones, W. H. Solicitor

1 Allen, Edward, Solicitor
* Burrell, John, Palfrey, Special pleader
* Littledale, Joseph, Barrister
* Pinniger, John, Solicitor
* Rose & Slater, Solicitors
* Wilmot, John, Corbould, Solicitor
2 Ainslie, Farrer, Montague, Barrister
* Chisholme, William, Solicitor
* Godson, David, Surveyor & architect
* Lamberts, Taylor & Deane, Solicitors
* Tennant & Harrison, Solicitors
* Wharton, Samuel, Surveyor & architect
3 Egerton & Dickins, Solicitors
* Eyre, Edward, Solicitor
* Foster, Thomas, Solicitor
* Palmer, John, Solicitor
* Sheldon, William, Barrister
4 Bradly, Robert, Greene, Barrister
* Davies, Thomas, Barrister
* Turner, Samuel, Conveyancer
5 Dalrymple, Robert, Barrister
* Hicks, Leonard, Solicitor
5 Longdill and Butterfield, Solicitors
* Meadowcroft, James, Solicitor
* Parkinson, John, Solicitor
* Strangwayes, D'Arcy, Solicitor
* Wiglesworth & Crossley, Solicitors
6 Flexney, W. B. Solicitor
* Geldard, Richard, Solicitor
* Keene, W. C. L. Equity draftsman
7 Dixon, Tinmouth, Solicitor
* Fenoulhet, James, Solicitor
* Kent, Thomas, Special pleader
* Marshall, W. S. Stock broker
* Morton and Williamson, Solicitors
8 Copel and William, Solicitors
* Hullock, John, Serjeant at law
* Richardson, C. jun. Solicitor
* Witham, F. and W. Conveyancers
9 Allen, Simon, Proctor
* Edgell, Harry, Error office
* Hilliard, N. Crosier, Solicitor
* Jackson, Richard, Solicitor
* Langloh and Apreece, Solicitors
* Slade and Jones, Solicitors
* Stott, William, Solicitor
* Stevens, Nathaniel, Solicitor
10 Coode, Henry, Solicitor
* Palmer, George, Solicitor
* Willis, J. W. Barrister
11 Appleby and Sergeant, Solicitors
* Bishop, Charles, Solicitor
* Drake, William, Solicitor
* Foakes & Scott, Survey. & auctioneers
* Thompson, William, Solicitor
* Tubbutt and Son, Solicitors
12 Campion, Thomas, Francis, Solicitor
* Jay, William, Architect
* Martin, Alexander, Architect
* Parker, Wilmot, Solicitor
* Poole and Greenfield, Solicitors
* Wilson, John, Solicitor
13 Clarke, James, Conveyancer
* Latimer, John, Solicitor
* Lovell, Charles, Wells, Solicitor
* Martindale, Benjamin, Solicitor
* Meynell, George, Conveyancer
14 Bassett, Alex. Richard, Barrister
* Hollinshead, B. Barrister
* Huddleston, H. Eyuity draftsman
* Marriott and Blamiere, Solicitors
* Smith, William, Compton, Solicitor
* Wise, William, Solicitor
15 Ayrton, Frederick, Solicitor
* Denton and Barker, Solicitors
* Whittard, Thomas, Solicitor
Debois & Wheeler, Clock & watch makers
1 Bromley, William, Solicitor
* Wishaw, John, Solicitor
2 Dauncey, Philip, King's counsellor
* Grey, William, Solicitor
3 Buffar, Regnier, Soliritor
* Devon and Tooke, Solicitors
* Gaskell, Alexander, Forbes, Solicitor
* Hunt, Jackson, king, Solicitor
4 Austen, B. & R. Long, Solicitors
* Goodeve and Ranken, Solicitors
4 Hornidge, William, jun. Solicitor
* Pryer, Samuel, Solicitor
* Shadwell, Charles, Solicitor
5 Capes, Robert, Solicitor
* Fauntleroy, John, Solicitor
6 Cookson, Christopher, Barrister
* Mason, and Blackwell, Solicitors
* Raine, R. Land surveyor & auctioneer
* Wear, John, Barrister
7 Greenhill, Edward, Solicitor
* Hargreave, Orlando, Conveyancer
* Tomlins, Henry, Nathaniel, Counsellor
* Witham, Henry, Conveyancer
8 Duncan, Andrew, Solicitor
* Sayer, Henry, Jenkinson, Solicitor
9 Barrett, Talbot, and Co. Solicitors
* Mayhew, Charles, Solicitor
Willats, T. C. Barrister & equity draftsmen
10 Lockett and Fisher, Solicitors
11 King, George, Special pleader
* Ware, Charles, Hodges, Solicitor
12 Chambre, Thomas, Clerk of assise
* Farrer, Steadman & Uhthoff, Solicitors
* Fearaley, Thomas, Barrister
* Sowten, James, Solicitor
13 Briggs, Joseph, Barrister
* Ince, James, Berkley, Solicitor
14 Cardales and Young, Solicitors
* Dickenson, John, Law stationer
* Hone, Josepb, Barrister
* Wainwright and Smith, Solicitors
1 Armstrong, William, Auctioneer
* Broderip, W.J. Counsellor
* Savill, Joseph, Copper merchant
* Turner, Thomas, Bill and bond broker
* Whitton, William, Solicitor
2 Browning, Henry, Wine merchant
* Burnie, James, Ship broker
* Murphy and Cameron, Solicitors
3 Baily, Francis, Stack broker
* Henderson, James, Henry, Solicitor
4 Dunlop, J. Underwriter & tobacco merchant
* Grosvenor, Gilbert, Solicitor
* Pewtriss, James, Solicitor
5 Dickenson, John, Robert, Solicitor

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 12:51:17 GMT

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