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Johnstones 1818 directory index
This is the 1818 Johnstones London commercial guide which also includes a little pub history detail.
Fetter lane, Holborn.
Length 489 yards. No. of houses 144.
6 Leadley, James, Hoholesale stationer
9 Cooper and Co. Artificial florists
11 Henson, Samuel, Tailor and draper
21 Robins, William, Capillaire maker
27 Day, John, Stationer and bookseller
29 Woodthorpe, Jno. Engraver & printer
33 Barrister, Jas. Clock and watch maker
* Rarrishaw, James, Engraver & printer
34 Taylor, James, Carver and gilder
35 Noble & Harrison, Goldsmith & jewellers
36 Watson, George, Cabinet maker
38 Jefferson and Son, Goldsmiths, &c.
39 Brown, Edw. Silversmith and jeweller
41 Hudson, John, Pewter manufacturer
44 Hawkins, John, Copper-plate printer
45 Stevens, T. Cheesemonger and factor
46 Hudson, W. Optical turner & brass maker
47 Wilkinson, Thomas, Painter & glazier
48 Poole, John, Marble-paper maker
50 Howard, T. Glass & Staffordshire warehouse
53 Miller, Mark, Boot and shoe maker
54 Herbert, Edward, Oil and colour man
55 Houghton, J.E. Carpenter & undertaker
62 Wiggins, William, Tallow chandler
68 Lovel, W. Leather seller and currier
70 Collins, John, Straw-plat merchant
75 Stanford, William, Tailor and draper
76 Biggs, John, Musical instrument maker
77 Hunt, John, Oil and colour man
83 Smith, George, Cutler and razor maker
85 Pope, Lucas, Grocer and tea dealer
91 Downes, T. Iron and tin-plate worker
97 Bishop, J. G. Watch & clock maker
101 Thompson, J. Wine & brandy merchant
102 Carter, Abrahan, Smith & ironmonger
104 Timbury, John, Stock broker
* Timbury & Co. Bookbinders’ tool cutters
110 Selward, W. Map mounter and dissecter
l13 Mosley, R. Jewel & bead manufacturer
l14 Mayar and Co. Furriers
117 West, William, Tea dealer and grocer
118 Reeve, William, Oil and colour man
119 Grimes and Co. Pin and needle makers
* Herinshaw, Dan. Pin & needle makers
120 Warwick, William, Gold beater
121 Searle, Joseph, Solicitor
122 Barber, Robert, Solicitor
123 Holmes, J. Fishing rod and tackle maker
125 Kennedy & Sons, Stationers & newsmen
139 Meharey, J. Wholesale perfumer & toyman
131 Walker, Henry, Agent
131 Young & Co. Sheffield plate warehouse
136 Carpenter, W. Printer and stationer
138 Shaw, John, Printer and stationer
Hughes, J. Cheesemonger & butter factor
White Horse, FETTER LANE.
Savage, Charles, Ambrose, Innholder
White Horse coffee house.
Lomas, John, Wine & brandy merchant
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