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Johnstones London commercial guide in 1818  - Fenchurch street, Gracechurch street

Johnstones 1818 directory index

This is the 1818 Johnstones London commercial guide which also includes a little pub history detail.

Fenchurch street, Gracechurch street.
Length 654 yards. No. of Houses 175.
1 Fossick, Sam. Leather dresser and seller
2 Benyon, E. Hardware & Pontypool warehouse
* Henington, Bernard, Stationer, etc.
7 Hankeys & Co. Bankers
8 Crosthwaite, J. Wine and brandy merchant
9 Child, Sanuel, Boot and shoe warehouse
12 Dixon, Richard & Co. Slopsellers
* Stein, James & Co. Merchants
13 Brecknell, William, Furnishing ironmonger
14 Gordon, George, Merchant and woollen draper
* Satterthwaite, John, Merchant
15 Morice, D. & W. Watch and clock makers
16 Haswell, David, Painter and glazier
* Martell, J. F. Merchant
* Osy, John, Merchant
17 Heale & Atherton, Coffee merchants
18 Holness, Joseph, Spirit merchant
20 Gedge, William, Wine agent and broker
* Royal Exchange Wine Company
22 Palmer, Sons & Co. Tea dealers
23 Martell, Aug. Importer of cogniac brandy
* Martell, Ga. Importer of cogniac brandy
* Martell, Theo. Import. of cogniac brandy
* Thornton, H. Upholder and undertaker
25 Gordon & Co. Seedsmen and florists
26 Richardson, E. Glass and china warehouse
27 Pryer, Thomas Jun. Saddler and harness maker
28 Bennett & Co. Grocers and tea dealers
29 Buxton, Sam. Solicitor
30 Baker, Sowerby & Co. Slop sellers
31 Weston, Teesdale & Symes, Solicitors
32 Bridges, George, Wine and brandy merchant
* Milligan & Co. West India merchants
* Plummer, Barham & Co. Merchants
33 Edgar, R. & Son, Wine and brandy merchants
* Waymouth, C. B. Wholesale coffee warehouse
34 Borradaile, Sons & Co. Hat manufacturers
35 Henington, Bernard, Stationer, etc.
36 Ellis, Richard, Upholder and undertaker
37 Elliott, Thomas, Chemist and druggist
39 Jones, Holland & Co. Wine merchants
40 Gretton, Henry, Engraver and printer
41 Peirce, Edward, Carver and gilder
42 Stoakes & Homewood, Oil and colourmen
43 Goodeve, George, Boot and shoe maker
44 Davison & Co. Grocers and tea dealers
47 Cockshutt, E. Haberdasher and milliner
49 Phillip, David, Stationer and bookseller
50 Dixon, John & William, Slop warehouse
51 Lyon, Jno. Ornamental hair warehouse
52 Henson, William, Boot and shoe maker
53 Payne, Thomas, Wine and brandy merchant
55 Cranwell, James, Booksel and stationer
56 Sharp & Sons, Grocers and tea dealers
58 Adamson, John, Apprais. & auctioneer
59 Hart & Co. Wine and brandy merchants
65 Andrews W. & Co. Ship and insurance brokers
* Fruhling & Goschen, Merchants
66 Finlay, George, Draper and tailor
* Wright, Chas. Solicitor
78 Reynolds, Wm. Apprais, and auctioneer
81 Broxup & Hum, Cork cutters, etc.
82 Wilson, Charles, Wine & brandy merchant
83 Rolli, E. & Co. Merchants
86 Taylor, Sam, Jeweller and hardwareman
87 Emmerson, W. Corn factor and seedsman
90 White, Edw. Mason and statuary
91 Smith,George, Mercer, tailor and draper
92 Beazley, W. & J. Trunk and case makers
96 Cook & Harley, Plumbers and glaziers
* Freuch, W. H. & G. Cuff, Brokers and agents
97 Clark & Grisson, Carpenters and builders
100 Gatward, William, Tailor and draper
101 Yeatherd, W. Wine and brandy merchant
102 Munt, Peter, Dyer, dresser and scourer
103 Jones, Henry, Tobacco & snuff manufacturer
104 Chew, Edward, Solicitor
106 Birch & Ward, Merchants
Commercial Dock Office
* Denison and Co. Merchants
* Hanbury, Joseph, Solicitor
* Keyser, R. A Merchant
* Rownson, John, Broker
* White, George, Tea broker
107 Starling, Joseph, Jun. Stock broker
108 Atkinson, James&Co. Russia merchants
109 Wilson, C. & Co. Ironmongers & hardwaremen
110 Assignees of Voss and Essees
* Berry, Thomas, Merchant
* Brondgust, John, Accountant, &c.
* Buckler and Co. Merchants
* Chemimant & Kerckove, Merchants
* Deekins, Fred. & Co. Merchants
* Holt, Aaron, Merchant
* Matthews & Co. Upholders & undertakers
* Monds, Thomas, W. Sugar broker
* Pearson and Berry, Merchants
* Schmaling, P. W. Merchant
* Seal, James, F. Merchant
* Seal, James and Co. Merchants
* Stavenhagen, C. H. Merchant
* Wildboer and Co. Merchants
112 Pateshall & Jones, Tallow chandlers
113 Smith & Wilkinson, Chemists & druggists
114 Robinson, G. & S. Stationerx & paper stainers
116 Spencer, John, Deal & timber merchant
117 Hales, Thomas, Brass & steel wire warehouse
123 Gilliat, John, Merchant
124 Hales, Edward, Stationer & bookseller
* Hales, Wm. Stock broker
* Watts & Heath, Wine & brandy merchants
125 Wilkinson, Robert, Map & printseller
126 Fletcher, John, Appraiser & auctioneer
127 1srael & Wagg, Wholesale druggists
128 Nicholson & Co. New price current office
129 Shelly, Joseph, Cheesemonger & factor
130 Abelton, Robert, Bread &biscuit baker
131 Elliott, Thomas, China and glassman
132 Jennings, David, Jeweller & hardwareman
133 Phillips & Son, Boot & shoe warehouse
134 Bradock, John, Colton merchant
135 Compton, T. & H. Pewter & tinfoil beaters
137 Sutton, Halliday & Co. Brokers
138 Long, William, Truss maker, &c.
139 Hunt, John, Ship and general agent
142 Hoggart & Fulbrook, Wholesale saddlers
143 Shaw, Brothers, Merchants
146 Cockburn, P. Tobacco & snuff manufacturer
147 Armstrong, John, Merchant
* Fowler, James, Broker
* Haynes, John, Solicitor
* Lindo, M. D. and Co. Brokers
148 Usher, George, Skinner and furrier
149 Gould, Jno. Boot and shoe maker
150 Smith & Co. Wine merchants
152 Hall, Sam. Brazier & tin plate worker
153 Tull, Sam. Net, line and twine maker
154 Kitson, James, Wholesale saddler, &c.
155 Barnard, Daniel, Merchant
* Bell, John, Grocer and tea dealer
156 Hunter & Son, Watch makers & jewellers
157 Balls, Thomas, Ship & insurance broker
* Fermie, J. Accountant & agent in bankruptcies
* Hall, J. B. Pat, violet soap manufacturer
* Pocock, George, Auctioneer & surveyor
158 Elder & Smith, Stationers & bookbinders
159 Swift, Son & Bell, Wholesale hosiers
* Vaux, C. B. Surgeon and accoucheur
160 Ayres & Bennett, Goldsmiths & jewellers
161 Ball, William, Grocer and tea dealer
162 Boughey, Ebenezer, Hatter & furrier
163 Harland, Chas. Engine & machine maker
165 Rutt & Howard, Wholesale glovers
166 Hayes, C. D. Floor cloth manufacturer
* Virgianno, J. M. Merchant
167 Taylor, George, Sail-cloth factor
169 Chabert, Philip, Merchant
170 Favell & Co. Woollen drapers
171 Gann, J. Draper, tailor & men's mercer
172 Pitt, Daniel, Hosier and glover
173 Martin, Rich. Confectioner & pastry cook
174 Morrin, Thomas, Haberdasher & hosier
175 Palmer, Sam. Hatter and furrier
Fenchurch street chambers.
Bovill, Joseph, Broker and agent
Cobden & Gent, Commercial brokers
Dennison, John, Notary public
Edmeston, James, Flour factor
Hudson, Richard, Commercial broker
Hurff & Chapman, Commercial brokers
Lacy and Witton, Shipping agents
Rivers, Chas. Solicitor
Row, John, Coal merchant
Row, Thomas, Ship owner
LANGBOURN coffee house.
Chandler, S. Wine & brandy merchant
Allen & Storm, Wine & brandy merchants
Burnell, Martin, Ship & insurance broker
Campbell, George, Commercial broker
Cheap, J. jun. Ship and insurance broker
Gernon and Goujon, Merchants
Henderson, R. and J. Indigo brokers
Jacob, William, Merchant
Matthews and Hopkins, Coal merchants
Mendham, Samuel, Merchant
Sedgwick, Thomas, Merchant
Slee, Jacob, Agent and accountant
Stephens, Thomas, Custom-house agent
Waldgrave and Lakeman, Teu brokers

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 13:04:44 BST

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