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Johnstones London commercial guide in 1818  - East Smithfield (Upper), Tower hill

Johnstones 1818 directory index

This is the 1818 Johnstones London commercial guide which also includes a little pub history detail.

John Lockie in 1810 describes it as :

"Smith field (Upper East), Little Tower Hill, extends from the E. side of Tower hill, to Parsons street, Ratcliffe highway."

East Smithfield (Upper), Tower hill.
Length 353 yards. No. of Houses 115.
1 Clark, Will. Grocer and tea dealer
2 Newman, Jonathan, Wholesale slopseller
3 Walburn, John, Tea dealer & grocer
8 Jerdein, Margaret, Tobacconist
* Wood, Will. Tobacconist and snuff dealer
15 Atkins and Son, Plumbers and glaziers
21 Hart & Cohen, Slop sellers & woollen drapers
22 Carter, W. Corn dealer and flour factor
23 Wilson, W. Hatter and umbrella manufacturers
49 Craddock, Chase, Grocer & tea dealer
51 Dickens, G. J. & Co. Shoe warehouse
* Taylor, Joseph, Tobacco manufacturer
53 Selby, Will. Tailor and slopseller
54 Anderson, Robert, Draper and tailor
61  - Mint
64 Berry, William, Cork manufacturer
67 Sherwood, Jos. Gun & cannon lock maker
68 Sherwood, Jno. jun. Tallow chandler
71 Metcalfe, Jos. and Son, Oil merchants
73  -  Red Cross
74 Luden, John, Haberdasher and hosier
* Grieves, Jos. Cheesemonger and factor
79 Duff, James, Silk and cotton dyer
80 Emerson, George, Chemist and druggist
82 King, Thomas & Benj. Clock & watch maker
84 Hasler, John, Shoe warehouse
85 Willam, Daniel, Iron & tinplate worker
87 Roberts, Robert, Provision merchant
90 Levy, Moses, Slop merchant
92 Gosling and Co. Provision warehouse
97  -  Three Crowns
98 Moses, Son & Co. Wholesale slopsellers
100 Stiles, Joseph, Cheesemonger & factor
101 Capp, John, Boot and shoe maker
109 Childers, George, Slopseller and draper
110 Boone, Thomas, Oil and colourmans
* Stevenson, W. Cooper & stave merchant
112 Lazarus, H. Watch maker and jeweller
114 Cohen, Moses, Quill merchant
115 Walker, J. K. Patent colour manufacturer
117  -  Brown Bear
Jackson & Son, Accountants & agents
Loat and Middleton, Curriers
Macnamara & Brett, London Plate glass ware.

1827 :

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 15:16:36 GMT

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