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Johnstones London commercial guide in 1818  - East Smithfield (Lower), Butcher Row

Johnstones 1818 directory index

This is the 1818 Johnstones London commercial guide which also includes a little pub history detail.

John Lockie in 1810 describes it as :

"Smithfield (Lower East) , the continuation of Butcher row to the Hermitage bridge. "

East Smithfield (Lower), Butcher Row.
Length 220 yards. No. of Houses 96.
1 Rutherford, J. Tin, copper & iron warehouse
3 Dudman, W. Slopseller & woollen draper
5 Brooksbank, Jas. Colour manufacturer
7  -  Town of Leith
8  -  Inverness Arms
9 Bentley, James, Ship and house smith
10 Gay, James, Patent water closet manufacturer
16 Stein, James, Distiller and rectifier
21 Goodwyn and Co. Brewers
30  -  Blacksmiths Arms tavern
31 Mill, Charles, Irish provision merchant
43 Gahan, Philip, Cooper and stave merchant
49 Simpson, Thomas, Draper and tailor
53 Hays, James, Collar and harness maker
60 Greenland, E. Box & packing case maker
* Greenland, W. Wholesale pipe manufacturer
66 Taprell, John, Grocer and tea dealer
73  - Coopers Arms
83 Bacon, William, Rope and sail maker
88  -  Black Boy
91  -  Edinburgh Castle
92 Dickson, G. Slopseller & woollen draper
93  -  St Andrew
94 Parnell, W. Mathematical Instrument maker
Docker & Sparks, Carpenters & builders
Hare, Jos. P. Lighterman & wharfinger
Wolfe, A. Pat. mustard & salt fish warehouse
Carron wharf.
White, Charles, Wharfinger
Crow’s Nest wharf.
Turnbridge, Charlotte, Wharfinger
Down's wharf.
Down and Co. Wharfingers
Mitchell, Alexander, Wharfinger
Glasgow wharf.
Adams, Joseph and Co, Wharfingers
Hogg William, Cornfactor
Leith and Berwick wharf.
Laurie, Andrew & Co, wharfingers
Millers wharf.
Thomas Josie, Wharfinger

1827 to find:

Richard Adamson, Rose & Crown, Lower East Smithfield
Robert Air, Hoy & Hermit, Lower East Smithfield

George Barnes, Coopers Arms, 73 Lower East Smithfield
Robert Barnes, Sugar Loaf & Punch Bowl, Lower East Smithfield

Jno Burrows, Strong Man, 55 Lower East Smithfield

George Cox, Sugar Loaf & Punch Bowl, Lower East Smithfield

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 15:16:29 GMT

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