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Johnstones London commercial guide in 1818 - Duke street, Portland place.

Johnstones 1818 directory index

This is the 1818 Johnstones London commercial guide which also includes a little pub history detail.

Duke street, Portland place.
Length 159 yards. No. of Houses 24.
1 Wetting & Son, Tailers and drapers
8 Wettig, Lewis, James, Solicitor
9 Venes & Son, Wine & brandy merchant
10 Wilkie, Alex. Upholder & undertaker
12 Propert, John, Surgeon and accoucheur
14 Haley, Thomas, Plumber and glazier
15 De Mier, Jos. War & tallow chandler
16 Booth, John, Bookseller and stationer
17 Thicke, William, Artist & miniature painter
20 Cobham, Warner, Hat manufacturer

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 13:04:38 BST

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