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Johnstones London commercial guide in 1818 - Dean street, Soho.

Johnstones 1818 directory index

This is the 1818 Johnstones London commercial guide which also includes a little pub history detail.

Dean street, Soho.
Length 533 yards. No. of Houses 76.
1 Cook, L. Land agent and auctioneer
3 Holford, Charles, Grocer and tea dealer
5 Robinson, J. China & glass warehouse
9 Prus, G. & Co. Importer of foreign wines
* Redford, J. Goldbeater
10 Morland, W. Wine & brandy merchant
12 Fish, W. Seal engraver and lapidary
14 Bell, Charles, Surgeon and accoucheur
20 Knight, William, Solicitor
* Popkin, Parr, Solicitor
21 Thornton, Edw. Goldsmith & jeweller
26 Furnivall, J. Surgeon and apothecary
27 Horsey, John, Boot and shoe maker
28 Perrin, B. Prep. Dr. Jas'.pow. & ans. pills
* Tarrant, John, Evans, Solicitor
31 Hedges, J. Looking-glass manufacturer
35 Steamer, Christ. Boot and shoe maker
3 Hurley, James, Wax & tallow chandler
41 Sharpe, J. Iron and tin-plate-worker
42 Elworthey, R. Grocer and tea dealer
43 Edy and Co. Patent truss makers
* Vincent, L. Prep. of ivory for miniatures
45 Rendall, T. Surgeon and apothecary
48 O'Reilly, E. Army-clothier and agent
49 Metcalf & Co. Brush makers & turners
50 Carpue, Joseph, Surgeon.
51 Sunderland & Oswald, Army-clothiers
54 Stoir and Co. Gold and silver smiths
55 Tomkison,T. Pianoforte maker to the P.R.
50 Foot, Jesse, Surgeon and accoucheur
57 Pickman, W. Clock and watch maker
58 Dallziell and Co. Plumbers & glaziers
66 Turner, James, Chip-box manufacturer
68 Gylby, John, Parker, Solicitor
69 Dawes & Newton, Cabinet makers & upholders
71 Nicoll, W. Clock and watch maker
74 Adams & Brookes, Cur. & leather cutters
76 Walker, S. Press-engine manufacturer
Holl, Joseph, Coach and tyre smith

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 13:04:34 BST

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