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Johnstones London commercial guide in 1818 - Bread street, Cheapside

Johnstones 1818 directory index

This is the 1818 Johnstones London commercial guide which also includes a little pub history detail.

Bread street, Cheapside
Length 258 yards.-No. of houses 68.
1 Eccles James & John, warehousemen
4 Rogers, John & Charles, Scotch warehouse
5 Langston, Zac 7 Co, Manchester warehouse
3 Bullock, W, Wine & brandy merchant
9 Horrocks, J & Co, Muslin manufacturer
11 Black, Alex and neil, Merchants
12 Adams, son & Bell, Ribbon weavers
13 Burton, John & George, Calico printers
16 Brown, Sharps & Co, Gauze & muslin weaver
19 Wilkinson, T, auctioneer & appraiser
20 Chipchase, James, solicitor
* Dowman and Offley, Sulk mercers
21 Bridge, Thomas, Chemist & druggist
22 Harford's Bristol copper company
* Ormiston, I. Agent to British copper company
23 Entwistle, Jas. & Co. Silk warehouse
24 Ireland and Cox, Haberdashers
25 Barnette, Edw. British lace warehouse
26 Hayward, Sam. Glass cutter, & grinder
27 Barker, John & Co. Blanket manufacturer
28 Phillpin, William, Merchant
* Sanders, William, Fan manufacturer
29 Davenhill, Benj. Wholesale ironmonger
30 Leighton & Co. Muslin manufacturers
* Petty, William, Muslin manufacturer
31 White, Stephen, Coal & timber merchant
34 Sowerby, W. Wine & brandy merchant
35 Arbuthnot, Archibald, Merchant
39 Mazene, Thomas, Engraver and publisher
40 Yonge, M.G. Wholesale brace warehouse
41 Fletcher, G. Wine & brandy merchant
42 Pladdy, James P. Grocer & tea dealer
43 Parry, Thomas & Co. Wholesale drapers
44 Farmer, W. Fancy trimming manufacturer
45 Bainbridge aud Brown, Merchants
49 Bell, John, Wholesale ironmonger
50 Feltham, James, Silk manufacturer
51 Penny, Benj. and Co. Warehousemen
52 Bathe, R. & I. Manchester warehousemen
53 Lainson, I. & H. Factors & warehousemen
54 Gillman & Clay, Merchants
55 Nibblett, Francis, Solicitor
56 Farrer, William, Scotch factor
57 Hodgson, Raw & Lake, warehousemen
58 Allatt & Green, Woollen rarehouse
9 Dinsdale, Henry, W. Warehouseman
60 Man and Dent, Warehousemen
61 Meden and Moses, Wurehousemen
62 Taylor, W. G. Wholesale linen draper
* Walton, Newton & Co. Manchester warehousemen
63 Farrer, Robinson & Co, Manchester warehousemen
65 Butlin, James, Silk and ribbon weaver
66 Burbridge, J, Manchester warehouse
67 Downes, R P, British lace manufacturer

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 13:04:27 BST

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