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Johnstones London commercial guide in 1818 - Bow lane, Cheapside

Johnstones 1818 directory index

This is the 1818 Johnstones London commercial guide which also includes a little pub history detail.

Bow lane, Cheapside
Length 258 yards.-No. of houses 56.
2 Sadler, Joseph, Warehouseman
3 Gore, John, Warehouseman
4. Everingham & Co. Hosiery manufactur.
4 Chaffey & Jackson, Woollen warehouse
5 Jones, Sam. Trimming manufacturer
6 Waddell, Thomas, Shawl manufacturer
9 McMath, Alex. Flannel & carpet warehouse
ll Carlisle, Edw. Wholesale haberdasher
14 Warrand, Sam. Wine & brandy merchant
15 Venn, Wright & Co. Toa brokers
18 Spear, William, Stationer & rag merchant
19 Chandler, Thomas, Carp. and builder
* Lovell, Charles, Glazier and painter
20 Jones, John, Wine & brandy merchant
21 Anderson, Campbell, & Co. Merchants
27 Cade, James, Wine & brandy merchant
* Townsend, Sam. S. Solicitor
28 Taplin, Rich. Russia matt warehouse
29 Leigh and Welch, Solicitors
30 Culverhouse, W. Soda water manufacturer
35 Custance, Myles, Auctioneer
37 Mawley & Hamman Wholesale tea dealer
39 Brown, John, Cheesemonger & factor
40 Main, Jo, Patent thread manufacturer
41 Nicholson & Co, Pin & Needle maker
42 Stevenson, George & Sons, Merchants
43 Lovett & Harrison, Silk manufacturers
44 Berger & sons, Colour manufacturers
46 Douglas and Co, Silk weavers
47 Benneson, Thomas, Manchester warehouse
48 Barber, John, ladies dressing case maker
49 Midwood, Thomas Haigh, Warehouseman
50 Carmalt, Charles, Warehouseman
Walters, Josepd & Dan, Silk weavers
Welch and Leigh, solicitors
Whitfield William, wine merchant

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 13:04:26 BST

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