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Johnstones London commercial guide in 1818 - Botolph Lane, Eastcheap

Johnstones 1818 directory index

This is the 1818 Johnstones London commercial guide which also includes a little pub history detail.

Botolph Lane, Eastcheap
Length 181 yards.-No. of houses 47.
Coe, William, Wine and sugar cooper
* Gainsford, R. Wine & sugar cooper
3 Fowler, A. Orange merchant
4 Parnell, William, Orange merchant
5 Austin, W. & Co. Wine & brandy merchants
8 Hanson, B. & Son, Orange merchants
9 Field, M. & Son, Wine & sugar coopers
10 Hawkins, William, Orange merchant
12 Faulker, Charles, R. Orange merchant
* Wolfe, Joseph, Orange merchant
13 Bennet, Thomas, Orange merchant
15 Steers, Rich. Orange merchant
16 Williamson, I. & I. Orange merchants
20 Hearsey, Son & Co. Orange merchants
22 Picard, James, Orange merchant
23 Dyson, Sam. Wine & brandy merchant
29 Dyson, John, Orange merchant
32 Fenn and Hewson, Wholesale grocers
36 Trimm, Edw. Orange merchant
38 Brown, R. & Co. Sword manufacturers
* Lewis, John, Merchant
39 Barnes, Hector, Glass cutter, &c.
* Cockburn, G. Meal merch. & factor
4l Wrightson, John, Orange merchant
42 Scott, W. & Sou, Customhouse lightermen
43 Scott, Joseph, Orange merchant
44 Lowell, James, Orange merchant
46 Ambrose & Co. Wine & brandy merchant
47 Hanson, Sam. Orange merchant

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 13:04:25 BST

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