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Johnstones London commercial guide in 1818  - Aldgate street, Aldgate

Johnstones 1818 directory index

This is the 1818 Johnstones London commercial guide which also includes a little pub history detail.

Aldgate street, Aldgate
Length 88 yards. No. of Houses 34.
1 Wright, C, paper hanger and stationer
2 Gunson, Robert, Woollen manufacturer
6 Edlin, G, Tobacco and snuff manufacturer
7 Bridger, James, Carpenter and joiner
8 Barrowcliff, John, Feather merchant
9 Nevill, William Henry, Ironmonger &c
10 Jones, Wiggins & Co, Wholesale stationer
12 Measam, William, Hat manufacturer
13 Beale, J. L. Chemist and druggist
14 Thorp & Sons, Wholesale haberdashers
15 Weddell, Till, and Co. Woollen drapers
19 Parkins, Matthew, Woollen draper, &c.
21 Fairbrother, J. Jeweller and silversmith
22 Kendrick and Tyndale, Linen drapers
23 Claridge, James, Haberdasher, &c.
24 Higgins, Henry, Haberdasher, &c.
25 Drane, William, Comb manufacturer
26 Williams, Job, Haberdasher, &c.
27 Key, John, Chemist and druggist
28 Sadler, Francis, & Son, Upholders, &c.
29 Greave, J. W. Woollen draper, &c.
32 Charman, M. Jeweller and toy warehouse
33 J’anson, W. and S. Woollen drapers, &c.
34 Silberrad, Charles, Optician, &c.

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 13:04:16 BST

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