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London Street Listings Index in 1921.
[an error occurred while processing this directive]Southwark Street SE1 (Southwark), commencing corner of Bedale Street, Borough High Street - North Side #2 to #22 & The Exchange
North Side
Stanley, Thos Jas Flannagan
4 Winley & Son, stationers
4 Fowler H & R, stave merchants
6 & 8 Noakes J T & Co, hop factors
... here is Three Crown Square ...
10 Norwich Union Life Insurance Society, N F Robarts, manager
12 & 14 National Provincial & Union Bank of England Ltd
16 Union Bank Chambers:
16 Customs & Excise Office (Borough district), B C Brambley, surveyor
16 Bodmer Richard, analytical chemist
16 Hinks Edward, analytical chemist
16 Pells Wm & Son Ltd, lightermen
16 London & Counties Stores Limited
16 Green F G & Co, who stationers
16 Williamson Bros, druggists sundriesmen
16 Taylor A E & Co, motor haulage contractors
16 Betts Wm Robert, fruit salesman
16 Reynolds Bros, windows cleaners
18 Green P T & P, hotel valuers
18 Bulmer Arthur & Co, auctioneers
18 & 20 Rudge, Brown & Co, coal exporters
18 & 20 Ingledew & Davenport, potato salesmen
... here is Stoney Street ...
Southwark Tavern, Bertram Valentine Weller Wickins
22A Scott Wm, commission agent
22A Jay Arnold & Co, advertising novelties
22A Jackson Hy W, manufacturers agent
22A Nicholls Sidney Guy, cigar merchant
The Exchange:
Exchange & Hop Warehouses, C W Hill, manager
London Egg Market Lim, A D T Hamilton, sec
1,2 & 3 Langeton Henry & Co, auctioneers
1A (basement) & 54 Baker Geo, wine & spirit merchant
4 & 5 Royal Exchange Assurance Corporation
6 Lowe William Thomas & Son, aniline dye agents
7 Hotton Malleables Ltd, general engineers
8 William Frederick B & Co, hop merchants
9 Coopman J, egg importer
10 Prideaux C & G Ltd, milk merchants
10 Prideaux's Pure Casein & Life Food Co Ltd
21 Siratzky Leopold, egg importer
26 & 27 Sears Henry G & Co, produce agents
29 Ladefoged (L Nielsen) & Co, provision importers
30 Petyt Louis Florimond, foreign agent
31 Adkins P F & Co Ltd, fruit salesmen
32A Gascoyne G & Co, hop merchants
32 Exchange Leather Co, leather merchants
33 Chambers Kellnd H, manufacturers agent
34 Marchant Bors, timber merchants
40 & 41 London & Manchester Assurance Co Ltd (branch)
42 & 43 Potter A & Co, aniline dye merchants
44 Scaalburg Ernest, produce importer
46 to 48 Harrison & Jarvis, wholesale stationers
49 Moser & Bester, egg importers
50 Cowell Geo Hy, provision importer
51 Gandolfo P, foreign produce importer
54 & 1A (basement), Bajer Geo, wine & spirit merchant
55 Hudgell William Thomas, kings tax collector
57 Ventura A & Co, general merchants
59 to 61 May Louis, hop merchant
62 Brewers Equipment Co
63 Crowe Harry Percy, solicitor
64 Pfister & Vogel Leather Co Ltd, leather merchants
67 Legal Insurance Co Ltd
68 Hollands Distillery (Essential Oils) Ltd
69 Cole Robert Wilding, cons brewer
70 & 71 Raggett George & Sons Ltd, ale merchants
72 Waydelin Chas, hop merchant
78 Tompsett J H & Sons, hop merchants
81 Webber Wm Arthur, fruit merchant
82 Job James Samuel, brush merchant
83 Eilers Joseph, produce agent
84 Humphreys G & Co, produce merchants
86 Nichols & Holmes, commission agents
89 Langmead Henry Westbrook, general merchant
90 Flower J W & Co, brewers engineers
91 Murnane George Frederick, kings tax collector
96 Kitson Louis J & Son, dairy produce merchants
98 to 102 Morris J S C (exor of), directory publishers
103 English Butter Factory Assoc
104 Beste R H, lard compound agent
105 Harvey Arthur, analyst
106 Leather Trades Publishing Co Ltd
107 Nitz Edward, tailor
108 Marston Roland, engineer
109 & 111 Levaillant R L & Co, hide & skin merchants
112 Tomlinson Fredk, produce agent
114 Curtis & Wilson, merchants
117 & 118 Wildman F & P, produce importers
119 Faupel Bros, general merchants
120 Dacey & Co, produce merchants
121 Simpson M & Co, hop merchants