Man Loaded with Mischielf

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London Street Directory in 1921.

London Street Listings Index in 1921.

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Pollen Street, Hanover Square (W1) (Westminster), 12 Hanover Street & 18 Maddox Street

3 Howard George, Greengrocer
4 Buttner Charles, Tailor
5 Lion & French Horn, Alf Hy Quant
6 Weekes A & Co Ltd, Music Publishers
9 & 10 Scales & Poll, Millinery Materials (Wholesale)
9 & 10 Anfrie Jacques, Silk Merchant
9 & 10 Mirgan & Taylor Ltd, Outfitters
9 & 10 Gregory & Co, Manufacturing Jewellers
11 Duff J & Sons Ltd, laundry
11 Naiman Alois, Tailor
12 Brandon Joseph, Dairy
13 Welford & Sons Ltd, Cowkeepers

[an error occurred while processing this directive] And Last updated on: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 12:51:08 GMT