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London Street Listings Index in 1921.
[an error occurred while processing this directive]Osborn street (E1) (Stepney), 1
Whitechapel road, continuation of Brick lane
East side
4 Original Wine Co
6 Abrahams Simon, tobacconist
8 Freeman Morris, fruiterer
10 Golub Abraham, bookseller
12 to 20 Victoria Wine Co Ltd
12 to 20 Hughes W Winch & Co, wine merchants
24 Sendak Lazarus, incandescent mantle dealer
24 Turiansky Louis MD, physician & surgeon
26 Koski Joseph, trimmings merchant
28 Sterling Harry, grindery dealer
30 Fisher Harry, baths proprietor
32 Snelver Alec, dining rooms
34 Topper Mrs Annie, tobacconist
36 Jacob Benjamin, furrier
38 Goldstein Harry, hairdresser
40 Reynolds William R, electrical engineer
40 & 29 Teacher Nathan, furniture dealer
Archers tavern, Harry Max
... here is Brick lane ...
West side
1 Nadel Max & Mrs Rose, artificial teeth makers
1 Schkolnikoff G M, artificial teeth maker
3 Donn Joseph, house agent
5 Lewinstein Jacob, printer
7 Deakin Mrs Eliza, newsagent
9 Geschischter Marcus, hairdresser
11 Bernard Barnett, cap maker
13 Furman Harris & Co, woollen warehousemen
15 Blooman Simon, watch case maker
17 Rose D (Machine Suppliers) Co Ltd, sewing machine agents
17 & 17A Noakes Thomas & Sons, engineers
19 Wettman & Co, manufacturing confectioners
19A Margolinsky Isidore, furniture dealer
21 Warner John, iron founder
23 Express Developing Co, photographic enlargers
25 Wells E & Son Ltd, carmen
25 Sager Lewis, dining rooms
27 Stepney (Borough of ) electricity Supply Dept, William Court Parsons Tapper
M.I.E.R. engineer & manager
29 & 40 Teacher Nathan, furniture dealer
31 Silver Lewis, watchmaker
33A Cohen Adolph, hairdresser
33 Collins Morris, hosier