Man Loaded with Mischielf

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London Street Directory in 1842 and 1921.

London Street Listings Index in 1921.

Lower Thames street in 1842 (first)

2 Bell J T and Co, warehouse keepers
Taylor J and Co, lightermen
Granger Samuel, lighterman
Jackson and Knill, wharfingers
3 Nunn Eliz, Bell Tavern
4 Bather George, scale maker
6 Clark T J, fishmonger
Cox and Hammonds Quay
Lucey Charles, lighterman
London Bridge Steam Pack Wharf
Betham John, Custom House agent
7 Saunders J E, fish factor
8 Pope J B and Co, coal factors
9 Palmer J B, salt merchant
Botolph wharf
Wilkinson & stennett, wharfinger
13 Curling W A and J, fish factors
Nicholsons wharf
12 & 14 Nicholson and Co, warehouse keepers
15 Bell and Son, fish factors
16 Morton Andrew, fish factor
17 Lucy C, fishmonger
18 Heywood Daniel, fish factor
Billingsgate Market
Custom House
Custom House & Wool Quay
Hall W J and Co, wharfingers
Brewers, Chesters & Galley Quays
Barber Jos, wharfinger
Alridge, Richard, lighterman
Clark G, lighterman
Christey W, lighterman
Fossett W A, lighterman
Stutchbory James, lighterman
46 Warren Eliz, Coopers Arms
52 Schofield Thomas, Custom House agent
52 Rickehaus J H, merchant
52 Whellock Arthur, carman
53 Owen Owen, Yorkshire House
54 Burrage K, Anchor and Hope
55 Earland John, Lion and Key
56 Burrows J, Rose and Crown
60 Colebatch J, bonded warehouse keeper
61 Smith E Edw, Kings Arms
62 Gilson Lewis, notary
62 Gilson L and Co, general agents
62 Wilkinson Charles, Custom House agent
62 Cheeswright H C, notary
63 Macord R H, ironmonger
64 Hart F and Co, wine importers
64 1/2 Lesiter Charles, drysalter
65 Harrison T, Custom House agent
Ayerst John, carman
Todd John, Custom House agent
Pors of London & Thames Assurance Association (Symes Capt, resident director)
65 Pearson J, Custom House agent
66 Devoy & Co, merchant & licensed Custom House agents
66 Franchi A G, notary
66 Sylvester N, merchant & licensed Custom House agent
66 Batten and Edwards, ship agents
Lambe William, Custom House agent
67 Wilson W, livery stables
Phillipe & Favene, wine merchants
Lightly and Simon, shipping agents
67 1/2 Chinnery J F, merchant and agent
68 Devoy & Co, merchants & licensed Custom House agents
68 Earnshaw William, Custom House agent
70 Drew Jno, Custom House Tavern
70 1/2 Bfeden Thomas, agent
70 1/2 Hicks William, Custom House agent
70 1/2 Browne Henry, merchant
Coleman J B, Bear & Wheatsheaf
73 Archer E, baker
74 Sunderland Glass Company
Watson J, bottle merchant
75 Cumming Edw, cork manufacturer
76 Holman W and J, bakers
Bathurst George, Custom House agent
77 Nash S, dining rooms
78 Dyer & Emmett, hem cloth manufacturers
80 Van Ser Heyde John, tobacco manufacturer
81 Bennett T and Son, wine merchants
83 Stringer James, shipping agent
83 Mitchell D, surgeon
84 Ford George, Custom House agent
84 White Thomas, ship agent
84 Jardell John, eating house
BruinThomas, City guager
85 Johnston W B, ship agent
85 Isemonger Anthony, ship agent
85 Green and Co, tailors
86 Bumsted J D and S, agents
Clay and Newman, salt merchants
87 Ford Job, chop house
88 Well T, Yarmouth Arms
90 Aylwin and Co, oil brokers
91 Barrow Thomas, oilman
92 Mercer H W and Co, wine merchants
Coal Exchange
1 Coal Factors Committee, Scott W B, secretary
2 Wawn G H and J T, coal factors
Lambert and Co, coal factors
7 Metcalfe , coal factor
5 Sea Coal Meters Office, Thomas Gillespy, secretary
6 Clarke and Burges, coal factors
7 Clerk of the Market ad Registrar, J Pearsall
8 Collector of City Dues, W M Russell
9 Johnson C and sons, coal factors
11 Biggs George, coal merchant
12 Hemming H K, coal factor
14 Wood Edw, coal merchant
16 Committee Room
Lucas Edm, coal merchant
Milnes and Robinson, coal factors
Davey and Pegg coal merchants
96 Miller and Potter, coal factors
Aylwin George sen, oil broker
96 Dearsley Henry, fishmonger
97 Ridpath W A and G, fish factors
98 Cox Frederick, fish salesman
99 Lucy G, fishmonger
100 Scott david, baker
101 Heyward Daniel, fish factor
102 Overall Samuel, fish factor
103 Wilson R, fish factor
104 Stuart James and Co, fish factors
Stuart W F, fish factor
105 Bardolph James, fish factor
106 Bower J and B, orange merchants
109 Tapley Fran, fish salesman
110 Morton D, fish salesman
111 Thomson W, orange merchant
112 Palmer and Jay, fish factors
108 & 113 Lyn and sons, fish factors
114 Sharp John, orange merchant
115 Weston and Westall, salt merchants
116 Bell John, fish factor
117 Cresswell H R, fish factor
118 Robert Robert, fish factor
119 Child George, seedsman
120 Turner and Gore, fish factors
121 Forsyth Eliz, orange merchant
122 Boot J T, coffee shop
123 Webb George, fruit merchant
124 Harris and Co, curiosity dealers
125 Baiis, Brothers and Co, druggists

Lower Thames street (EC3) (City), from London bridge to Tower hill - street listing in 1921

South side
Fresh Wharf:
Knill John & Co, wharfingers
Lucey Joseph & Sons, lightermen
Isaacs M & Sons Lim, fruit brokers (Bells warehouse)
London Bridge Steam Packet Wharf :
Knill John & Co, wharfingers
St Magnus the Master church
Sowerbutts Rev john W H AKCL (Vestry house)
Gallagher Captain Edmund Charles, verger (Vestry house)
3 Bell, Arthur George Hall
4 Sayer John K Ltd, fish salesman
5 Keeling & Hunt, fruit brokers
2 & 127 Farren & Barrow Ltd, fish salesmen
6 Pibel Stanley Ltd, fish salesmen
Coxs & Hammonds Quays :
Knill John & Co, wharfingers
7 Cox Arthur Henry, fish salesman
8 Bragg John & Son, fish salesmen
8 Hines Walter, fish merchant
9 & 125 Woodger Edward & Sons Ltd, fish salesmen
9A Vane & Co, fish salesmen
10 Britton & Co, fish salesmen
11 Gann Frederick, oyster merchant
12 to 14 Nicholsons & Botolph Wharves:
Nicholson /wharves Ltd, wharfingers & warehouse keepers
15 Bell James & Co, fish factors

Billingsgate Market : separately listed
Custom House :
Custome & Excise Establishment
H F Hamilton CB, chairman
F Sudney Parry CB, deputy chairman
Noel E Behrens, commissioner
Sir William Gallagher CB, LSO, commissioner
A J Dyke CBE, sec
William Young, director of establishments
Benjamin Hawkins, solicitor
Charles Edward Fitzroy, associate solicitor
John Campbell Robertson, associate solicitor
Government Laboratory(Customs branch)
Ernest A Harris, collector (Long room)
Tonnage Dues Office (Port of London Authority) (Long room)
Light & Pilotage Dues Office (Long room)
Registrar of Licensed Carmen & Lightermen (Solicitors department)
Customs & Excise Office (London Port collection)
Charles Joseph Hassell OBE, collector
Customs Fund (The), insurance office
Bryant Miss Galdys Eva, custom house agent (Lobby)

Miller William H & Co (London) Limited, steamboat owners (Custom house & Wool quays)
Laming W C & Co, merchants (Custom house quay buildings)
Laming W C & Co, merchants (Wool quay)
Brewers, Chesters & Galley Quays:
Navigation Properties Co Ltd, wharfingers
... here are Tower stairs ...
... here is the Tower ...
... here is Tower hill ...
Navigation Properties Co Ltd, wharfingers
... here is Bear lane ...
53 Yorkshire Grey, Edward Cecil Moore
54 Corporation Chambers :
54 Yorkshire Commercial Motor Co
54 Williamson Brothers, chemists sundriesmen
54 Parker Frederick James, wholesale tea dealer
54 Albion window Cleaning Co Ltd
54 Rosborough William, produce agent
54 Hunter Philip Carleton, manufacturers agent
54 Van Ingen John J, general merchant
54 Shaw, Elliott & Co, shipping agents
54 Oranje (The) Ltd (Incorporated in Holland), essential oil manufacturers
54 Axten George Ernest, sign writer
54 Robertson Bertram, turf commission agent
54 Gerston Maurice, cereal merchant
54 Bloch Paul, general merchant
54 Jones (Lennard) & Hartley, manufacturers agents
54 Taya Hijos de Jose W en C, ship owners
54 Stone Edwin Clifford, wine merchant
55 Needle Richard, packing case maker
56 Child Herbert, coffee room
60 Warner Robert & Co Lim, warehouse keepers (Globe yard warehouse)
61 Kings Arms, Frank Stanley Ward
... here is Water lane ...
65 Idle (George), Chapman & Co Ltd, wine merchants
65 Blacksmiths Company, William Henry Garrett, clerk
Ocean House :
Customs & Excise Establishment, Statistical Department
72 Symington, Andrew & Co, cork merchants
72 Newton J W & Co Ltd, general merchants
72 Budgett Samuel & Co Ltd, wholesale tea dealers
73 to 75 Simpson Henry & Co, whisky merchants
73 to 75 Barter Herbert Michael, wholesale tea dealer
73 to 75 Pick James, coffee merchant
73 to 75 Rumpff & McShane, wine shippers
73 to 75 Gulard P H & Co Ltd, cargo superintendents
73 to 75 Cooper Sydney & Co, tea merchants
73 to 75 Barnard Artgur Jn, shipping agent
73 to 75 Oliver George & Co Ltd, printers
73 to 75 Parnham & Merritt, art designers
76 Frohock & Co Ltd, potato merchants
76 Liddell Bros Ltd, wholesale tea dealers
77 Saunders W & Co, bakers outfitters
77 Pollock Henry & Son, fish salesmen
... here is Harp lane ...
79 Three Kingdoms, Harry Bennett
80 Isaacs Sam Ltd, fish salesman
80 Bradstock & Caslake, printers
81 Old Bucks Head, Mrs Alice Woodthorp Stanley
82 & 83 London Customs Bill of Entry Publishing Office
82 & 83 Vernon O & Sons Ltd, printers
83 White George & Co, grain superintendents
83 Mantle Alfred, coffee rooms
84 St Dunstans Oil Co
... here is St Dunstans hill ...
85 Coppard George & Son, fish salesmen
85 Harris David & Co Ltd, fish salesmen
85 London Fish Friers Association, John Lyon, hon sec
85 Tabor & Sons, fish salesmen
85 Beckett Joseph Edward, lighterman
85 Davis A & Co, wine merchant
85 Kent E & Co, lightermen
85 Jacobs Henry, fish salesmen
85 Farren & Carter, fish salesmen
85 Skinner Robert, fish salesman
85 Palmer Frederick William, fish agent
85 Packman James Wood & Sons, fish salesmen
85 Swaab Samuel, grain agent
85 Gillings Wiliam & Co, fish salesmen
85 Cummings & Vane, fish salesmen
85 Morley James & Sons, refreshment rooms
85 London Fish Friers Supply Co Ltd, potato merchants
86 Reading John & Co, fish salesmen
87 Masters & Co, potato factors
88 Yarmouth Arms, Mrs Hannah Elizabeth Cartier
90 Great Northern Railway Cos Fish Market Office
90 Davies, Stone & Browning Ltd, merchants
90 Barton & Co, wine merchants
90 Clark Ernest, fish factor
90 Billingsgate Benefit Club (State Section) Approved Society, Fred Green, sec
90 Barrow Henry & Co, fish salesmen
90 Lewis, Regnard & Co, merchants
90 Jecks Bros & Co, fish salesmen
90 Russell Oliver F, analytical chemist
90 Watson & Scull, forwarding agents
90 Perkins & Homer, lightermen
90 Farnfield J A & H E, solicitors
90 Barge Owners Protection Society, Herbert Edward Farnfield, sec
96 Coal Exchange:
Arthur James Griffiths, housekeeper
Coal Exchange Restaurant, Stanfield & Co Ltd
1 Rickett, Smith & Co, coal merchants
2 Charrington, Dale & Co, coal merchants
3 & 4 Compton & Hardess, coal merchants
6 Booth Charles Edward, colliery agent
7 Russell & McIver, wine merchants
8 Society of Coal Merchants, F W Cooper, hon sec
9 Inland Colliery Owners Subscription Rooms, G J Wood, hon sec
10 Harvey Hubert, tobacconist
11 & 12 Rail-borne Coal Factors & Wholesale Merchants Association
14 Jecks Bros & Co, fish salesmen
58 Wood J R & Co Ltd, coal merchants
62 Pugh & Co, coal merchants
15 Smith James & Con, coal merchants
16,17,18 & 19 Lamont & Warne, coal merchants
21 Spiers (Wallace) & Co Ltd, coal merchants
22 Brentnall & Cleland, coal merchants
23A & 50 Eveson (The G J) Coal & Coke Co Ltd
23 New Hucknall Colliery Co Ltd
24 to 28 Phillips & Co Limited, coal merchants
29 & 30 Butler (James), Wilks & Co, colliery agents
31,32 & 33 Bowater W H Ltd, coal factors
35 & 36 Oliver & Peake, colliery agents
37 Abbott M & Co, coal merchants
38 Griffiths John, coal exporter
40 & 41 Coal Meters Office, Francis William Gentry, chief clerk
42 & 43 Coal Factors Society, Francis William Gentry, sec
44A Thompson C V & Co, coal contractors
45 Nadin J & N & Co Ltd, coal owners
46 & 47 Coal Trade Benevolent Association, W J Collins, sec
48 Cook Bracey, coal factor
49 Whatley (Spenser) Ltd, coal merchants
50 & 23A Eveson (The G J) Coal & Cike Co Ltd
51 Moore & Co, coal merchants
51A & 52 Evans & Rogers, colliery proprietors
53,55 & 55 Gilmn J H & Co Ltd, coal factors
56 & 57 Coal Merchants Federation of Great Britain, George Gentry, sec
60 Blackman Arthur & Co, coal factors
61 Coal Market Clerks Office, Alfred V Cox, clerk
... here are St Mary at Hill & Monument street ...

Billingsgate Buildings:
Allison G, fish salesman
Barrett George & Sons, fish salesmen
Bennett J, fish salesman
Bennet John jun, fish salesman
Buckley William, fish salesman
Buckley William james, fish salesman
Bush Thomas, fish salesman
Cave George, fish salesman
Evans William, fish salesman
Farren & Barrow Ltd, fish salesmen
Flegg William, fish salesman
Gale Henry, fish salesman
Gale James, fish salesman
Gillings William & Co, fish salesmen
Grove William Robert & Son, fish salesmen
Harmer Percy, fish salesman
Howe Alfred & Co, fish salesmen
Jary F G Ltd, fish salesmen
Jones John, fish salesman
Leleu Henry, fish salesman
Lewsey John, fish salesman
Low John, fish salesman
May Thomas Joseph, oyster merchant
Merritt William, fish salesman
Musgrave Percy White, fish salesman
Northover Ernest, fish salesman
Pitt Charles, fish salesman
Plumb Herbert, fish salesman
Sargeant William, fish salesman
Saunders George Frederick, fish salesman
Smith Mrs Margaret, fish salesman
Stockwell John, fish salesman
Tabor Benjamin, fish salesman
Tabor Frederick John, oyster salesman
Turner Alfred, fish salesman
Tyson J & Co, fish salesmen
Webb Joseph, fish salesman
Williams Arthur, fish salesman
Williams Benjamin, fish salesman
Wolveridge James, fish salesman
Wombwell George, oyster merchant
Woods Samuel, fish salesman

1 Pantlin Edward, fish salesman
2 & 3 Howe Alfred & Co, fish salesmen
4 Dickinson Herbert, fish salesman
5,6,7 & 8 Hull Steam Fishing & Ice Co Ltd
9B Stockwell Jno, fish salesman
9A Tyson J & Co, fish salesman
9 Gales james, fish salesman
10B Hill Thomas, fish salesman
10A Hole & Dodd, oyster merchants
10 Williams Benjamin, fish salesman
11 Hewett Robert Scott, fish factor
12 Hops Philip & Jas, fish salesmen
14 & 15 Wren & Co, fish salesmen
16 Boty Best, fish factor
17 Barrett George & Sons, fish salesmen
18 Plumb Herbert J, fish salesman
18A & 19 Vango & Gorman, fish salesmen
20 Page Edward Alfred, fish salesman
21 Cushway William, fish factor
22B Joslin Walter, fish salesman
22A Sargeant William, fish salesman
22 Godier Albert, fish salesman
23 Deffee & Booty, fish factors
24 Tapley Frank & Co, fish salesmen
25 Lyons Charles, fish salesman
26 Sniders A, fish salesman
26 Fisher Bros & Co, fish salesmen
27 & 28 Bennett John jun, fish salesman
... here is Botolph lane ...
112 Sjeppard James, fish salesman
113 Plowman George Richard, fish salesman
114 Cromw Arthur Benjamin, fish salesman
114 Wardley Frederick & Thomas, printers
115 Grove William Robert & Son, fish salesmen
115A Butler Thomas Henry, fish salesman
115 Andrews Thomas William, restaurant
115 Sheppard William, fish salesman
116 Kings Head & Mermaid, Henry James Bartlett
... here is Pudding lane ...
125 & 9 Woodger Edward & Sons Ltd, fish salesmen
125 Products & Equipment Ltd, engineers merchants
125 Customs & Excise Office (Customs station) for Fresh & Nicholsons Wharves, E Hope Flecker, surveyor
127 & 5 Farren & Barrow Ltd, fish salesmen
127 Spring Alfred, fish salesman
127 Howlett William & Sons, fish salesmen
... here is Fish street hill ...
128 Steam Packet, James Thomas Jarvis
128A Moran James & Co, lightermen
128A Ison Henry William, lighterman
128A Charles Jean, hairdresser
129A Franks Botelier, confectioner
129 Heading George William, potato salesman

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