Man Loaded with Mischielf

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London Street Directory in 1921.

London Street Listings Index in 1921.

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Kingsland Road, 120 Shoreditch High Street to 1 Kingsland High Street - East Side #290 to 564
(Nos 1 to 283 & 2 to 240 E2; Nos 285 to 539 & 242 to 564 E8)
(The West Side, 1 to 291 & East Side, 2 to 296 in Shoreditch; remainder in Hackney)

East Side
... here is Lee Street ...
290 Bell James, hairdresser
290 Lawson Edwin Alfred, confectioner
292 Langan Joseph Wm, warehouseman
294 White George Wm, dining rooms
296 Acton Arms, Benj Kinnaird
... here is Acton Street ...
304 & 306 Spencer Albert Baldwin & Co, upholsterers
308 Longstaff Ernest, urn maker
316 Silverstein Moses Kelner, manufacturing furrier
318 Sofer Harry & Co, fancy leather goods manufacturers
320 Barr Tn & Sons, who cabinet makers
324 Brand Hyman, ladies tailor
326 Roberts Thomas Hy, apartments
328 Mitchell Albert, hat shape manufacturer
336 Podguszer Morris & Co, feather manufacturers
344 Schuster F, camel hair dresser
346 Ross David MD, physician
350 & 352 Shelly Bros, who furriers
354 Hacker Isidor, apartments
356 & 358 Gershon A Ltd, metal spinners
362 Lazarus Bros, furriers
364 Israel Samuel, hairdresser
366 Swaab Jack jun, tobacconist
368 Hyatt Bernard George, umbrella maker
370 Williams Fredk, ladies tailor
372 Fox, Mrs Harriet Ellis
... here are Haggerston, Middleton & Globe Roads ...
374 Eyre Christopher, boot repairer
374 Attwood Mrs Blanche, confectioner
376 Short William Henry, baker
378 Moss Edwin, tobacconist
380 Richardson Harry, bicycle maker
382 O'Connor John, butcher
384 Place Thomas Harrison, wine & spirit retailer
386 Conick Jacob, cap maker
388 Jacobs Harry, robe maker
390 Bolton Solomon, perambulator maker
392 Lusher-Pentney George James Madgett, chemist
396 Peek Henry, pork butcher
398 Mazur & Spiro, timber importers
400 Home & Colonial Stores Limited
402 Smith Misse Eliza & Alice, confectioners
404 Margetta Mrs Emma, oil warehouse
406 Bass David, greengrocer
408 Sewell John Greaves, furniture dealer
410 Freeman William & Son, boot & shoe makers
412 Freeston Miss Susan, robe maker
414 Lewis Herbert Hy, misc dealer
416 Watson Sydney, grocer
416 Post & Money Order Office & Savings Bank
418 Binke Israel, fur & skin dresser
420 Groom Geo Wm, door spring maker
422 Walker J Knox & Co Ltd, manufacturing chemists
424 Heeps Wm Walt, hardware dealer
426 Pain William Edward, surgeon
428 Ilian Isaac, picture frame maker
430 Parslow Mrs Lena, provision dealer
432 Slope Alfred John, dining rooms
438 Swan, Thomas Lynch
... here is Richmond Road ...
442 Potter Brothers, printers
442 Hackney & Kingsland Gazette Office
444 Thomas Jabez Spurgeon, jeweller
446 Brown Sydney & Co, confectioners
448 Lloyd Robert Thos, drug stores
450 Turner Henry Ernest, bed maker
452 Rom Mrs Annie, linen draper
454 Muller Louis Edward, photographer
456 Carlis Morris, grocer
458 Lewis Morris, furniture dealer
460 Peterson Albert, umbrella maker
462 Forbes Mrs Ellen, fishmonger
464 Beetham Wm, ladies outfitter
466 Guy Arthur Wm, dining rooms
470 Times Laundry Co
472 Pipe Sheridan Walt, upholsterer
474 Teacher Solomon, gramophone dealer
476 Lusardi Luigi, confectioner
478 Matthews E A, leather goods manufacturer
478 Wain Fredk Jn, fancy repository
480 Lewis Charles, grocer
482 Jarman Edwin John, hatter
484 Jarman Edwin John, hosier
488 Moore James, earthenware dealer
490 Harley Ernest, antique dealer
492 Harley Ernest, watch maker
494 Grosse O & Co, stay makers
498 Fitchew James Edward, saw maker
500 Rood Harry, costumier
504 Herman Abraham, fancy draper
508 Tyne Main Coal Co Limited
510A Evans C & Co, timber merchants
510,528,528A & 530 Flymen Henry Van, china merchant
512 Lamb, E J Rose & Co Ltd
... here is Forest Road
514 Mintz Mark, bootmaker
516 & 518 Brown Bros, ironmongers
520 Goldstein William, linen draper
522A Tebbs Alfred Benjamin, baths
522 Saunders Samuel, ladies tailor
522B Freedman Sidney, fancy draper
524B Edgington Mrs Florence, watch repairer
524A Herridge Walter Geo, wine merchant
524 Morris Mrs Vera, milliner
526 Woolf Samuel, confectioner
526A Barnes Peter Ltd, clothiers
528,528A, 530 & 510 Flymen Henry Van, china merchant
530A Singer Sewing Machines Ltd
530B Bosenberg Abraham, house furnisher
532 & 534 Capital & Labour Clothing Stores
536 Wood G J Ltd, clothiers
538 & 540 Grange Arthur Percy, cinematograph theatre
542 Seear Miss Mable Alice, confectioner
544,515 & 515A Dalston Baby Carriage Co Ltd
546 Cullen William Henry, grocer
550 Chappell William, baker
552 Hall Ralph Ltd, chemists
554 to 558 London Drapery Stores
560 Levy Louis, tailor
562 Davies William Charles & Co, tobacconists
564 Crown & Castle, Frank Farrell
... here is Dalston Lane ...

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