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London Street Listings Index in 1921.
[an error occurred while processing this directive]Greenfield Street, Whitechapel E1, 26 Fieldgate Street to 73 Commercial Road east
West Side
1 Brookshnee Nathan, florist
2 Gold Abraham David, tailor
4 Sittenreich Elias, job buyer
5 Magen Abraham, diamond setter
6 Levy Israel, woollen merchant
7 Mendel Morris, trousers maker
8 Rose Isaac, blouse maker
10 Berkowitz Israel, furniture dealer
11 Ackerman Davis, plater
13 Levine Samuel, confectioner
14 Winter Morris, woollen merchant
15 Horowitz Isaac, ladies tailor
16 Finebloom Lewis, chandlers shop
17 Deutch Mrs Millie Celia, woollen merchant
19 Turner Morris, button manufacturer
21 Cohen Simon, pleating manufacturer
23 Schwartz Jacob, cordial maker
24 Weinstein Mrs Rachael, milliner
27 Pichigorsky Raphael, boot maker
28 Silberstein Samuel, chandlers shop
... here is Coke Street ...
29 Harris Michael, butcher
30 Lewis Misses Sophie & Millie, milliners
30 Beckman Mrs Fanny, blouse maker
31 Grivitzky Solomon, greengrocer
32 Finn Abraham, tailors trimmings dealer
33 Miller Mrs Bella, milliner
34 Forman Miss annie, corset maker
34,35,36 & 52 Levine & Son, shop fitters
East Side
49 Silberberg Joseph, tailor
50 Posner Miss Rene, milliner
51 Jacobs Barnard, ladies tailor
52,34,35,& 36 Levine & Son, shop fitters
53 Kapelman Zussman, hairdresser
56 Steinberg Isaac, boot closer
57 Spitalowitch Abraham, tailor
58 Aaronovitch Solomon, furniture dealer
59 Freedman Powell, tobacconist
60 Fleisher Nathan & Solomon, blouse makers
63 Segaloff Samuel, electrician
63 Ziegenbaum Mrs Esther, milliner
64 Caplin Morris, job buyer
65 Steigman Morris, baker
70 Junker Adolph, sign painter
72 Kleiman Isaac, tailor
74 Kutner Mrs Annie, costume maker
76 Davis john, trousers maker
81 Jewish Synagogue
81 Damerow Theodore, trousers maker
84 Oliver Harris, waistcoat maker
85 Magen Morris, chandlers shop
86 Freed Marx, blouse maker
88 Lessel Abraham, hairdresser
90 Petricoski Jacob, butcher