Man Loaded with Mischielf

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Fish street hill, London bridge in 1842

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Fish street hill, London bridge

2 Paterson James, perfumer
Weighhouse British and Sunday school
14 Foster, Lloyd & Teulous, solicitors
15 Harris, L Julius, merchant
15 Ship Propeller Co Office
17 Croft C I, surgeon
17 Commercial Steam Packet Office
18 Banks Jos, accountant and surveyor
18 Cobham and Wright, builders etc
19 Holroyd J S, fishing tackle manufacturer
20 Scott David, baker
21 Marshall John, cheesemonger
Blossom Thomas, The Globe
22 Hill John, pin maker
Game William, The Swan
23 & 24 Hopwood & Park, wire workers
26 Game S, italian warehouse
27 Spence E, tobacconist
Poole B, Steam Packet Hotel
Cock Henry, tobacconist
30 Sharp and son, Silversmiths
32 Francis C, sun coffee rooms
33 Margate & London Steam Packet Office
34 Bell James, fishmonger
35 Troughton George, butcher
36 Fenn John, Britannia
37 Richardson John, bootmaker
38 Walter Thomas, Mitre
39 Smith William, cork cutter & fruiterer
41 General Steam Navigation Company, Abell Edw, agent
41 Abell Edw, custom house & shipping agent
42 Greenway William Alex, baker
Landman Col, civil engineer
43 Abell William, furniture dealer & upholsterer
44 Meek William and Co, upholsterer
45 Gamble and Davis, wholesale shoe warehouse
46 Day William, ironmonger
46 Raven J, sealing wax & wafer maker
47 Shaw and Phillips, solicitors
47 Tucker E J, twine & sail cloth manufacturer
47 Clark George, merchant
48 Wortley Isaac, Monument C of H

[an error occurred while processing this directive] And Last updated on: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 12:51:09 GMT