Man Loaded with Mischielf

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London Street Directory in 1921.

London Street Listings Index in 1921.

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Dove Row, Goldsmiths Row, Haggerston E2 (Shoreditch)

17 The Anchor, Mrs Sarah Bouthron - still open in 1930 but no longer listed as the Anchor in 1932; it is a chandlers shop in 1934
19 King Mrs Elizh, coal dealer
20 Smallwood Chas, chandlers shop
43 Martin John, chandlers shop
45 Reddington Sidney, beer retailer - this is the Dove, and not listed as a business in 1934
63 & 65 Mitchell Barnett & Co, wholesale clothiers
64 Dempsey George Albert, chandlers shop
66 Barr Alfred, saw maker

[an error occurred while processing this directive] And Last updated on: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 12:51:09 GMT