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London Street Listings Index in 1921.
[an error occurred while processing this directive]Charing Cross Road (WC2) (Westminster), from St Martins Place, Trafalgar Square to Oxford Street, opposite Tottenham Court Road - East Side
East Side
City Hall, Westminster (City of), John Hunt, Town Clerk
Central Unemployed (Body for Unemployed) (Body for London) Westminster Distress
2 Garrick Theatre
4 & 6 Addington S & Co Ltd, Woollen Warehouse
8 & 10 Faraday House:
London County Council Housing Dept & Education Office Dept (General &
Schoolkeepers sections)
8 Counter Mrs Alice, Tea Rooms
10 War Seal Foundation, Wm J Roberts, Sec
Garrick mansions
14 Zucker Samuel, Tobacconist
16 Pini Anselmo, Confectioner
18 Everett, Clear & Co, Woollen Warehousemen
18 Grover Arthur & Co, Surveyors
18 Tamplin & Makovski Ltd, Electrical Engineers
18 West End Productions & Theatrical Offices Ltd
18 Music Hall Artistes Railway Association
18 Music Hall Ladies Guild, Miss Nita Venton, Sec
18 Variety Artistes Benevelont Fund
18 Freer & Young Ltd, Advertising Agents
18 "Q" Motors Ltd
18 Greenough Trading Co, Merchants
18 De Freece's Agency, Variety Agents
18 Robertson (Andrew) Enterprises Ltd
18 A B C Trading Co, Merchants
18 Performer (The) Ltd
18 Reeves (F & H) & Lamport, Variety Agents
18 Sohlke Gus, Variety Agent
18 Volta Taff, Variety Agent
18 Variety Artistes Federation
18 Topping & Topping, Commission Agents
18 National Entertainment Association
18 National Variety Agency Ltd
... here are Burleigh Mansions ...
22 Royal National Life-Boat Institution for the Preservation of Life from
Shipwreck, George F Shee MA, Sec
... here is Cecil Court ...
24 Adams & Co, Photographic Apparatus Manufacturers
26 Charing Cross Mansions:-
[Also see 91 St Martins Lane, WC2]
26 Parker H & Co, Surveyors
26 Braham (Philip) & Campbell Ltd, Theatrical Managers
26 Rex Arthur, Masseur
26 Charlesworth R Ltd, Advertising Agents
26 Griffiths H, who Stationer
26 Shurley Geo, Theatrical Producer
26 Geddes Samuel & Co, Estate Agents
26 Flower Chas Parke, General Agent
26 Byron Victor J, Theatrical Agent
26 Cooke Alf Ltd, Theatrical Printers
26 Emergency Printing Co
26 Henschel Jn Haley, Theatrical Agent
26 Nesbitts Animated Pictures Ltd
26 waine-Taylor Fredk, Manufacturers Agent
26 Retonic Co, Patent Medicine Proprietors
26 Union of Lady Musicians, C S Bradberry, Sec
26 Slaughter N Carter, Theatrical Manager
26 Sanders Harold Armytage, Photographic Dealer
26 Shaw & Carter Ltd, Builders Ironmongers
26 Fraser Arthur, Film Renter
26 Basden Alfred, Tool Maker
26 Draper & Co, Commission Agents
26 Franklin Chas, Theatrical Agent
26 Sharman Fredk, Accountant
26 Hekimian Alexander, Merchant
26 British Bloodstock Agency Ltd
26 Goodson Jack Ltd, Variety Agents
26 Allday Frank LDS Glas, Dentist
28 Irish Club, Samuel Geddes, Sec
30 Rein Fredk Chas & Sons, Aurists
30 National Silex Optical Co
... here is St Martins Court ...
Wyndham's Theatre
... here are St Martins Court & Cranbourne Street ...
Porcupine, Herman Apprenodt
... here is Great Newport Street ...
Improved Industrial Dwellings Company Limited (Sandringham Buildings)
48A Joseph E, Second-hand Bookseller
52 Winter Geo, Second-hand Bookseller
54 & 77 Dobell Percy John & Arthur Eustace, Bookseller
56 Mayhew Alfred Henry, Second-hand Bookseller
Sandringham Buildings entrance - Nos 1 to 74
58 Reader Arthur, Printseller
60 Victor R, Dressmaker
62 Barber & Co, Grocers
64 Danielson Henry, Second-hand Bookseller
66 Hendersons Booksellers
68 Jackson Albert & Son, Second-hand Booksellers
70 Neumayer Fredk B, Second-hand Bookseller
Sandringham Buildings entrance - Nos 75 to 169
72 Panzetta & Co, Booksellers
74 Smith G & Sons, Tobacconists
76 Bishop Mrs Kate, Milliner
78 Jaschke Richard, Bookseller
80 Sudbury Dairy Co
... here is Litchfield Street ...
82 Police Section House
82A Collis Mrs Winnie, Milliner
... here are Shaftesbury Avenue & Cambridge Circus ...
84 Central Advance & Discount Corporation Ltd
84 Kaye's Manufacturing Co, Blouse Makers
86 Motor Rubber co, Motor Tyre Factors
88 Kaye Louis, Furrier
90 Merci et Cie, Costumiers
90 McGeoch William & Co Ltd, Electrical Fitting Manufacturers
90 Matthews Frank, Bone Setter
90 Kinematograph Properties Ltd, Picture Theatre Proprietors
90 Huxtable Edmund Victor, Solicitor
90 Cinematograph Pavilions Ltd
90 Sanders Wm & Co, Electrical Engineers
Trentishoe Mansions
92 Abrahams Woolf, Milliner
94 Parisian Shoe Co
... here is New Compton Street ...
96 Planter John & Co, Tobacconists
98 Seymour Sidney, Medical Rubber Goods
98 Vaudeville Club Limited, W H McCarthy, Sec
100 Abingdon Rubber Co Ltd, Motor Tyre Factors
102 & 101 Morelli G & Co, Confectioners
102 Lancaster House
102 Stafford, Woodward & Co Ltd, Theatrical Agents
102 Reilly Robert & Co, Entertainment Producers
102 Independent Order of Foresters
102 Thompson Thomas, Tailor
... here is Phoenix Street ...
104 Poole Joseph & Co, Booksellers
106 Davis George William, Second-hand Bookseller
108 Freeman Mark, Misfit Clothier
110 Nichtawitz O, Coffee Bar
112, 111, 145, 147, 149 & 151 Crosse & Blackwell Lim, Export Oilmen
... here is Little Denmark Street ...
114 Lyons J & Co Lim, Cafe
116 Hawkins L G & Co, Electrical Engineers
116 King-Hamilton Alfred, Solicitor
116 Swan Electric Engraving Co Ltd
116 Saks' (Charles) Fine Art Co Ltd
118 & 120 Sun Electrical Co Ltd
122 & 124 Darewski (Herman) Music Publishing Co
122 & 124 St Swithins Syndicate Ltd, Music Publishers
... here is Denmark Street ...
126 Lyric Printing Co
128 Silberman L, Music publisher
130 & 53 & 85 Necchi Pietro & Co, Confectioners
Shaldon Mansions
132 Estora Ltd, Patent Medicine Makers
134 Sharples H & Son, (London) Ltd, Music Publishers
136 Bevis Model Co, Costumiers
... here is Denmark Place ...
138 & 140 Francis, Day & Hunter, Music Publishers
142 Metzier & Co (1920) Limited, Music Publishers; manufacturers & importers of
musical instruments of every description
144 Scott G W & Sons Ltd, Basket Manufacturers
146 Fallowfield Jonathan, Photographic Material Dealer
148 Walsh, Holmes & Co, Musical Dealers
150 Russell John & Co Ltd, Iron Tube Makers
152 J P Restaurants
154 Matthews Bros Ltd, Wholesale Ironmongers
156 Interoven Stove Co Ltd
156 S O S Patents Co
156 Willoughby Leonard Ltd, Theatrical Agents
156 Marchmont & Co, Manufacturers Agents
156 Stern Louis, Dealer in Artificial Teeth
158 & 60 Chapman Bros, Tailors
Bude Mansions
162 Davidson Harry, Osprey Manufacturer
164 Martin Robert & Co, Chemists
166 Ledgard Bros, Boot Makers
168 & 170 American Clothiers Ltd, Tailors
172 Elthams Ltd, Tobacconists
174 Walton Thomas, Fruiterer
176 Richardson & Co, Stationers
... here are Imperial Mansions ...
178 Blake (Clement) & Day, Cinema Agents
178 Woolf N & H, Merchants
178 John J Henry, Artist