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West Ham 1912 Trade Directory

History of West Ham in 1912

 West Ham Index

West Ham 1912 Commercial Directory



TN - telephone number


Uden george, oil & color man, 18 Abbey Road

Uden Harry, provision dealer, 9 Church Street

Unger Harris, tailor, 47 Corporation Street

Vallance Thomas, confectioner, 6 Church Street

Vassell Charles, drig stores, 15 Portway

Virrels henry, butcher, 28 Church Street

Vobe Alexander, china dealer, 52a Church Street

Waghorn Isabella (Mrs), confectioner, 151 West Ham Lane

Wagner Charles, baker, 59 Plaistow Road

Wakefield Annie (Mrs), dress maker, 18 Morley Road

Walker Lucy (Mrs), news agent, 59 Stephens Road

Wallace Harriett (Mrs), wardrobe dealer, 66 Church Street

Wallace Joseph, boot manufacturer, 31 Dirleton Road

Ward Ada (Mrs), dress aker, 1 Gladstone Road

Warner Florence (Miss), teacher of music, 71 Geere Road

Watson Thos Arth, assistant insurance supt, 53 Geere Road

Webb Alice (rs), shopkeeper, 16 Stephens Road

Webber Adam, baker, 54 West Ham Lane

Webber Walter, laundry, 2 Paul Street

Weeden’s Stores Limited, oilmen, 22 Rokeby Street

Wells Sidney, insurance agent, 9 Park Road

Wernst William, butcher, 4 Church Street

West Ham Borough Police Court ( R A Gillespie BA, magistrate; james H Jackson, clerk to the justices; Leonard H Walden, assistant; B Jackson, second assistant; Arthur Ferrett, inspector), West Ham Lane

West Ham Chemical Works Limited, Canning Road TN 544 Stratford

West Ham Corporation Public Health Department (Charles Sanders MB Lond, MRCS Eng, medical officer of health), Town Hall

West Ham Corporation Pumping Station (Frank Delves, supt), Abbey Road

West Ham Corporation Stables (George Morse, manager), Abbey Road

West Ham & Eastern general Hospital (Alexander Wilson MB, Ch B Aberd, senior house surgeon; W Legge Stephem MB Ch B Aberd, junior house surgeon; for complete medical staff, see p276; A W scrivener, sec), West Ham Lane

West Ham park (David M Russell, superintendent)

West Ham Printing Co, printers, 26 Mark Street

Westacott George, provision dealers, 64 Portway

Whalley’s Sanitary Fluid Co, disinfectant manufacturers, 22 Napier Road

Whartonm William, drug stores, 58 Stephens Road

Wheatley Harry J, factory inspector to West Ham Corporation; office, 14 & 16 West Ham Lane

Whitaker Jane Alice (Mrs), Greyhound PH, West Ham Lane

White Brothers (London) Limited, ginger beer brewers, Victoria Street TN 228 Stratford

White Brothers Engineering & machinery Co Limited, engineers, Abbey Road

Whitehead William, builder, 90 Church Street

Wicks William henry, grocer, 88 Caistor Park Road

Wildon Henry, boot & shoe maker, 1 & 3 Portway

Wilkins George, dairy, 82 Church Street

Williams Maud (Mrs), dress maker, 120 Farringford Road

Williams Thos Richd, insurance agent, 71 Caistor Park Road

Williams William, grocer, 20 Manor Road

Willmer Charles, drug stores, 75 Portway

Wisden John & Co, cricket bat makers, 52 Richford Road

Wood Alfred, live bird dealer, 5 Portway

Wood Joseph, paraffin oil dealer, 87 East Street

Wood Richard, marins store dealer, 39 Church Street

Woodward Rosa (Miss), teacher of music, 67 West Ham lane

Wray Fanny (Mrs), dress maker, 125 East Road

Wright James, boot dealer, 81 manor Road

Wright John, Princess of wales PH, 25 West Ham Lane

Wright Samuel, watch & clock repairer, 28 Stephens Road

Wright William, estate office, 1 Springfield Road

Young Henry, coke contractor, 5a Church Street

Young Thomas, greengrocer, 23 Portway

Young Men’s Christian Association (Percy wheate, sec), Conference hall, West Ham Lane

Young  Women’s Christian Association (Miss May Ganley, sec), West Ham Lane


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