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West Ham 1912 Trade Directory

History of West Ham in 1912

 West Ham Index

West Ham 1912 Commercial Directory



TN - telephone number


Imperial (The) Carpet Beating & Cleaning Co, Hubbard Street TN 152 Stratford

Iverson Joseph, grocer, 10 Ham park Road

Jackson Arthur, draper, 28 West Ham Lane

Jackson John William, printer, 60 West Ham Lane

Jacobs Thomas, coal dealer, 34 Amity Road

James Mary Ann (Mrs), coffee rooms 2a & shopkeeper 2, Manor Road

Jameson James Elliott MB, B Ch, BAO Dub, physician & surgeon, 84 Portway

Jarrett Emma (Mrs), coffee rooms, 59 Church Street north

Jess John & Son, leather sellers, 12 Church Street

Johnson Henry, baker, 70 Church Street

Jones Charles, plumber, 89 Park Road

Jones Edward Charles, greengrocer, 72 Amity Road

Jones Henry, hair dresser, 4 Stephens Road

Jones John, dairyman, 72 Stephens Road

Jones Sidney, cow keeper, 2 & 4 Durban Road

Jones Thomas Charles, grocer, 140 Portway

Jude William John, confectioner, 60 Portway

Keegan Innes (Mrs), shirt & collar dresser, 56b Geere Road

Kemp Josiah, credit draper, 112 Corporation Street

Kendall J, chief collector to West Ham Corporation, Town Hall

Kennedy Hattie (Mrs), confectioner, 52 West Ham Lane

Kennedy William, coffee rooms, 4 Plaistow Road

Killick Arthur William, hair dresser, 12 Portway

King George, grainer, 101 Geere Road

King Sarah (Mrs), dining rooms, 57 Stephens Road

Kinight Edward, confectioner, 88 Stephens Road

Knight Samuel, Park Hotel, 81 Portway

Knowles Henry John, coal merchant, 60 Pond Road

Knowles Mary (Mrs), teacher of music, 60 Pond Road

Kossak Adelaide (Mrs), shopkeeper, 68 Paul Street


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