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Essex 1863 Whites Trade Directory for  West Ham

Residents & Commercial Traders in West Ham 1863 - part 6

West Ham Index

West Ham Parish Directory comprising Stratford, West ham, Plaistow, Forest Gate, Upton, Victoria Docks, Canning Town, Silver Town.

The capital letters show the situation of each street, 

C signifying Canning Town ; F. Forestgate; P. Plaistow ; P.M. Plaistow marshes; S. Stratford; S.N. Stratford Newtown; U. Upton; W.H West Ham; and V.D. near the Victoria Docks.

Bowman Hy. Bidder street
Claringbull E. T. Stratford
Coster John, West Ham
Davies G. Maryland point
Humm Geo. Chapel street
Lambert Willm. North Woolwich road
McCulloch T. Bidder street
Reeve Edwin,High street P.
Seaborne G, High street S.
Shea Jph. High street S.
Smith Jno. High street S.
Sweetingham Prank, Woodstock street .
Verrier G. Stratford grove
Welham Jno. Waddington road


Burford Mrs, Broadway
Cooks A. High street, S.
Craddock E. A, Broadway
Dace Mrs, West Ham
Evans H, North Woolwich road
Gale Ann, Martin street
McKerness E, Stratford grove
Warren Mrs, Angel terrace
Webb Misses, Bridge road

(See Booksellers.)

Chambers Jas. Fras. 12 Railway terrace, F.
Duncumb G. Stratford road
Harris Mrs, Angel lane
Hunt Edw. Chapel street, S.
Keen Rt. Leyton road
Morris Mary, Broadway
Mutlow Mrs, High street, P.
O'Grady Hy.High Street S.
Phillips Edw. Leyton road
Smith Fras. Bridge road

Stratford Express (Sat.) Fras. Leach, 31 Broadway, Stratford
Stratford Times, (Sat.) T. G. Tonge, 2 St. John's terrace

Averro William, North Woolwich road
Bishop Sml. Leyton road
Cundick Benj. North Woolwich road
Dalton John, High street
Flack Chas. Grove, S.
Hayward C. High street S.
Hile D. J. Forest street
Johnson Geo. High street
Lemere J. Broadway, S.
Tipper Timy. Leyton road
Turpin Geo. West Ham
West My. A. Broadway

Brayshaw John, Waddington road
Bressey Jno. High street S.
Darlow William, North Woolwich road
Fletcher Sl. West Ham
Phillips Pp. S. High street

(*Painters only.)

*Allen Wm. Leyton road
Bowden Wm. Broadway
Crabtree Alfred,Custom House terrace, V. D.
Fowler Thos. (lead and glass mert.)High street S.
*Gibson Hy. Forestgate
Gore Wm. Stratford grove.
Hersom Sl, Western street, S.
Kraushaar Saml. Market place, P.M.
*Merry H. Woodstock street
*Mitchell W. High street
*Pain G. Globe crescent
Palmer Thos. Balaam street
Perfect Geo. Portway
Perfect Ths. High street P.
Pond Jph. North Woolwich road
Presland Geo. Stephenson street
Taylor Chas, Broadway
Welch Hy .Maryland point
Wilson John , High street, S

Handley John, High street
Knight Charlotte, W.H.

Moase James and Son, High street, Stratford
Sayor Mrs, High street S.
Scutt John, High street S.
Strutt John, High street P.

Dowson and Worth, Victoria Docks road ,
Lester Henry Edward and Son, Victoria Docks
Thames Iron Shipbuilding Company, Lea Creek and Blackwall
Thames Graving Dock Co, Victoria Dooks & London
(Grocery, Flour, etc)

Anderson Wm, Panl street
Axten G, Maryland point
Barnard Abm. Pelly road
Bear Saml. Angel lane
Beckley Edw. Bidder street
Benton Fras, S
Bickers Mrs, Leyton road
Bird Robert, Roscoe st
Birks Ann, Angel lane
Bond Wm. Leyton road
Buckland W. Woodstock street
Bull Wm. Richmond street
Chandler S. Chapel street
Churchill Wm, Leyton road
Cofield W. P. Plaistow
Collier Jno. Leyton road
Connolly C. Union street
Cooper Jno. Howard road
Cottrell Thos. Bridge road
Crober W. Odessa road
Curtis Eliz. Forest lane
Curtis Jas. West Ham
Dawson J, Swanscombe street
Dennis Chas. Bidder street
Dilley Rt. Langthorn street
Dorking G. Junction street
Dorrington William, Barking road, P.
Eastwick Wm.High street P.
Evans Mrs, Chapel street
Evennett C. West Ham
Fisher Geo. West Ham
Gamer Luoy,Langthorne street
Garstang Mary Ann and Eliz. Windmill lane
Gibbs Jas, Market place, P.M.
Griffiths John, North Woolwich road
Harman Wm, High street, S.
Hay Sar. Plaistow grove
Hayes Thos. Market place
Hedges M.A. Stratford road
Hendry A. High street P.
Hodges Sar. Chapel street
Holbrook Ts. Bidder street
Holbrook Rd. Martin street
Holmes Wm. Angel lane
Holt Rt, Church street, W.H.
Housden J. High street S.
Johnson Jn. Stephenson street
Jones My. Leyton road
Quelch Wm. High street S.
Lamb S.Vicarage lane W.H.
Larter Susan, Leyton road
Lawes Sar. E. Forestgate
Lewis Wm. West Ham
Linley Geo. Forest lane
Linn John, Angel lane
Lord Rd. Leyton road
Lowerbutts J. Globe crescent
McCausland Oliver, Chatsworth road, F.
Martin Jno. Leyton road
Marshall W, Waddington road
Mason John, East street
Mears Fdk. Balaam street
Miller Rd. High street S.
Miller C. Waddington road
Moor Wm, Balaam street
Mowbray W. Langthorne street
Naylor Ths, Francis street
Norris John, Abbey
Palmer John,West Ham
Pennick W. Rathbone street
Perkins W. Windmill lane
Percy Geo. High street S.
Puryer Mrs, Balaam street
Rawlings Sl, Odessa rd
RedburnThs. Roscoe road
Ridpath Alex. Abbey
Ridpath James, Abbey
Ringwood S. Forest street
Roberts Jane, Chapel street
Rogers. John, West Ham
Sexty W. Canning Town
Shead Jas, Abbey,W.H.
Shepherd A.Waddington road
Sippett J. Plaistow grove
Smith Charles, North Woolwich road
Spiers Jph. Bidder street
Stribling J. Martin street
Thipthorp T. Forest street
Thornton Margt. Globe crescent, F.
Thwaites My, High street S.
Tubbs Mrs, West Ham
Tnrvey Wm. Victoria Docks
Tyler Geo, Field road. F.
Verney Hy. Howard road
Walledge W. High street & Balaam street, P.
Webb Wm, Abbey, W.H.
White Isaac, North Woolwich road
Wilcocks Wm, West Ham
Wilkinson J. Leyton road
Wilks Wm. High street S.
Williams James, Stephenson street, C.

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