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History of West Ham in 1848, comprising Stratford, West Ham, Plaistow etc
The Residents Those marked : 1 are at Forest gate; 2 Upton Place; 3 Upton; 4 Church Street, West ham; 5 Plaistow; and marked as follows, in STRATFORD, Viz., 6, in Angel Lane; 7, at Bow Bridge; 8, in Broadway; 9, in Chant Street; 10, Chapel Street; 11, East Street; 12 Great North Street; 13, High Street; 14, Hudson Town; 15, Maryland Point; 16, at Stratford Green; and 17, at Stratford Grove.
Post Offices – at James Showells, Stratford; James Coles, West Ham; Mrs Ann Stewarts, Plaistow; and at Arthur Croxfords, Upton Place. Letters dispatched at 9 ½ and 11 ½ morning, 3 ½ and 4 ½ afternoon, and at 8 night, from the head office in Stratford, where Money Orders are granted and paid. The parish is within the country Delivery of the London District Post.
Miscellany of Persons not arranged under heads of Trade etc Many have places of business of business in London, though here inserted without trade.
16 Adams Mrs A
5 Adams Richard, gent Adams Wm Esq, Woodhanger
16 Alleard John, gent
15 Amer Mr Wm
5 Anderson Misses Elizabeth and sarah
8 Anderson Robert, assistant overseer
17 Archer John, gent
2 Arrowsmith Jas, gent
2 Arrowsmith Miss Spha
16 Badger Mr Geo E
1 Baker Mrs Eliz S Baker Jno, gebt Abey
13 Balley Wm Geo, clerk
8 Barker Ann, paperhanger
4 Barnard Jas, sexton
5 Barsham Mr James
7 Barsham & Lonsdale, emery & glass cloth manufacturers
10 Bell & Black, wax taper manufacturers ( and London) 4 Bell Mrs Catherine 16 Benton John, gent 5 Bevington Geo, gent 5 Bickerton Jas, gent 8 Biggs Wm, cutler Blackburn J organist 5 Blood Mr Thomas 17 Bowman Jn Frdk, gent 15 Bradbrook Chas, gent 17 Brady Mr Antonio 4 Bristow Capt Henry 4 Brittain Henry, relieving officer 5 Brockells Mr Fredk 2 Brockwell Josiah, gent 1 Brook Geo, poulterer 16 Burbridge George, auctioneer in London 17 Burford Mrs Cath 13 Burford Ephm & Co, calico printers & dyers 16 Burgess James, gent 17 Burness Mr James 13 Burton Martha, toy dealer 4 Burton Mr Wm 8 Butt Rev John, chaplain to Union 4 Buxton Wm, gent 5 Bywater Mrs Cath 2 Catterton Geo, gent 5 Chaplin Rd P, gent 5 Chapman Edw, gent 1 Chenery Henry, station master, Forest Gate 2 Clarkson Mrs Mary 5 Clinker Mr Wm 13 Close Mr John 15 Clutterbuck Charles, painter on glass 16 Clutterbuck Miss J 15 Cobbett Daniel, gent 17 Cohn Mr John 4 Cole James, dyer 17 Collings Thos, gent 5 Conder John, gent 7 Condon Wm, clerk 4 Cooke Mr Thomas 2 Copley Mr Thomas 2 Cossington Frdk, merchant 13 Cossington John, lighterman 2 Cotterill Mr Benj 8 Court Misses 10 Courtney Mr Wm 7 Crane, Graham, and Crane manufacturing chemists, and manure manufacturers 2 Crew Wm, butcher 5 Curtis Charles esq 17 Curtis Thomas, gent, Solway House 8 Curtis Rt L & Edw C, brickmakers & builders 5 Curwen Rev John (Independent Min) 5 Dale Wm, Barking Road Station Master 1 Dames Chas Rd, sugar refiner at London 17 Dean Wm Hy, land surveyor, estate agent, and auctioneer 17 Dean G O, architect 2 Deighton Miss 10 Delaway Miss Cath 15 Dixon Mr Peter 16 Dockrill Miss Mary 4 Dodds Mrs Jane 7 Dowding Mr Edward 2 Drane Jno, comb maker 4 Duncan Mrs Mary 4 Duncan Richard, wine merchant in London 8 Dye Robert, foreman 17 Dyson Chas, surveyor and estate agent 13 Easton Thos & Helmore Wm, veterinary surgeons 17 Edwards Mr Geo Wm 16 Elliot Wm MD, surgeon 16 Ellis Capt Alex 16 Ellis Rd Young, esq 5 Elston Mr John 15 Eyre Mr Edward 16 Farey Samuel, road contractor 17 Fell Capt Alfred 4 Ferdinando Mr Thos 16 Ferguson Rev Robt LLD (Independent Min) 5 Fichling Mr Wm 16 Flint Mr Henry 13 Ford Chs, umbrella maker 2 Foster Matthew, wine merchant in London 4 Franks Mr Wm 5 Fry Henry, gent, Willow Cottage 3 Fulcher Henry, wine merchant in London 16 Fuller Mr Ts Gilbert 15 Geekie Mr John 15 Goldthorpe Mrs 8 Golledge Rd, par clerk 4 Goody Job, traveller 3 Gowar Mr Raydin 17 Gray John Esq 16 Green Miss Eliz 5 Greenwood Mr James 3 Greenwood Mrs Rebca 4 Grew Mr Nathaniel 7 Gundry Charles & Co, paper stainers 3 Gurney Samuel Esq, Ham House 3 Gurney H E Esq, Upton Lane House 13 Gutta Percha Co, Stratford Works and London 2 Haden Mr George E 1 Hall Mrs Amelia 2 Hall Richard Esq, carnarvon House 8 Hall Rev Rt, curate 13 Hancock Walter, engineer etc 15 Handley John, potato dealer 5 Hargreaves Mr John 16 Harris James, gent 16 Harris Capt Alex RN 16 Harrison Mr George 2 Hasluck Samuel esq, Hasluck Hall 7 Heseltine S & Co, engineers, founders & machine makers 16 Hewetson Jno, gent 5 Hibbard Mr Thomas
15 Higden Mrs Jane
15 Hill Mr Thomas
15 Hinkins Mr Charles
5 Hodson Mr John
4 Homan Mr Henry B
15 Homan Mr Wm 17 Hopkins Manley Esq 13 Howards and Kent, manufacturing chemists 3 Howden Alex, ship broker in London 2 Hutchins Mrs Rd 8 Ireland Geo, fishmonger 3 Ireson Misses J & L 15 Johnson David, carter Johnson Robt, organist 16 Jones Miss Caroline 16 Jones Ven Hugh C, MA, archdeacon of Essex (& at St Pauls) 2 Jones John Charles, music professor Kayes Jas, manager at Abbey Print Works 15 Keen Mr Job 15 Kilner Misses 16 Knott Mr David 16 Knowles Mr John 14 Lambert Mrs Sus 16 Lart John, gent 16 Leech Mr Wm 16 Legg Jabez, gent 3 Leicester John, gent 5 Leigh, Miss Sarah 4 Lennard Rev Jno, curate 5 Lennox Mr Thomas 8 Leuty Wm, sweep 4 Lewis Alfred, gent 16 Lindley Lucy, professor of music Lister Joseph J Esq, Upton House 1 Liverton Mr Wm 4 London Jas, collector 4 Lovegrove Geo Henry, auctioneer, surveyor and brick maker 4 Lunn Mr Thomas 4 Malchar Mr John Mare C J & Co, iron & wood ship builders etc, Lea Creek, & Orchard yard, Blackwall 17 Mark Mr Wm 5 Marsh Rev Rd Wm Bishop, MA, incumbent of Plaistow 5 Marsh Samuel, gent 15 Marshall Mrs A 5 Marten Charles, gent 7 Martin Edw, boiler maker 16 Mason Alfred R, land surveyor etc 4 Matchet Mr John 7 Matthews Wm, japanner 7 Maybank Wm, lighterman 7 Meeson Thos & Sons, coal merchants & lime burners 7 Meeson Edward 7 Meeson John 7 Meeson Richard S 2 Merrett Mr John 17 Millard Mr Benj 4 Moates Mr Wm 17 Moore Fredk, manager of Gutta Percha Manufactory 16 Morfett Fdk, organist 16 Morgan David, gent 16 Mosley Rt, manager 16 Mount Mrs Jane 4 Mount Richard, gent Mure Jas & Co, gin distillers, Three Mills 7 Murphy Jas Patrick and Sons, turpentine manufacturers and oil millers 16 Neal Mr Wm Henry 5 Newman Hy, horse dealer 17 Newman Jas, gent 17 Nicoll Rev Chas MA, incumbent of Stratford 2 Nixon Mr Wm John 8 Norse Wm C, gas inspector 16 Nutt Mr David 13 Nyren John Wm, manufacturing chemist 2 Oliver Thomas, gent 1 Ord Robert, merchant 2 Page Henry Jph, clerk 1 Pedley Joshua, gent Pelly Sir John Henry, Bart, Upton 3 Pelly John Henry Esq 16 Pelly Raymond, gent 5 Pigram John, sexton 15 Pinder Mr Wm Henry 13 Pitchford Jno & Co, manufacturing chemists 6 Polley Geo, station master 13 Pratt George, mason 4 Rake Rt, road surveyor 16 Rake Mr Thomas 3 Ram Rev Abel John, MA, vicar of West Ham 13 Rayner Jno, horse brker 4 Rayson Thos, accpnt 1 Reay Jno Rt, merchant 1 Reed Thos, merchant 13 Reynolds Edward, draughtsman 15 Richardson Fdk, gent Riles Mr Samuel 4 Rivett Mrs Ellen 5 Roberts Thos, gent 4 Roberts Thos, artist 5 Robinson Mrs 16 Robinson Mrs S 15 Robinson Wm, Esq 17 Rogers Mr Richard 15 Rogers Thos, gent 16 Rooks Mr Samuel 15 Rose Henry, gent 15 Scott Joseph, clerk 5 Seal Elijah John, gent 5 Sewell Mr Wm 16 Schroder Jph Hy, gent 3 Sheppard James Esq 1 Sheppard Joseph Esq 4 Sheppard Mrs Sarah 15 Sherman Mr Thos 4 Sholl Ruyter, carrier 13 Simmons John, dyer 15 Simons Richd, gent 13 Smith Rev M H, Cathl 15 Somes Joseph, gent 16 Somes Mrs Sarah 2 Soutter Saml, merchant 5 Spavin Mr Wm Sproul Wm, gent, Abbey 16 Stanton Mr Wm 4 Stevens Edward Henry, house agent 16 Taylor John, gent Tebb Rd, gent, Abbey 16 Thompson Mrs 4 Thorn James, sweep 2 Thornton Mr Thomas 2 Tilstone Mr Edward Tucker John & Co, silk printers, Abbey Print Works 5 Turner James, gent 4 Turner Wm Hy, gent 7 Turner and Montague, cement manufacturers and slate merchants 1 Ulph Hicks, cattle salesman 15 Underwood Mr Wm, 16 Upcroft Wm, gent Vandrant Chas, engraver, printer, bookseller & Berlin Repository 2 Vesper Mr Wm 17 Vink Mr Wm Henry 16 Vooght Mr George 3 Wackerbarth William Kemble, gent 5 Wade Wm, Congreve rocket manufacturer 2 Walter James, traveller 17 Walton Mr Thomas 13 Watson John, horse breaker 5 Webb Mr John 4 Webb Thomas and Co, distillers
2 Weld Miss Esther
5 Wenham Mr Ebenezer
1 Whalley Mr Robert
1 Whitby Luke, land surveyor and agent
7 White Chas, paper maker
16 White Capt Thomas
3 White Thomas, wine and spirit merchant
5 Wilby Mrs Maria
13 Wilcox Richard, clerk
16 Wilkinson Mrs E
5 Wilkinson Mr John G
4 Williams David, hosier
16 Willis Mr James D
5 Wilson Mr Charles
16 Wilson Mr George
16 Wilton Mr John
16 Womersley Mr Thos
3 Woodward Rev John
3 Woodward Rd, gent
2 Wroe James. Merchant
2 Young Alexander, share broker at London
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