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A historical site about early London coffee houses and taverns and will also link to my current pub history site and also the London street directory
No. 17, Newgate-street (north side), was, according to the tradition of the
house, the tavern where Sir Christopher Wren used to smoke his pipe, whilst
St. Paul's was re-building. There is more positive evidence of its being a
place well frequented by men of letters at the above period. Thus, there
exists a poetical invitation to a social feast held here on June 19, 1735-6,
issued by the two stewards, Edward Cave and William Bowyer :
" Saturday, Jan. 17, 1735-6.
" Sir,
" You're desir'd on Monday next to meet
At Salutation Tavern, Newgate-street.
Supper will be on table just at eight,
[Stewards'] One of St. John's [Bowyer], 'tother of St. John's
Gate [Cave]. "
This brought a poetical answer from Samuel Richardson, the novelist, printed
in extenso in Bowyer's Anecdotes :
" For me, I'm much concerned I cannot meet
' At Salutation Tavern, Newgate-street.'
Your notice, like your verse, so sweet and short !
If longer, I'd sincerely thank you for it.
Howe'er, receive my wishes, sons of verse !
May every man who meets, your praise rehearse !
May mirth, as plenty, crown your cheerful board,
And ev'ry one part happy — as a lord !
That when at home, (by such sweet verses fir'd)
Your families may think you all inspir'd.
So wishes he, who pre-engag'd, can't know
The pleasures that would from your meeting flow."
The proper sign is the Salutation and Cat, — a curious combination, but one
which is explained by a lithograph, which some years ago hung in the
coffee-room. An aged dandy is saluting a friend whom he has met in the
street, and offering him a pinch out of the snuff-box which forms the top of
his wood-like cane. This box-nob was, it appears, called a " cat " — hence
the connection of terms apparently so foreign to each other. Some, not aware
of this explanation, have accounted for the sign by supposing that a tavern
called " the Cat " was at some time pulled down, and its trade carried to
the Salutation, which thenceforward joined the sign to its own; but this is
improbable, seeing that we have never heard of any tavern called "the Cat"
(although we do know of "the Barking Dogs") as a sign. Neither does the
Salutation take its name from any scriptural or sacred source, as the Angel
and Trumpets, etc.
More positive evidence there is to show of the " little smoky room at the
Salutation and Cat/' where Coleridge and Charles Lamb sat smoking Oronoko
and drinking egg-hot; the first discoursing of his idol, Bowles, and the
other rejoicing mildly in Cowper and Burns, or both dreaming of "
Pantisocracy, and golden days to come on earth."
References :
Lots of references are made to two sources on the
internet archive
Edward Callows, Old London Taverns &
John Timbs, Club life of London Volume 2
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