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John Strype (1643-1737), the ecclesiastical historian and biographer, published a new, hugely expanded version of Stow’s Survey of London in 1720.
London Wards in 1598
and the Morgans 1682 map of London then this Strypes survey in 1720 and London Wards in 1756
The Map of The parishes of St Saviour, Southwark and St George, Southwark in 1720
Key to The parishes of St Saviour, Southwark and St George, Southwark in 1720, including the Inns :
St Saviours Southwark
1 George Yard
2 Pump yard
3 Cockpit yard
4 Love Lane
5 Hinds Alley
6 Moses Alley
7 Horse Shoe Alley
8 Elephant Alley
9 Bears foot Alley
10 Globe Alley
11 Fountaine Alley
12 Cock Alley
13 Sun Court
14 Red Cross Alley
15 Bell Alley
16 Fishmonger Alley
17 Goat yard
18 Saints Alley
19 Malins yard
20 Rochester yard
21 Angel yard
22 Montague Close
23 Pepper alley
24 Chain Gate
25 Frying pan Alley
26 Justices Court
27 Ax & Bottle yard
28 Nags head Alley
29 Spur Inn - St Margarets Hill, The Borough - Spur Inn, Borough High Street, Southwark St Saviour
30 Christophers Alley
31 Windmill Alley
32 Cock & Hoop Alley
33 Queens Head Inn - St Margarets Hill, The Borough - Queens Head Inn, 105 Borough High Street,Southwark St Saviour,
34 Talbot Inn - The Borough - Talbot, 75 Borough High Street, Southwark St Saviour
35 George Inn - The Borough - George Inn, 77 Borough High Street, Southwark St Saviour, London
36 Crown Court
37 White hart Inn - The Borough - White Hart, Borough High Street, Southwark St Saviour
38 Kings head Inn - The Borough - Kings Head, 45-49 Borough High Street SE
39 Black Swan Inn - The Borough - Black Swan, High street, Southwark St Saviour
40 Ship Inn - The Borough - Ship Inn, High street, Southwark St Saviour
41 Bores head Inn - The Borough - Boars Head inn, High street, Southwark St Saviour
42 Dark Entry
43 Hesters yard
Chequer Alley
St George Parish
45 Windmill Alley
46 White Horse Inn - St Margarets Hill, The Borough - Whitehorse Inne, Borough, Southwark St Saviour
47 Gray Hound Inn - St Margarets Hill, The Borough - Greyhound Inne, Queen Street, Southwark St Saviour
48 May Pole alley
49 Dagger Alley
50 Red Cross Alley
51 George Alley
52 Faulcon Court
53 Maiden head yard
54 Rose Alley
55 Ax yard
56 Bear foot Alley
57 Great yard
58 Rock yard
59 Unicorn Alley
60 Red Cross Alley
61 plumber Court
62 White Horse Alley
63 Cross Shovell Alley
64 Lamb Alley
65 Dolphin yard
66 Katherine wheel yard
67 Griffin Alley
68 Black Spread Eagle Alley
69 Three Arrow Alley
70 Maermaid Alley
71 Blew maid Alley
72 Halfe Moon Inn- St Margarets Hill, The Borough - Half Moon Hotel, 183 Borough High Street, Southwark St George Martyr
73 Golden Lyon Court
74 Kings Bench Alley
75 Angel Alley
76 Golden Lyon Court
77 Shaws Court
78 Three Tun Alley
79 Baldwins Court
80 Fryingpan Alley
81 Cross Keys Alley
82 Griffen Inn -
83 White Horse Alley
84 Red Bull Alley
85 Royall Oak Court
86 Haris yard
87 Red Lyon yard
88 White Bear Alley
Additional Improvements
89 Birch Gardens
90 Princess street
91 Paviers Alley
92 Zier Street
93 Cock pitt yard
94 Peters street
95 Lumbard street
96 Farthing Alley
97 Queen street
98 Rushs Vinegar yard
99 Mint Square
100 King Street.
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