Search london history from Roman times to modern day
John Strype (1643-1737), the ecclesiastical historian and biographer, published a new, hugely expanded version of Stow’s Survey of London in 1720.
London Wards in 1598
and the Morgans 1682 map of London then this Strypes survey in 1720 and London Wards in 1756
The Map of Parish of St James, Westminster in 1720
Key to Parish of St James, Westminster in 1720, including the Inns :
1 Crown Court
2 Angell Court
3 St Andrews mews
4 Feathers Court
5 Grayes Court
6 Guy of Warwick Court
7 Crown & Sceptre Court
8 White horse Inn
9 Kings Armes yard
10 Maggets Court
11 Haynes Court
12 Sadlers Armes yard
13 Harris Court
14 Bell Inn
15 Hides Court
16 Potts yard
17 Kemps Court
18 Walkers Alley
19 Spur Alley
20 Simballs Alley
21 Feathers Alley
22 Edmunds Court
23 Saltons Court
24 Windmill yard
25 Trumball yard
26 Browns Court
27 Gibsons Court
28 Hunts Court
29 Conde Court
30 Black horse yard
31 Crown yard
32 George yard
33 Salters Court
34 Fleece yard
35 Bear Alley
36 Black horse yard
37 Davids yard
38 Nags head Inn - Haymarket, south side - Nags Head, 59 Haymarket, St James, Westminster
39 Cock yard
40 Salters Court - Windmill street
41 Six Bells Alley
42 White horse yard - Haymarket, south side - White Horse, Haymarket, St James, Westminster
43 Phenix Inn - Haymarket, south side - Phoenix, Haymarket, St James, Westminster
44 Unicorn Inn - Haymarket, south side - Unicorn, Haymarket, St James, Westminster
45 Stone Cutters Alley
46 Pal Mal Court
47 Paved Alley
References to the new Buildings
1 Benjamin Street
2 the Riding house
3 Tayler Street
4 Little Marlborough Street
5 St James Gravel pitts
6 Little windmill Street
7 Gravil Lane
8 Little Silver Street
9 Little Peter Street
10 Kemps Court
11 Cock court
12 Hopkins Court
13 Husband Street
14 Maidenhead passage
15 Green Lane
16 Prices Alley
17 Walkers Court
18 Red Lyon yard.
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