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John Strype Survey of London in 1720 - The parish of St James Clerkenwell.

John Strype (1643-1737), the ecclesiastical historian and biographer, published a new, hugely expanded version of Stow’s Survey of London in 1720.

London Wards in 1598
and the Morgans 1682 map of London then this Strypes survey in 1720 and London Wards in 1756

The Map of Cow Cross, being St Sepulchre Parish Without and the Charterhouse. in 1720

Key to The parish of St James Clerkenwell. in 1720, including the Inns :
1 Cock Alley
2 Lowmans Rents
3 Falconers Alley
4 Peter Street
5 Sharps Alley
6 Colledge Court
7 Cradle Alley
8 Red Lion Alley
9 White horse Alley
10 Blind Begger Alley
11 Castle Inn -
12 Swann Alley
13 Sugar Loaf Alley
14 George Court
15 Mightt Court
16 Small Cole Alley
17 Three Cupps Inn -
18 Rose & Crown yard
19 Frying Pan Alley
20 White hart yard
21 Windmill Inn - St Johns street, east side - Windmill, 30 St John Street, St Sepulchre EC1
22 Swan with two necks Inn - St Johns street, east side -
23 Golden Lion Inn - St Johns street, east side - Golden Lion, 112 St John Street, St Sepulchre EC1
24 Bell Inn - St Johns street, east side -
25 Cross Keys Inn - St Johns street, east side - Cross Keys Hotel, 16 St John Street, West Smithfield EC1M 4NT
26 Foxwell Court
27 White Lion Court
28 Red Lion Court
29 Fox Court.

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And Last updated on: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 15:16:13 GMT

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