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John Strype (1643-1737), the ecclesiastical historian and biographer, published a new, hugely expanded version of Stow’s Survey of London in 1720.
London Wards in 1598
and the Morgans 1682 map of London then this Strypes survey in 1720 and London Wards in 1756
The Map of The parish of St Giles in the Fields in 1720
Key to The parish of St Giles in the Fields. in 1720, including the Inns :
1 Banisters Alley
2 Eagle and Child Alley
3 Rose and Crown yard
4 Angel Inn - Angel, 61 - 62 St Giles High street WC2H 8LE
5 Sharps Alley
6 Taylers yard
7 Martins Alley
8 Nottingham Court
9 Salutation yard
10 Lambs Alley
11 Crown Alley
12 Crown Court
13 Cock Alley
14 Ragged Staff Court
15 Paviers Alley
16 Castle yard
17 Plough Court
18 Nags Head yard
19 Plough yard
20 Bugle Bull Inn - Bull Inn, Vernon street, Hart street, Bloomsbury market WC1
21 Hole in the wall yard
22 Hides Alley
23 Fishers Alley
24 Fountains Court - Drury lane -
25 White Hart Inn - Drury lane, St Giles - see White Hart, 191 Drury lane WC2B
26 Harrow Alley
27 Lyons Court
28 Coach and Horses yard
29 Sugar Loafe Alley
30 Bull head Court
31 Whitcomb Alley
32 Dukes head Court
33 Ralphs Court
34 Star Court
35 Kings head Inn - Kings Head, High Holborn & Little Princes street, St Giles WC2
36 New Turnstile Alley
37 Little Turnstile Alley
38 Gregories Alley
39 Partridge Alley
40 Phillips yard
41 Vine Court
42 George Inn -
43 Pargiters Court
44 Turnstile Alley
45 Colsons Court
46 Holford Court
47 Cockpit Court
48 Golden ball Court
49 World passage
50 Princes Court
51 Little Ormond Street
52 Little Duke Street
53 Brifort Court
54 Eagle and Child yard
55 Maiden head Inn -
56 The New Church
57 Hucks Brewhouse
58 Nottingham Court .
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