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John Strype Survey of London in 1720 - Portsoken Ward.

Stows Survey of London was printed in 1598 and 1603. The huge growth of the metropolis, the devastation wrought by the Great Fire of 1666 and the subsequent rebuilding of the City made an updating of the Survey highly desirable.
John Strype (1643-1737), the ecclesiastical historian and biographer, published a new, hugely expanded version of Stow’s Survey of London in 1720, in two volumes.
An electronic, and online version of Stows Survey (1720), is now available at the Sheffield University.
The following links are to just the keys and references to the maps of the City Wards and London parishes. I have a particular interest in just the Inns which existed at these times, but the detail in the keys are very limited and not well cross-referenced. I now cross reference using the Morgans Map of London in 1682, this guide, Maitlands survey of 1752 and other early maps.

London Wards in 1598 ; and the Morgans 1682 map of London then this Strypes survey in 1720 and London Wards in 1756

The Map of Portsoken Ward in 1720

Key to the Portsoken Ward in 1720, including the Inns :
1 Still alley
2 Greyhound alley
3 Flower delis Court
4 Woolsack alley
5 Crab court
6 Star court
7 Hand alley
8 Skimmers alley
9 Castle yard
10 Bull and Shears Court
11 Angell alley
12 Fire Ball alley
13 Fireball Court
14 Cock and Hoop yard
15 Red Lyon Court
16 Sheapheard and Dog alley
17 Bowle Court
18 Walnut tree yard
19 Joyners Court
20 Harrow alley
21 Cock and Wheatsheafe alley
22 Rose and Crown Court
23 Seven Star alley
24 Church Lane
25 Gun yard
26 Gravell Lane
27 Seven Step alley
28 Blackamore Court
29 Stony Lane
30 Sutton Lane
31 Woodgreens Court
32 Narrow alley
33 Clarks Court
34 Hand and Crown Court
35 New George Court
36 Vine Court
37 Pease Porridge alley
38 Kings Head Court
39 Hand alley
40 Inkhorne Court
41 Bates yard
42 Red cross Court
43 Church Row
44 Three Nun Inn , Whitechapel High street - Three Nuns, 11 Aldgate High Street, Aldgate EC3
45 Hatchet alley
46 White Bear alley
47 Sun and Trumpet alley - Sun & Trumpet, 19 Aldgate High Street, Aldgate EC3
48 The Bell Brewhouse -
49 Black Bull Inn - Bull Inn, Bull Inn Yard, 25 Aldgate High Street, Aldgate EC3
50 Blue Bore Inn - Blue Boar, 30 Aldgate High Street, Aldgate EC3
51 The Bores Head Tavern -
52 Red Cross Court
53 Anchor and Harp alley
54 Harrow alley
55 The Blew gates
56 Chequer yard
57 Blackboy Court
58 Maiden head alley
59 Three King Court
60 Fountain alley
61 Ship yard
62 Well alley
63 Little Minories
64 Shippeys yard
65 Browns yard
66 Squerell alley
67 Swan alley
68 Red Lyon alley
69 Redgate Court
70 Wheelrs yard
71 Bullocks court
72 Hamersmith alley
73 Walls Court
74 Black horse alley
75 Eeles Court
76 Woodens Rents
77 Goodwins yard
78 Bellows yard
79 Starr alley
80 Three Crown Court.

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And Last updated on: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 15:16:14 GMT

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