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John Strype (1643-1737), the ecclesiastical historian and biographer, published a new, hugely expanded version of Stow’s Survey of London in 1720.
London Wards in 1598
and the Morgans 1682 map of London then this Strypes survey in 1720 and London Wards in 1756
The Map of Cripplegate Ward in 1720
Key to the Cripplegate Ward in 1720, including the Inns :
1 Castle Tavern - Honey lane market, Milk street & Mitre Court
2 Feathers Court - Milk street
3 Robinhood alley - Milk street
4 Crown Court - Milk street
5 Mumfords Court - Milk street
6 Castle Court
7 Clements Court - Milk street & Wood street
8 Swan Inn with 2 necks - Swan with Two Necks, 41 Gresham Street, Cheapside, St Lawrence Jewry EC2V
9 Fountains Court
10 Dyers Court
11 Carpenters Court
12 St Mary Aldermary church - St Mary Aldemary
13 Church alley
14 Hadleys Court
15 Ax Inn - Three Axe Inn, Three Nun court, St Mary Aldermanbury EC2
16 George Inn - George Hotel & Tap, 20 & 21 Aldermanbury, St Mary Aldermanbury EC2
17 Millers Court
18 Brewers Hall
19 Plaisterers Hall
20 Berry Court
21 Passage to Wood street
22 Katherine Wheel Inn - London Wall, east of St Alphage church -
23 Fox and Goose Inn - London Wall, east of St Alphage church - Fox and Goose, London Wall, St Mary Aldermanbury EC2
24 Chequer Inn - London Wall, east of St Alphage church
25 St Alphage church - St Alphage
26 Syon Colledge
27 Curriers Court and Hall
28 Syon Court
29 Burges Court
30 Cock Court
31 Hand alley
32 Bowyers Court
33 Lambs Chaple Court
34 Lambs Chaple alley
35 Gilberts Court
36 Dolbins Court
37 Barbers Surgeons Hall
38 Windsor Court
39 Winchester Court
40 Fell Court
41 Black Horse and Hare Inn - Hart street & Eel street -
42 Wintons Court
43 Red Lyon Court
44 Presbiterian meeting house
45 Westmoreland Court
46 Cross Keys Inn - Cross Keys Tavern, 128 Wood street, St Peter Westcheap, EC2
47 Goldsmith street
48 Pauls alley
49 Castle Tavern - in Wood street, nearly opposite Goldsmith street; later Mitre Court?
50 The Compter
51 Fryers alley
52 Shovell alley or Court
53 St Michaels Wood street Church - St Michael Wood Street
54 Castle Inn - Castle Inn, 25 Wood Street, St Michael Wood street EC2
55 Coach and Horses Inn - Coach & Horses Inne, 29 Wood Street, St Michael Wood street EC2
56 Maidenhead Court
57 Paved alley
58 St Albans Wood street Church - St Alban, Wood Street
59 Fryingpan alley
60 Bell Inn - Bell, 87 Wood Street, St Alban Wood Street, EC2
61 Clerks Hall
62 Livery Stable yard
63 Flying Horse Court
64 Habserdashers Hall
65 Mutton Court
66 St John Zachary church yard - St John Zachary
67 Fitches Court
Cripplegate ward without
68 White Horse Inn - White Horse, Cripplegate Buildings, Fore Street, Cripplegate EC2
69 Little Cock alley
70 Great Cock alley
71 Grasshopper alley
71 White Hart Inn - White Hart Inn, 113 Fore street, Cripplegate EC2
72 Three Dagger Court
73 Black Horse alley
74 unicorne alley
75 Dyers Court
76 Red Hart Court
77 Founders Court
78 Red Bull Court
79 Aldermanbury Posterne
80 Purse Court
81 The Postern
82 Larimors Hall
83 Mauls Court
84 Cradle Court
85 Moors Court
86 Crown Court
87 Hind alley
88 Half Moon alley
89 Angell alley
90 Harts Horne alley
91 Butlers alley
92 Oyster Shell Court
93 Gun alley
94 Sugarloaf Court
95 Tenter alley
96 Whites alley
97 Back alley
98 Rams Head alley, or Court
99 Seven Star Court
100 Sugarloafe alley
101 Car yard
102 Cock alley
103 Vine Court
104 Maiden head Court
105 Lunds alley
106 Honysuccle Court
107 Flying Horse Court
108 Little Bell alley
109 Flower delis Court
110 George Inn - Grub street
111 Nags head Inn - Grub street
112 Butlers alley
113 Cross Keys Court
114 Maidenhead Court
115 Bell alley
116 Haberdashers Square
117 Sun alley
118 Cross Keys Inn - White cross street
119 Kings Arms yard
120 Peacock Brewhouse -
121 Kings Head Court
122 Three Leg Court or yard
123 Halfe Moon alley
124 Bowling alley
125 George yard
126 Annabaptist Court
127 Red Rose Court
128 Castle Court
129 White Rose Court
130 Ferns yard
131 Ship yard
132 Glovers Hall court
133 Kings Head Court
134 Jacobs Well alley
135 Cocks head Court
136 Black Raven Court
137 Crown Court
138 Sun Court
139 Dixons Rents
140 Vine Court
141 Garter Court
142 Three Pigeon Court
143 Plough alley
144 Blew Bores head Court
145 Fox and Crown Court
146 Figtree Court
147 Playhouse yard
148 Three Herring Court
149 Red Lyon and Axe Inn - Rec cross street
150 Three Fountain Court
151 Cradle Court
152-3 Serpent alley
154 Ship yard
155 Fryingpan alley
156 Bull head Court
157 Red Cross alley
158 Three Pigeon Court
159 Cockpit Court
160 Lauderdale Court .
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