Man Loaded with Mischielf

Stratford 1902 Post Office Trade Directory Street Listing

History of Stratford in 1902

Stratford street index

This is a complete listing from the 1902 Trade Directory of all Private and Commercial residents in Stratford in 1902. It does not list everybody, usually just those whom either own a property or whom run a  commercial venture.

[This is the part of Romford Road that is not part of Stratford]

104 Romford Road, The Broadway to Railway Bridge, Manor Park

north side
[The remainder of names on this side are in Forest Gate]

193 Blake James
195 Browne G R, Jacobs & Co, solicitors
197 Fielder Robert
199 Retallack-Moloney Joseph
201 Beard Thomas W
203 Levick Mrs Martha Sarah, ladies school
203 Levick Christopher
205 Alment Edwd Johnstone
207 Selwyn Rev Herbert Edward MA (The Vicarage)
209 Bressey Edward
215 Roberts Mrs
217 Gladding Miss
219 Cheffins John
221 Porcas James Jones
223 newton Rev Geo Talahun [Wesleyan]
225 Gilbert Thomas John
227 Bruton Joseph
229 Kidd George Watson
... here is Norwich Road ...
Upton Congregational Church
235 Feruson John
237 Bamford George
239 Duncomb Frederick
241 Westoby William
243 Wilson George LRCP & S Edin, physician & surgeon
245 Muggleton Charles Wm
247 Cole Walter Alfred
249 Salmon Mrs
251 Boulter William
253 Stevenson James Richard
255 Daniel Walter, householder
257 Jacklin herbert J, householder
259 Todd Arthur
261 Loveday George
263 Stringer Miss Clara
265 Matland Miss Martha E, dental surgeon
267 Boulton James
269 Downes Jsph Lockhart MB CM, physician & surgeon
271 Streimer Morris
273 Lee Mrs
277 Savage David
279 Brunner leonhard Friedrich
281 Stephens Daniel
283 Baynes William
285 Page Mrs, householder
287 Smith Enos, householder
289 Ball Mrs, householder
291 Smith Stephen Francis MRCS LSA physician & surgeon
293 Barrett Mrs
295 Poupard Charles George, oil manufacturer
297 Macaire Mrs
... here is Sprowston Road ...
299 Russell John, corset maker
301 Walton Miss Emily M, milliner
303 Abbott Bros, dairymen
305 Ditchett Wm, ironmonger
307 Hall Charles, butcher
309 Ward George, confectioner
311 Bendy Arth Jn, upholsterer
313 Cridge William Hy, grocer
313 National Telephone Co Ltd
315 Davies Bros, oilmen
317 Jones Arthur, watch maker
319 Hopper James Hy, chemist
323 Payne George, boot maker
325 Colwill Charles, draper
327 Andrews James F, baker
329 Princess Alice PH, James Copper
.... here is Woodgrange Road ...
    Bishop George, greengrocer
331 Walter Egbert, florist
    Emmanuel Chrh Institute
335 Stocker Chas Joseph, surgeon
337 Sharp Mrs
339 Curtis Mrs
341 Jex Robert Yaxley
345 Smith Mrs
    Woodgrange Baptist Chapel
347 Brown Mrs
349 Fry Mrs
351 Hipwell Mrs
353 Mackrow George Colby
355 Devan William
357 Thomas Owen
359 Olofoers John
361 Comerford William
363 Planner Henry
365 Foot Paris K F
367 Randall Ernest Bidgood MD surgeon
... here is Richmond Road ...
369 Spratt leslie
371 Bendix David Carl
373 Few Arthur Charles, clerk
375 Mackerness Jn Wm, householder
377 Stursberg Fredk, householder
379 Drew Edwin, householder
381 Rodger Miss, householder
383 Fisher Edward, blind maker
385 Thomson Mrs
387 Allchin Mrs
389 Dolphin Joseph, householder
391 Narracott Alfred, householder
393 Lansler Alfred
395 Gordon Rt Clifford Turner, architect
397 Neale John Thos, district supt to Refuge Insuracne Co Lim
399 Smith Robert, clerk
401 Lloyd Benjamin, householder
405 Perry Wm Joseph, householder
407 O'Malley Thos Geo, householder
409 Ayton William, householder
413 Wilson David, inland revenue officer
415 Defriez John D, householder
417 Clark Mrs, householder
419 Neel Chas Edwd, householder
421 Hockley Mrs, householder
423 Pitchford Miss, householder
425 Bull Edwd Jn, householder
429 hart Geo, householder
433 Leach George, householder
435 Gristwood Mrs
437 Wilson Rodney
439 Toms James
441Morris James K
443 garnon Mrs
445 Gibson John, auditor
451 Tatchell Edward J, harness maker
453 Ferguson Joseph Johnston, chemist
455 Lacy Mrs H, grocer
457 Lacy Mrs H, fancy repository
459 Mansfield Thos, encaustic tile manufacturer
461 Blakehurst John, draper
463 Blundell Geo Hy, confectioner
165 Holttum Harry, butcher
467 Hardwick George F, wine & spirit merchant
467 National Telephone Co Ltd
469 Watling Mrs Louisa Jane, fruiterer
471 Brown James, baker
... here is Balmoral Road ...
473 Budden & Co, grocers
473 Post & Money Order Office & Savings Bank
475 Taylor Wm, provision dealer
477 Cleare Miss Elizabeth, confectioner
479 Carlton Wm & Sons, corn chandlers
511 Young John E, householder
513 Whitehead Thos D, householder
515 Pike Ernest, householder
517 Stapleton Joseph
519 Sedgwick Ernest
521 Massey John W, householder
523 Ford Mrs, householder
527 Oakley James R, vaccination officer, West Ham Union
529 Baker Charles, householder
531 Beatton James, householder
533 Tennant John, householder
535 McDuell Jas P, householder
537 Payne Fredk Geo, householder
539 Steward Mrs, householder
541 Tribe Arh H, chief officer
543 Walters Chas A, householder
545 Cook Ulric, householder
547 Mawer Mrs Marie, dressmaker
549 Joseph Saml, householder
551 McLean Harry E, householder
553 Morris Mrs, householder
555 Edsall Horace, clerk
557 Thrift Mrs, householder
563 Long Thos, householder
565 Smith James, householder
567 Beer William Jn insurance agent
569 Skingli Wm, householder
571 Coe Edward, clerk
573 Thornton J Armitage, surgeon
575 Turner Mrs, householder
577 Whittle Mrs, householder
579 White Sydney T, householder
581 palmer Hy E, householder
583 Wilson Septimus, engineer
585 Banks W Henry, solicitor
587 Humphreys Alfred, householder
589 Bailey Miss, householder
591 Crane Thomas, manager
593 Rumsey Charles, householder
597 Roberts Miss, householder
599 Reffell Edwd, householder
601 Willmott Edwd, householder
603 Parsons Samuel, householder
605 Lawrence John, householder
... here is Hampton Road
    All Saints Church

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