Man Loaded with Mischielf

Stratford 1902 Post Office Trade Directory Street Listing

History of Stratford in 1902

Stratford street index

This is a complete listing from the 1902 Trade Directory of all Private and Commercial residents in Stratford in 1902. It does not list everybody, usually just those whom either own a property or whom run a  commercial venture.

[75] Leytonstone Road, from Maryland Point

west side
    Cart & Horses PH, Francis W M Symes (1 Maryland Point)
... here are Windmill Lane & Well Street ...
7 Cassenham Bros, tailors
11 Channing Benj, beer retailer
13 Friend Benjamin, tailor
15 Bond Saml & Co, linen drapers
17 McGovarin Chas, leather seller
17 Newland Jn Jas, hair dresser
19 Bryant Charles Edward, wardrobe dealer
21 Addis & Lascelles, grocers
... here is Francis Street ...
23 Simmons Edwd, coffee rooms
25 Spiro Bros, waterproof mas
27 Lanham Francis, clothier
29 Vincent & Co, ladies outfitters
31 Ormes Edward, watch maker
33 Harbour Henry, greengrocer
37 Chemical Dry Cleaning & Dyeing Co
37 National Telephone Co Ltd
39 Sayer Mrs Mary Ann, news agent
41 Teverson & White, pork butchers
43 Weaver Henry George, general salesman
45 Burnes Fredk, corn dealer
47 Newman Henry, butcher
47a Hart Charles, fishmonger
49 Wilson Thos, zinc worker
51 Potter John, coach builder
51a Norton Miss Helena, milliner
53 Scott Mrs Eliza, confectioner
55 Minnikis Barnett, tobacconist
55a Spashott Arthur J, umbrella maker
57 Frost Jn Goldstone, boot maker
59 Hooper William C, tailor
61 & 63 Johnson Samuel, outfitter
65 & 67 Johnson Samuel, outfitter
69 Cartwright & Co, chemists
71 & 73 Taplow & Co, beer, wine & spirit merchants
75 Greaves Jas Rd, pawnbroker
77 White William, oyster rooms
79 Gadsby William, basket maker
81 Malcolm John, hair dresser
83 Alcock Henry, beer retailer
85 Himpleton Arthur George, gas fitter
85 Rivett H & Co, watch makers
87 Andrews Miss Sarah, confectioner
89 Reid Walter Nathaniel, greengrocer
91 Morton Richard, tobacconist
91 Chapman Henry, boot maker
93 Williams John Robert, provision dealer
95 Rowe George, fishmonger
97 Harmer Chas & Sons, butchers
... here is Maryland Street ...
99 Goddwin H O & Co, oilmen
101 & 121a, Bales Mrs Sarah & Son, boot makers
103,105 & 107, Marshall Henry, draper
109 Solder Casper, beer & wine merchant
111 Gossling & Son, grocers
113 Nichols John, butcher
115 Grewcock Wm Hy, baker
... here is Maryland Road ...
117 Strange William, clothier
119 Nash Jabez, ironmonger
119 Home & Colonial Stores Lim
121,121a & 101, bales Mrs Sarah & son, boot makers
123 Boots Cash Chemists (Southern) Ltd
125 Hood Thos Wm, ham dealer
127,129,131 & 133 Middleton Wm, linen draper
    Fire Alarm Post
... here is Henniker Road ...
135 & 137 Hersom Samuel, lead & glass merchants
139 Beer James William Chas, financial agent
141 Roche Mrs J, dress maker
143 Green Thos Frdk, dentist
145 Elliston Mrs Emmeline, milliner
147 Witt & Co, dress makers
149 Neiman Arthur, tobacconist
153 Snape Farnham, butcher
155 Pocock Bros, boot makers
157 Davies E & Co, fancy repository
    Post & Money Order Office & savings Bank
159 Vincent Andrew W, grocer
... here is Chobham Road ...
161 Vile Charles
163 Miedinger Frnk, householder
169 Taylor William
171 Brown Benj, ladies blouse maker
173 Smith Geo, householder
175 Collings Jas Sydney, householder
181 Stuttle Alfred, householder
187 Petty & Ellis, cycle makers
189 Springman David, fruiterer
191 Cowell Edgar, wardrobe dealer
193 Milner Chas, confectioner
195 Melton Richard Wm, oilman
... here is Chandos Road east ...
197 Crichton Alex, hosier
199 Steedman David, baker
201 Unwin William, grocer
205 & 207 Wood, Cole & Co Lim, house furnishers
209 Clark William, tobacconist
211 Nelson James & Son Ltd, butchers
213 Morris Emanuel, fried fish shop
215 Reed Joseph, chemist
... here is Wingfield Road ...
217 Beaumont Percy Edgar, tobacconist
219 Dickson Thos A, book seller
221 Cohen Alfred, tailor
223 Schmidt George, butcher
225 Barlow Mrs Eliza, collar dresser
227 Bullen William, cork cutter
229 Harding William
233 Barker Joseph
235 Nicholls Sydney Richard MRCS Eng, LRCP Lond, physician & surgeon
237 Allen Ernest Edward
241 Wayman William Fredk Mardorf John (Crownfield House)
    Fire Alarm
... here is Crownfield Road ...

east side
    Maryland Point:
    Maryland Point Railway Station
    Tyne Main Coal Co
    Ind, Coope & Co Lim, brewers
    Porter Thos & Co, coal merchants
    Rickett Smith & Co Limited (incorporated with Rickett, Cockerell & Co Lim), coal merchants
    Warren F & Co Lim, coal merchants
... here is Forest lane ...
    Trinity Presbyterian Church
4 Phillips & Co, auctioneers
6 Godfrey Philip, ironmonger
12 Dorton John
14 Robb - Smith Alexander MB CM, physician
16 Yorkshire Grey PH, Robert Tomlin
18 Vernon Sidney, professor of music
    West ham Board School
24 Stone Sydney, confectioner
26 Watkins Joseph Chas, draper
28 Morton Richard Hy, tobacconist
30 Gregory Thomas, confectioner
32 Goldsworthy Henry, unredeemed pledge stores
34 Brooke Arthur, confectioner
... here is Arrow Street ...
36 Hilton Mrs Charlotte A, brace maker
38 Morgan Fredk, coffee house
40 Robinson Samuel, blind maker
42 Thompson Fdk T, stationer
44 Wright Robert, butcher
46 Lawson Henry Augustus Wellesley, physician & surgeon
... here is Bow Street ...
48 Royal Hotel, John Griffiths
50 Lock Mrs Kate, tobacconist
52 Cordery Mrs Annie, confectioner
54 Kirby Thomas, dairy
53 lambert Alfred
58 & 60 Goodson William Henry, physician & surgeon
... here is Buxton Road ...
60a & 62a, Moate Thomas, costume warehouse
62 Francis William LRCP Lond, surgeon
66 Jordan Mark Wm, florist
68 Richardson David, watch maker
70 Thomas Francis, shirt & collar dresser
72 Gilbert Thos J, pianoforte maker
74 Woodcock Swan, auctioneer
76 Stratford New Town Conservative Club (John Chas Chivers, steward)
78 Smith Wm W, house furnisher
80 Saten John, hair dresser
82 Essex arms PH, George Francis Penney
... here is Gurney Road ...
84 Jones Benjamin, auctioneer
86 Gredley Edmund
90 Ellis Joseph, householder
92 Gardner John & Sons, dyers
98 Luton Walter S, confectioner
100 Grimstone George, domestic machinery dealer
102 Edwards Reuben Henry & Co, photographers
104 Elliott Samuel, hair dresser
106 Edwards Edward & Herbert, drapers
108 Waidson Joseph William, furniture dealer
110 Mansfield Reuben, job master
112 Rogers Thomas, beer retailer
... here is Janson Road ...
114 Poole Miss, householder
116 Poulter Mrs, householder
126 Keehner Wm, householder
128 Kirk Alfred, builder
130 Laws Mrs Marion, tobacconist
134 Cummings Arthur Pollard LRCP, MRCS surgeon
136 Hine Alfred Leonard LRCP Lond, physician & surgeon (Eppingdale)
138 Freedman Samson, house furnisher
140 Tooley john, tobacconist
142 Webb & Co, oil & colormen
144 Metropole Boot Co
146 Collins Bros, hosier
148 Blumenstock Charles, pork butcher
150 & 152 Heaton & Co, drapers
154 Sizer Frank, corn dealer
156 & 158 Norris William & Alfred, fishmongers & fruiterers
160 Dennis Brothers, butchers
162 Webb & Co, grocers
164 Coppen Bros, provision dealers
166 Marshall & Co, bakers
... here is Cann Hall Road ...


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