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Stratford 1886 Commercial Trade Directory

History of Stratford in 1886

Stratford 1886 Commercial Traders index

The nature of Stratford and its population rise leads me to split the indexes of the Commercial Traders for 1886 into individual pages, roughly alphabetical.

Commercial  Traders

Underwood James, baker, 67 High Street
Unwin Stephen, wine & spirit merchant, 50 Broadway
Vallance James, beer retailer & grocer, 1 & 2 Martha Road, Keogh Road
Vallance Thomas James MD, surgeon & registrar of births & deaths for the Stratford sub district, 27 Romford Road
Vande Wall & Co, lamp black makers, Marshgate lane
Veale Jonathan, linen draper, 123 Leytonstone Road
Vernon Emily (Miss), ladies school, 10 Leytonstone Road
Vernon Sidney, professor of music, 18 Leytonstone Road
Victoria Wine Co, 124 The Grove
Vincent Andrew W, grocer, 159 Leytonstone Road
Volckman William & Charles, wholesale confectioners, 370 High Street; & 101 Bishopsgate Street within, London EC
Volland Robert, pork butcher, 369 High Street
Wade William, baker, 20 Crownfield Road
Wager Robert, shoe maker & greengrocer, 25 St James’ Road
Wait James, Cart & Horses PH, Leytonstone Road
Walker Edward Charles, tobacconist, 91 Vicarage Lane
Wallis & Oliver, grocers, 21 Leytonstone Road
Wallis Frederick, shopkeeper, 57 Chandos Road
Walmsley George Sackett, licensed maltster, 26 High Street
Walsh Thomas, laundry, 207 Vicarage Lane
Wanty Chas B, linen draper, 117, 119 & 121 Leytonstone Road
Warby Murrell, vegetable & fruit salesman, 15 Stratford Market
Ward Frederick, painter, 35 Albert Square, Forest Lane
Ware John Henry, brush maker, 40 Dunmow Road north
Warne Joshua, coffee rooms, 75 High Street
Warr Charles Wesley, shopkeeper, 9 Store Street, New Town
Warran William, butcher, 56 Chatsworth Road
Warren Frederick & Co, coal merchants, Maryland Point, Leytonstone Road & Martin Street & Stratford Market
Warth John, vegetable salesman, 5 Stratford Market
Warwick William, boot & shoe maker, 76 Angel Lane
Wasey Robert, butcher, 31 Vicarage Lane
Wassell Walter, grocer, 310 High Street
Watkins John, earthenware dealer, 371 High Street
Watkinson Stallwood Frederick, beer retailer, 33 Lett Road
Watling Louisa (Mrs), boys day school, Prospect House, Romford Road
Watson William Roberts, confectioner, 52 Leyton Road, New Town
Watton Thomas, accountant & collector of local rates, 31 Romford Road & Town Hall
Wayland Henry John & James, watch makers, 380 High Street
Wayman Richard, carpenter, 77 Leytonstone Road
Wayte Mary Ann (Mrs), chandlers shop, 129 High Street
Webb Chas, fishmonger & fried fish shop, 77 & 79 Vicarage Lane
Webb Charles, hair dresser, 69 Vicarage Lane
Webb Henry, shopkeeper, 69 Abbey Lane
Webb James, builder, Brydges Road, New Town
Webster Robert Benj, vegetable salesman, 12 Stratford Market
Weekes Brothers, brick makers, Burford Road
Weekes Thomas & William, lime & cement manufacturers, Channelsea Road, Burford Road
Wehrle Andrew, watch maker, 103 Leyton Road, New Town
Weightman Frederick James, teacher of science, Oak Villa, Caernarvon Road
Weller & Pratt, butchers, 32 Broadway
Welsh Henry, zinc worker, 1 Burford Road
Wesley James Frederick, architect, 277 Romford Road
West William & Sons, rope makers, Marshgate Lane
West Ham Gas Works (James Madge, sec; Edward Henry Thorman, manager), Union Street, High Street
West Ham Liberal Association (Hugh W Reeves, sec), 105 The Grove
West Ham Radical Alliance Club (Henry Weaver, hon sec), 370 High Street
West Albert, solicitor, 102 Romford Road
West Mary (Mrs), Steam Ship PH, 49 Howards Road, Forest Lane
West Thomas, beer retailer, 128 Crownfield Road
Westoby William, butcher, 97 Leytonstone Road
Weston Alfred & Co, tobacconists, 13 Windmill Lane, New Town
Weston & Westall, salt merchants, Stratford Market
Weston Stephen, wardrobe dealer, 397 High Street
Weybret Henry, shoe maker, 49 Chatsworth Road
Wheat Benjamin, vegetable salesman, 10 Stratford Market
Wheeler Charles William, wheelwright, Windmill Lane
Whenn Robert, baker, 33 Leytonstone Road
Whimp John, stationer, 75 Leyton Road, New Town
White Alfred, coffee rooms, 8 Broadway
White David, boot & shoe maker, 203 Leytonstone Road
White Elias, umbrella maker, 114 The Grove
White Henry, auctioneer & insurance agent, 6 Romford Road
White John, ginger beer maker, Martin Street
White John, shopkeeper, 13 Waddington Street
Whitehouse Thomas Gill MD, surgeon, 14 Leytonstone Road
Whybro David, Rising Sun, Romford Road
Whymark William, butcher, 128 Maryland Road
Wicks Thomas George, linen draper, 278 High Street
Wesner Robert, hair dresser, 237 High Street
Wilderspin Alfred, vegetable salesman, 7 Stratford Market
Wileman Arthur, tobacconist, 28 Romford Road
Wilkes & Co, stone & brick merchants, Phoenix Wharf, High Street
Wilkinson Wm Thos, oil & color man, 10 Howards Road
William & Thomas, linen drapers, 44 Broadway
Williams Eliza (Mrs), firewood merchant, 127 High Street
Williams George, dairy, 91 Leyton Road, New Town
Williams George, oil & color man, 57 Vicarage Lane
Williams Henry, baker, 27 Chapel Street
Williams Henry Prydderch, chemist, 88 Leyton Road, New Town
Williams James, provision dealer, 137 Leyton Road, New Town
Williams James, soap manufacturer, Carpenters Road
Williams Robert T, grocer, 89 Angel Lane
William William Alfred, corn & flour merchant, 409 High Street
Willis Henry, shopkeeper, 29 Francis Street, New Town
Willis Thomas, solicitor, Alexander House, Great Eastern Road
Willmer Charles, chemist, 144 Major Road, New Town
Wilmshurst Stephen, confectioner, 147 Leyton Road, New Town
Wilson & Whitworth, printers, 20 Broadway
Wilson George, brick layer, 155 Leyton Road, New Town
Wilson George (Mrs), grocer, 116 Maryland Road
Wilson Thomas, zinc worker, 49 Leytonstone Road &  40 Manbey Street
Wilton John & son, candle works, Carpenters Road
Windett James W, draper, 329 High Street
Winkley Samuel, butcher, 45 Angel Lane & 358 High Street
Winnett George, news agent, 161 Chobham Road
Winstone Benj & Son, printing ink manufacturers, Sugar House Lane
Wintle George, dairyman, 257 High Street
Wire Ephraim E, builder, Dunmow Road north
Wire John, house agent, 6 The crescent, Leytonstone Road
Witherick Samuel, confectioner, 174 Leyton Road, New Town
Willmann Christian, baker, 160 Maryland Road
Wood & Co, grocers, 11 Burley Place, Crownfield Road
Wood Alfred, boot maker, 166 Chobham Road, New Town
Wood Charles, beer retailer, 83 Leytonstone Road
Wood William, butcher, 153 Leytonstone Road
Woodbridge George, oilman, 71 Angel Lane
Woodcock & Lucas (Misses), ladies school, 203 Vicarage Lane
Woodcock Thomas, dairy, 205 Leytonstone Road
Woodrow Thos, grocer & provisions, 25 Leyton Road, New Town
Woods Wakefield, butcher, 184 Chobham Road
Woodward Kate (Mrs), dress maker, 149 Romford Road
Woollorton Brothers, linen drapers, 152 The Grove
Wright Ellen (Mrs), fruiterer etc, 99 Leytonstone Road
Wright John Robert, butcher, 10 Globe Crescent, Forest Lane
Wyatt james, coffee rooms, 20 Hughenden Terrace, Leyton Road
Yewen Caleb, chemist & druggist, 108 Crownfield Road
Young & Marten, lead, oil, colour & glass merchants, 100 Broadway & Caledonian Works, Romford Road
Young Everett Isaac, baker, 65 Chobham Road, New Town
Young John, builder, 103 Major Road
Young Percy, baker, 3 Windmill Lane
Zachelmayer P, hair dresser, 80 Leytonstone Road



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